Best Assassin Son-in-law

C314 Black List

C314 Black List

Jiang Feng hung up the phone and walked into Wang Rou's room, only to find that Wang Rou had already left.    


Jiang Feng planned to drive directly to the Wanmu branch, but he found out that the car keys were in Wang Rou's hands.    


Jiang Feng went downstairs and caught a taxi to the Million Wood Branch. Just as he was about to call Qin Minn and ask her to inform the couple, he saw that Wang Rou and Cao Lin were also there.    


Jiang Feng followed the two of them as they walked into Director Chen Qi's office.    


Jiang Feng was puzzled. Why would the two come to the bank and ask at the front desk?    


"Hello, I would like to ask, what did that mother and daughter do at our bank?"    


The staff member was very polite.    


"Hello sir, you said that mother and daughter are here to handle a loan. Do you know them?"    


"Oh, that's my wife and my mother-in-law."    


"They are at Director Chen Qi's office. Is there anything else you need help with?"    


"No, thanks."    


Jiang Feng took out his phone and informed Qin Minn that he had arrived at the branch.    


For the Chu Prefecture project this time, Wang Guoqiang and Cao Lin had poured everything they had into their savings, but the company's funds had become vacant, and they could only turn to bank loans.    


"Director Chen Qi, we really need the money right now, so please give us the money as soon as possible. Our company has about a hundred people waiting for the money."    


Cao Lin spoke with sincerity.    


Chen Qi looked absent-minded as he looked at the document in his hands.    


"Your company is too small, according to our regulations, we can only lend you 20 million. As for the 200 million you mentioned, don't even think about it."    


He then placed the document on the table and pushed it in front of Cao Lin.    


Twenty million was not even enough for the Wang Family Corporation to use for turnover. If they could not fill the gap, the company would very likely go bankrupt because of the collapse of the capital chain.    


Cao Lin was extremely anxious.    


"Director Chen Qi, please think of a way. 200 million is not even a drop in the bucket for your bank, and our company is definitely worth that, so there is no way for us to go back on our word."    


Chen Qi turned his eyes and stared at Wang Rou.    


"It's not impossible for me to lend to your company, but you have to fulfill one condition for me."    


Upon hearing that there was still hope, Cao Lin hurriedly asked.    


Chen Qi smiled obscenely at Wang Rou.    


"Let her spend the night with me. I'll lend you money right away."    


Cao Lin looked at Chen Qi in surprise, while Wang Rou directly refused.    


"Don't even think about it, I won't agree."    


Wang Rou was about to leave with Cao Lin.    


"Don't be in such a hurry to leave. Once you leave, I'll immediately call the banks and no one will give you a loan. When the time comes, you'll have to wait for your company to go bankrupt and you'll lose your projects in Chu Prefecture."    


Wang Rou looked at Chen Qi in excitement.    


"You're too despicable."    


"I don't believe no bank is willing to lend us a loan. People like you should die."    


Wang Rou was so angry that her entire body was trembling.    


"Don't be so thick-skinned, I'll let you accompany me for a night. I'm happy as well, and you're also comfortable. What's wrong with you having a loan? Are you just going to watch your family painstakingly operating for so many years go bankrupt?"    


Chen Qi threatened.    


Wang Rou picked up the glass of water on her desk and threw it at Chen Qi.    


After being splashed on the face of Wang Rou, Chen Qi wiped it away with his hand. Then, he pushed Cao Lin away and kicked her to the ground.    


"What kind of woman hasn't laozi slept with? laozi likes you when he wants to sleep, but doesn't give you face when you're given one."    


Chen Qi pointed at Wang Rou and scolded her angrily. How nice to be heard by Jiang Feng, who walked to the door.    


Jiang Feng rushed into Chen Qi's office and saw Wang Rou lying on the floor clutching her stomach.    


Without saying anything, he directly grabbed Chen Qi's hair and smashed him onto the desk.    






Chen Qi was beaten senseless by Jiang Feng.    


Cao Lin quickly stopped Jiang Feng.    


"Jiang Feng, stop right now. Today's matter is related to our Wang Family's company. Don't be rash."    


Jiang Feng released Chen Qi's hair and punched him in the face.    


Chen Qi screamed as he held his bleeding nose.    


Jiang Feng picked up Wang Rou.    


"Are you hurt?"    


Jiang Feng asked in concern.    


Wang Rou shook her head and held Jiang Feng's hand.    


Wu Tie could feel that Wang Rou was still trembling. He wanted to teach Chen Qi a lesson, but Wang Rou stopped him.    


"Hubby, let's go back. I don't want to stay here anymore."    


Jiang Feng rubbed Wang Rou's hair.    


"I must have him give me an explanation today."    


Chen Qi wiped the blood off his face and looked at Jiang Feng vigilantly.    


Let me tell you, you guys beat me up today. This matter isn't over, I only need to make a phone call and no bank will give your family a loan. If they don't want to see the company go bankrupt, then make them kneel down and apologize to me.    


"Whether you want the money or the company to go bankrupt is up to you."    


Chen Qi said arrogantly.    


Jiang Feng broke away from Wang Rou and Cao Lin. He kicked Chen Qi down onto the wall, grabbed his collar and slapped him hard across the face, causing the hair on Chen Qi's eyes to stand on end and his ears to ring.    


"Immediately apologize to my wife, or I'll kill you."    


Chen Qi looked at Jiang Feng with a trace of fear in his eyes. However, he didn't believe that Jiang Feng would really kill him.    


The commotion in the office had already attracted the attention of the surrounding people.    


Wan Mu Branch President Zhang Hui rushed over upon hearing the news.    


Chen Qi quickly pleaded for himself to be wronged.    


"Governor, this group of people are simply hurting our conscience. According to the rules, I cannot lend them the amount they want, so they start beating us up. Look at what they did to me. My ears are buzzing right now, you have to uphold justice for me!"    


Seeing that, Cao Lin quickly explained.    


"President Zhang, it was not like he said. Chen Qi attacked my daughter first, you can't just listen to his side of the story."    


"This is a bank, how dare you hurt people?"    


Zhang Hui didn't listen to Cao Lin's explanation at all. She called the security guards and had them call the police.    


Cao Lin didn't expect Zhang Hui to be so protective of Chen Qi. For a moment, she was flustered.    


With Zhang Hui backing him up, Chen Qi was even more arrogant.    


"Kid, I will definitely let you pass through this prison."    


Jiang Feng stepped forward but was stopped by the security guards.    


"If you don't want to die, then scram to the side."    


A strong killing intent was emitted from Jiang Feng's body. The security guard felt as if a pair of invisible hands had grabbed him by the throat.    


Jiang Feng slapped Chen Qi again.    


Chen Qi spat out a mouthful of blood, and at the same time, he also had a molars.    


"President, you've seen it right? He's still so impudent even when you're here."    


"Brat, you're too arrogant."    


Zhang Hui shouted.    


"Do you believe that I will have all the banks ban your company and blacklist you?"    


Jiang Feng pointed at Zhang Hui and said coldly.    


"I've already blacklisted you and him."    


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