Best Assassin Son-in-law

C425 Deactivation of Bombs

C425 Deactivation of Bombs

Lei Bao shouted and rushed at Jiang Feng. He was so fast that in an instant, he was right in front of Jiang Feng.    


Lei Bao's hands turned into claws as he grabbed at Jiang Feng's neck.    


There was true energy flowing through Lei Bao's hand, and the tip of his fingernail was sharp like a knife. Even if it didn't hit Jiang Feng directly, the true energy above could still cut through Jiang Feng's throat.    


Lei Bao wanted to test Jiang Feng's skills. If Jiang Feng couldn't even dodge one move, then there was no need to keep him. Xiao Chen didn't want to be a cripple anymore.    


The corner of Jiang Feng's mouth curled up into an evil smile. He similarly clawed towards Lei Bao's hand.    


Their fingers were interlocked.    


Jiang Feng grabbed forcefully. Lei Bao knew things were not good and quickly retracted his arm, but he was still a bit too slow.    


Jiang Feng firmly grabbed onto Ye Zichen's hand, causing a "ka" sound to ring out.    


Lei Bao's four fingers were broken by Jiang Feng.    


Lei Bao endured the piercing pain and raised his leg to break Jiang Feng's arm. However, Jiang Feng was even faster and kicked Lei Bao's lower abdomen.    


Lei Bao was kicked out like a cannonball by Jiang Feng. He rolled five to six rounds on the ground before stopping.    


Looking at his bent fingers, Lei Bao was furious.    


"Kid, I must kill you today."    


As a Martial Master, Lei Bao had one of his hands crippled by Jiang Feng in one move. This made him extremely angry.    


Ever since he became a Martial Master, he had never been in such a sorry state. Even when he was sparring with Xiao Chen, he had never been like this.    


"A Martial Master dares to boast before me?!"    


Jiang Feng looked at Lei Bao with disdain as he spoke.    




Lei Bao roared in anger, increased his speed to his fastest, and rushed towards Jiang Feng.    


When he was one step away from Jiang Feng, he quickly changed his direction and went around Jiang Feng's body to the back.    


"Go to hell."    


Lei Bao stretched out his palm and formed a claw with his five fingers as he tried to grab the back of Jiang Feng's heart.    


This was Lei Bao's famous ultimate skill, Black Panther Steals Heart.    


Lei Bao had killed countless people with this move, but against Jiang Feng today, he was at the end of his rope.    


Jiang Feng didn't look back and just let Lei Bao attack his body.    


Lei Bao's fingers grabbed the center of Jiang Feng's back and issued an ear-piercing sound.    


Lei Bao looked at Jiang Feng in fear.    


"Astral Body Indestructible!"    


Lei Bao would never have thought that Jiang Feng would actually be able to practice the Heavenly Dipper Indestructible Body. That was a defensive move that only the masters of the Grandmaster Realm would be able to practice.    


Lei Bao suddenly regretted coming to Chu Prefecture, but it was already too late.    


Jiang Feng slowly turned around and looked at Lei Bao with a smile.    


"Are you a precelestial master?"    


Lei Bao's forehead was covered in cold sweat. If a Martial Master did not show mercy to a Grandmaster, then he would only have one ending, and that would be death.    


"Is a precelestial really that strong?"    


Jiang Feng revealed a mysterious smile. The next second, Jiang Feng's hand grabbed Lei Bao's neck.    


Lei Bao's eyes were wide open. His legs were desperately waiting for something to happen, but he was still unable to break free.    


Jiang Feng exerted force with his five fingers and snapped Lei Bao's neck with a "ka" sound.    


Lei Bao's legs drooped straight down to the ground without any signs of life.    


Jiang Feng shook his hands and threw Lei Bao to the side. He clapped his hands and then took out his phone. He called Hou Liang and asked him to come over and deal with the situation.    


However, without thinking about it, Lu Si's voice came out of Hou Liang's phone.    


Jiang Feng, I really didn't expect that we would meet again so soon. Hou Liang is in my hands now, and if you don't want him to die, then come to the wasteland on the east side of the city. There is an abandoned factory there.    


"If you don't see your person within half an hour, then just wait for Hou Liang's corpse to be collected."    


Lu Si said arrogantly on the other end of the phone.    


"Lu Si, if you dare to hurt a single hair on Hou Liang, I'll let you know what is called hell on earth."    


"Jiang Feng, what time is it now? You still dare to threaten me? You still have 29 minutes. Hurry up. If it's too late, you will only see Hou Liang's corpse."    


Lu Si hung up the phone with a weird smile.    


Jiang Feng did not dare to delay any longer and headed towards the ruins on the east side of the city.    


Hou Liang, who was tied up tightly, struggled. As he was the most stuck on by the tape, he could only make a "wuu" sound.    


"He seems to have something to say. Take the tape off."    


Lu Si ordered his men to remove the tape on Hou Liang's mouth.    


"Lu Si, you and the others will die a horrible death. If you have the guts, then kill me right now."    


Hou Liang glared at Lu Si and cursed.    


Lu Si wasn't angry.    


"Hou Liang, save your strength. If it was in the past, perhaps I would have had some scruples towards you, but now, you are already unable to protect yourself, and you still have the mood to scold me. The current you is simply not worth letting me do it, and if it wasn't to kill Jiang Feng, I wouldn't even bother to pay attention to you."    


Hou Liang suddenly realized that Lu Si wanted to use him to get rid of Jiang Feng.    


"Lu Si, even if I die, I will turn into a ghost and kill you."    


"Hou Liang, what era is it now? You're still saying such weird things. Even when you're alive, I'm not afraid of you. Even if you turn into a ghost, what can you do to me?"    


Lu Si waved his hand, and his men glued Hou Liang's most closely, and also put on a vest with a time bomb for Hou Liang and Hou Hao.    


Lu Si set the time to explode after 20 minutes and then left the factory with his men.    


He didn't forget to mock Hou Liang before he left.    


"Hou Liang, I really have to thank you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have had such a good opportunity to kill Jiang Feng. I hope that you would like it after the explosion."    


"No, you should have been directly turned into dust from the explosion. You simply couldn't enjoy the process at all. What a pity."    


Lu Si laughed and left, leaving Hou Liang and Hou Hao alone.    


When Jiang Feng felt it, Hou Liang and Hou Hao's time bomb only had a minute left.    


Jiang Feng removed the tape from Hou Liang's mouth and looked at the time bomb on their bodies with a serious expression.    


The time bombs on the two of them were completely different. Furthermore, they had been handled by a special method and were extremely rare. No one knew where Lu Si got them from.    


When Hou Liang saw Jiang Feng, his first reaction was excitement, but seeing that there wasn't much time left, all his hopes turned into ashes.    


"Jiang Feng, leave the two of us alone. Leave quickly and don't fall into Lu Si's trap."    


Lu Si caught us just to deal with you. Hurry up and leave, or we will all die. It doesn't matter if we die, as long as you can avenge us.    


From Hou Liang's point of view, although Jiang Feng was unfathomably skilled and had great medical skills, but bombs were not something that ordinary people could touch. He also did not believe that Jiang Feng knew these things.    


Hou Liang's anxious face even changed his voice.    


"Shut up."    


At this moment, Jiang Feng had already dismantled the time bomb on Hou Liang's body.    


Hou Liang looked at Jiang Feng in disbelief.    


There were less than thirty seconds left.    


Jiang Feng's hands moved so fast that it was almost impossible to see clearly. It was only a few seconds before the shell of Hou Hao's time bomb was removed.    


Red, blue, yellow, green, and four lines showed beneath the time bomb's display.    


However, Jiang Feng didn't touch the four wires. Instead, he took off the monitor with a black string hidden inside.    


Jiang Feng cut off the black line without any hesitation.    


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