Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C90 Difficulties

C90 Difficulties

"Do you need to reconsider?" Sun Yan tried to comfort him.    


"There is nothing to think about," Gu Xiaohui said, shaking her head. "But Wu Xu is injured and hospitalized, and he is my husband. I hope you can keep the divorce a secret for me."    


"Please rest assured, Chairman. I will keep your matter a secret. As your assistant, I am wholeheartedly thinking of you. In your work and life, I will share your worries and worries. This is my duty, and also the least moral quality of an assistant! " Sun Yan replied.    


Since Gu Xiaohui had already decided to divorce Wu Xu, there would definitely be something difficult to say. With her difficulties, there was no need for Sun Yan to get involved.    


"Thank you!" Gu Xiaohui smiled gratefully at Sun Yan and asked, "Do you have anything else?"    


"No!" Sun Yan shook her head.    


"Go ahead then!" Gu Xiaohui waved at Sun Yan.    


"Okay. If the chairman has any instructions, feel free to ask!" Sun Yan said goodbye to Gu Xiaohui and turned to leave the chairman's office.    


Gu Xiaohui reclined on the comfortable rotating office chair and stared blankly at Sun Yan's back as she left.    


She thought to herself, "What is so special about Wu Xu that Ms Sun can put in a good word for him?"    


Gu Xiaohui knew in her heart that as her father's assistant, Sun Yan also knew about the relationship between her and Wu Xu. It was impossible for there to be any relationship between them, but from Sun Yan's attitude towards Wu Xu, it's highly revered and appreciated.    


Ring, ring, ring!    


A pleasant ringtone interrupted Gu Xiaohui's contemplation.    


Gu Xiaohui picked up the phone that she had placed on the desk after entering the office. It was Ma Junhao who had called. She picked up the phone and asked:    


"Junhao, is there something you need?"    


"I know you've been busy these two days, so I didn't have the nerve to call you. Do you know? I was so worried that I didn't get any news from you. Have you finished dealing with your father's matters?" Ma Junhao's concerned voice came from the phone.    


Gu Xiaohui replied, "Yes, it has been settled. Thank you for still thinking about my father's matter!"    


"You are welcome. I am deeply concerned about your father's misfortune," Ma Junhao asked. "Where are you now? Can I see you?"    


"I am working at the company. I do not have time to visit you. When I am done with my work, I will go to your house to see you when I have time. " Gu Xiaohui replied. She recalled the matter of her conflict with him at Ma Junhao's house that day. She felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.    


"Going to work? Where do I work?" Ma Junhao asked on purpose.    


"I work in Gu's Group. I will take over my father's position as the chairman!" Gu Xiaohui answered truthfully.    


"Ah? You are the chairman now?" Ma Junhao said with a surprised tone, "Congratulations, congratulations on becoming the chairman of Gu's Group."    


Gu Xiaohui replied, "There's nothing to congratulate me about. After my father passed away, there were many things that needed to be dealt with in the company. I have no experience in managing a company. I have a lot of work in my hands, and I almost could not breathe."    


"If you really can't handle it, I can ask your company to help you and manage the company with you," Ma Junhao said.    


"You help me?" Gu Xiaohui frowned and asked, "You lie in bed all day and don't listen to what is happening outside the window. How can you help me?"    


"How am I lying on the bed every day? I often sit in a wheelchair in the yard and read books about corporate management, "Ma Junhao asked Gu Xiaohui." Xiaohui, you are now the chairman of Gu's Group. Are you afraid of being with a disabled person like me? You will lose face and start to dislike me? "    


Gu Xiaohui defended herself and said, "Junhao, why do you say such things? If I wanted to dislike you, I would have long disliked you. Why wait until today?"    


"Then why didn't you come to our house to see me for so many days? Why didn't you let me share the company's matters with you and manage the company together with you?" Ma Junhao questioned.    


Gu Xiaohui replied, "On the one hand, I have been handling my father's funeral matters these few days. I am indeed very busy and do not have time to visit you at your house. On the other hand, I have just taken over the Gu's Group and the matters in the company have not been settled yet. If you were to participate in the management of the company at this time, there would be people who would not accept it. If you are being gossiped about, you should wait for a period of time before coming to work in the company. "    


" Sorry, I made things difficult for you, "Ma Junhao said apologetically." Xiaohui, I have missed you very much these few days. Can you take some time to come to our house? "    


"Then... Gu Xiaohui had encountered so many things and felt very troubled. She always wanted to find someone to talk to. She felt empty in her heart, so she said to Ma Junhao, "After work, I will try to go to your house."    


"Okay, I will wait for you!" Ma Junhao was delighted in his heart and said straightforwardly, "Tonight, I will ask us to prepare two more dishes to celebrate you becoming the chairman of Gu's Group!"    


"There is nothing to celebrate. Just let auntie cook two dishes. There is no need to be so troublesome!" While they were talking, Gu Xiaohui suddenly saw the vice chairman, Zhao Jianbing, standing in front of the office door. She said, "I have some things to deal with now. I won't tell you anymore. We'll talk about it when we meet tonight!"    


Before Ma Junhao could say anything, Gu Xiaohui hung up the phone immediately.    


After putting down the phone, Gu Xiaohui quickly stood up from the sofa and waved at Zhao Jianbing, saying:    


"Director Zhao, why are you here? Quickly invite in!"    


Gu Xiaohui knew that Zhao Jianbing was an upright person and had contributed a lot for the development of the company. He and Hou Guangsheng were both senior members of the company and had a certain influence and influence in the company. Now was the time to use people. She still needed to borrow his power to get rid of this rotten worm, Hou Guangsheng. They must not offend him. They must treat him with respect.    


Therefore, she personally went up to welcome Zhao Jianbing into the office. She arranged for Zhao Jianbing to sit on the bench and sofa in the office, face to face with him.    


Gu Xiaohui said with an extremely respectful tone, "Uncle Zhao, I know you are my father's right-hand man. I didn't expect my father to encounter misfortune. I was rushing to the rack. I just came to take over the position of chairman. I just came to the company to work. I'm not familiar with the situation in the company. I hope you can support and help me!"    


"Director Gu, you are too serious," Zhao Jianbing replied. "If you need anything in the future, just say it. The reason I came to you is to ask you, do you know where Wu Xu is now?"    


"No... I don't know." Gu Xiaohui did not want others in the company to know about her relationship with Wu Xu, so she tried to cover it up. "I... I don't know where he is now either."    


"Since you don't know about his situation, why did you make the decision on your own during the company meeting and announce on the spot that the Deputy Minister of Business Department, Li Zhi, will replace him?"    


Gu Xiaohui explained, "I was afraid that the Business Department would become a mess if no one took the lead. In a moment of desperation, I let Li Zhi represent me. What's wrong?"    


Zhao Jianbing replied, "Let me tell you the truth. This Li Zhi is the spy that the deputy chairman, Hou Guangsheng, planted in Business Department. This person is ignorant and only knows how to flatter. You asked him to take over the position of the Business Department's head. I'm afraid there'll be a problem..."    


"Ah? How could this be?" Only then did Gu Xiaohui realize that she had made a serious mistake. She mumbled, "Since you know that Li Zhi is not qualified to be the head of the Business Department, why don't we raise an objection in the meeting room?"    


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