Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C170 Preparing for a Rainy Day

C170 Preparing for a Rainy Day

Before she got off work, Gu Xiaohui received a phone call. When she saw that it was Ma Junhao calling, she picked up the phone and asked:    


"Junhao, did you call me for something?"    


Ma Junhao questioned, "Gu Xiaohui, what do you mean? Why did you ask someone to send your company's information over? Are you testing my intelligence, or are you showing off your identity as the chairman to me?"    


Gu Xiaohui explained, "Junhao, you misunderstood. I wanted you to look at the information first and get familiar with our company's situation."    


"I didn't go to your company to work, so why should I be familiar with your company's situation? Even if you want me to get familiar with your company's situation, why didn't you come personally? It's not like you can't find my home? " Ma Junhao said with a reproachful tone.    


"Actually..." Gu Xiaohui originally wanted to send information to Ma Junhao when she went to the shed last night and was followed by Zhang Xuezhong. He held her hostage in a house and tried to force her into it. But she felt that it was not good to tell him about this, so she swallowed what she wanted to say.    


"Actually what?" Ma Junhao questioned, "Actually, you want to put on airs in front of me and deliberately let an assistant send me information to disgust me, right?"    


Gu Xiaohui remembered the grievances she had suffered for Ma Junhao and immediately became angry. She said coldly,    


"You can think whatever you want. Sorry, I have been very busy recently and did not have time to come and see you. If you are willing to look at the information, you can look at it. If you are not willing, you can just throw it away as a waste!"    


Ma Junhao saw that Gu Xiaohui was angry at him and only then did he realize that he had said something wrong. He hurriedly apologized, "Xiaohui, I am sorry. Listen to my explanation..."    


"There's nothing to explain. If you want to come to our company to work, then... Just look at the information carefully. If you think our company is small... If you can't afford to invite a great Buddha like you, you can choose not to look!" Gu Xiaohui's anger had yet to dissipate. Without waiting for Ma Junhao to speak, she hung up the phone with a bang.    


Dudu! Dudu!    


At this time, there was a knock on the door.    


"Come in!" Gu Xiaohui looked at the door and saw Sun Yan push the door open and enter the room. She asked, "Ms Sun, do you need something?"    


Sun Yan closed the door and walked to the opposite side of Gu Xiaohui's desk. She said, "I have already contacted the other party. He agreed to send the person who saved you to follow Shen Ao and find Ye Ping's whereabouts..."    


"That's great." After Sun Yan said that, Gu Xiaohui's mood became slightly better. She asked, "Did he not make any conditions? ”    


"No!" Sun Yan shook her head and said, "He only hopes that you can protect yourself and manage the company well!"    


"This person is too good to me. I always trouble others like this. She really felt a little apologetic, "Gu Xiaohui thought for a while and said," How about this? Wait until the people he sent to investigate Ye Ping's matter clearly. Arrange a time for us to meet. I will thank him face to face!"    


"Okay, no problem!" Sun Yan readily agreed and thought to herself, "Actually, this person is your husband, Wu Xu. If you knew that Wu Xu secretly sent someone to protect you, will you be moved by his sincerity and cry in front of him?"    


However, under such circumstances, Sun Yan could not tell Gu Xiaohui the truth no matter what.    


Because Sun Yan was afraid that if she told Gu Xiaohui about this matter, Gu Xiaohui would mistakenly think that Wu Xu had sent someone to follow her, causing their relationship to become even more tense and counterproductive.    


Ring, ring, ring!    


An electric ringtone sounded. It was time to get off work.    


A wave of noisy human voices and footsteps could be heard coming from the corridor.    


The employees who got off work walked out of the office and rushed to the public elevator entrance in the corridor. They were ready to take the elevator downstairs.    


At the same time, there were a few knocks on the door.    


Sun Yan turned around and went to open the door. She saw Gu Xiaohui's driver and bodyguard, Liu Chuang, who had just been selected from the security team, standing at the door of the room. She said to him,    


"Liu Chuang, from today onwards, the safety of the Director Gu will be left to you. You must protect her well!"    


Liu Chuang immediately stood up and promised Sun Yan, "Don't worry, Ms Sun. I will definitely ensure the safety of the Director Gu!"    


"Okay. Go into the office and ask. See what arrangements the Director Gu has!" After Sun Yan finished speaking, she walked straight out of the room.    


After Liu Chuang entered the room, he stood opposite Gu Xiaohui's desk and asked, "Director Gu, it's time to get off work. What arrangements do you have?"    


After Gu Xiaohui had just finished talking with Ma Junhao, she originally wanted Liu Chuang to send her to the shed area. She met Ma Junhao and told him in person. After telling him that she wanted him to be familiar with the company's situation, she wanted him to be the general manager of the company. However, he felt that the time was not ripe yet.    


In addition, it was Liu Chuang's first day at work, so he had not figured out this person's background yet. What if he knew too many things and betrayed him? If he revealed Ma Junhao's address, someone would go and cause trouble for him. That would be dangerous.    


Therefore, she hesitated for a moment and said, "There's nothing to arrange. In a while, you can drive me home directly!"    


"Okay!" Liu Chuang nodded and asked, "When does Director Gu plan to go home?"    


"Now!" Gu Xiaohui said and put the phone into her handbag. She carried the handbag and walked out of the chairman's office.    


Liu Chuang followed closely behind her and observed the surrounding movements. He was afraid that someone would attack her, so he followed her into the special elevator for the chairman.    


Very quickly, the elevator reached the first floor.    


Liu Chuang was the first to walk out of the elevator. Seeing that there were no abnormalities around, he respectfully invited Gu Xiaohui to come out of the elevator.    


Gu Xiaohui saw Liu Chuang's conscientious look and could not help but laugh. She said, "Liu, don't be so nervous. It makes it seem like everyone in the country is a soldier. It makes me feel a little uncomfortable!"    


Liu Chuang said with a serious face, "Director Gu, protecting your safety is my responsibility. If anything happens to you, I can't explain it to all the employees in the company. I'm even more sorry that I got that salary from the company. It's better to be careful. This is called taking precautions! "    


"Hehe," Gu Xiaohui laughed lightly and said, "Looks like you know quite a lot. You even know what 'taking precautions' means? "    


"Hehe." Liu Chuang scratched his head with his hand and laughed foolishly. He said, "When I was in the army, the chief taught us. As for what exactly it meant, I really don't know. I hope Director Gu can teach us."    


Gu Xiaohui explained, "Preparing for the rain means that before it rains, we should first repair the doors and windows of the house. It means that everything should be prepared in advance to prevent accidents from happening..."    


Liu Chuang smiled and said, "Haha, I really guessed the meaning of this proverb!"    


While they were talking, the two of them had already walked in front of Gu Xiaohui's Mercedes-Benz 500 private car. Liu Chuang used the remote control to open the car door and went to open the back door for Gu Xiaohui.    


After respectfully inviting Gu Xiaohui to get in the car and sit in the back seat, Liu Chuang opened the front door and sat in the driver's seat. He put on his seatbelt and started the car.    


In a short while, the Mercedes-Benz slowly drove out of the parking lot on the first floor of Gu's Group and quickly merged into the traffic on the street.    


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