Best Assassin Son-in-law

C332 A Master of Art Is a Man of Courage

C332 A Master of Art Is a Man of Courage

Han Shoushaan's words made Hu Binn feel as if he had been struck by lightning.    


He was really playing with a big knife in front of Master Guan. He didn't expect Jiang Feng to be his Grand Master.    


Huang Jueming was even more shocked. He knew that Jiang Feng was powerful, but he did not expect that Godly Doctor Han, who just came to Chu Prefecture, was Jiang Feng's student.    


Huang Jueming's intestines were turning green. If he had known earlier, he would have asked Jiang Feng to treat his daughter directly.    


Huang Jueming walked over to Han Shoushaan.    


"Elder Han, you're more familiar with Jiang Feng than I am. Could you help me beg for help and let him treat my daughter?"    


Han Shoushaan glanced at Huang Jueming, helpless.    


"Old Yellow, we have known each other for many years. There are some things I must tell you clearly. As Jiang Feng's student, do you think I have the ability to order him to treat someone?"    


"You'll have to handle this yourself. I can't help you."    


Han Shoushaan shook his head and dragged Hu Binn out of the room.    


Huang Jueming followed.    


The only ones left in the room were Huang Tiantian and the stupefied Zheng Meng.    


"Jiang Feng is Godly Doctor Han's teacher?"    


She couldn't accept this fact. Not only did Jiang Feng make her lose her job, he even wanted to rob her house.    


If Jiang Feng really cured Huang Tiantian, then this entire building would belong to Jiang Feng, right?    


She had to stop Jiang Feng. It would be fine if she lost her job, but if she gave this building to Jiang Feng, then she would really become an ordinary person. Zheng Meng was unwilling; she had to think of a way.    


Outside the room, Hu Binn, who knew Jiang Feng was his Grand Master, hurriedly apologized to Jiang Feng.    


"Grand Master, I hope that Grand Master will forgive the offense that you have just committed."    


Hu Binn's attitude was sincere and he lost his arrogance from before.    


Jiang Feng nodded, accepting Hu Binn's apology.    


"Doctor, you need to cure yourself first. Do you understand, if you don't have a healthy heart, and how you treat others, you need to first understand your own abilities to cure them? In the future, don't be so rash, go back and learn from your teacher."    


Jiang Feng lectured Hu Binn like a teacher.    


"I, your disciple, will remember your teachings. When I return, I will definitely learn medicine from you."    


Jiang Feng nodded.    


"Although Taiyi Needle are powerful, they are not omnipotent. In a situation like Huang Tiantian's, using Taiyi Needle can only eliminate the effects of the poison, but if you want to completely cure her, you need to use other methods. The combination of the two can completely cure her disease."    


Jiang Feng's words once again broke their common sense.    


Even Han Shoushaan thought that Taiyi Needle were omnipotent. After all, there was a legend saying that Taiyi Needle were able to skin and bones of the dead. But now, it seemed that there was something that Taiyi Needle could not do.    


Huang Jueming was now even more certain that Jiang Feng could cure his daughter, but because of what had happened, Huang Jueming didn't know how to tell Jiang Feng.    


However, for his daughter, he could only grit his teeth and beg Jiang Feng.    


"Divine Doctor Jiang, I'm not denying that I have my own selfish thoughts, please understand. After all, Zheng Meng is my relative, but you are the only one who can cure my daughter right now, so I'm begging you, please treat my daughter."    


"Teacher, I've known Huang Jueming for many years. Not only is he skilled in medicine, his medical ethics is the same as well. He treats patients with all of his strength, and he hopes that teacher can treat his daughter."    


Han Shoushaan now pleaded for Huang Jueming.    


Huang Jueming looked at Han Shoushaan gratefully.    


Jiang Feng nodded. "Follow me in."    


Zheng Meng, who was in the room, was staring at the silver needles on Huang Tiantian's body. Jiang Feng had pointed to one of the silver needles and said that it was not in the right position, and if it was stabbed a little further, it would harm Huang Tiantian. In order to prevent Jiang Feng from getting this building, Zheng Meng could only think of one way, which was to stab the acupuncture point that could harm Huang Tiantian.    


After struggling internally, Zheng Meng finally decided to make a move. For her sake, she had to sacrifice Huang Tiantian.    


Just as Zheng Meng was about to pull out the silver needle, Jiang Feng and co. entered the room.    


Huang Jueming saw Lili's movements and quickly shouted for her to stop.    


"Zheng Meng, what do you want to do?"    


Zheng Meng was a little nervous, but after all, she hadn't had the chance to take action yet.    


"Uncle, I was just looking at these silver needles on my cousin's body. I don't have any other intentions. You know that I don't even know any medical skills, so I'm rather curious."    


Zheng Meng explained with a guilty conscience.    


Huang Jueming quickly told Zheng Meng to stand back and let Jiang Feng treat his daughter.    


Jiang Feng pulled out the silver needles from Huang Tiantian's body and used the same method and the same position to expel the poison.    


Jiang Feng had shown Hu Binn and Han Shoushaan his way, and it was a practice lesson.    


"What Hu Binn did wasn't a problem. The only thing to notice is how strong each needle is, how to control the depth of the needle, and how to accurately control the acupuncture points."    


Now, with these needles, it would be able to boost her liver and kidney functions to begin dissolving the accumulated toxins in her body. However, in order for her to return to her original appearance, she would have to use another acupuncture technique.    


The red lumps on Huang Tiantian's face had already started to darken due to the rapid decomposition of the poison within her body. In fact, they were withering at a speed visible to the naked eye.    


Seeing that the pimples on his daughter's face had changed, Huang Jueming became excited.    


Jiang Feng gave the needle again. Han Shoushaan and Hu Binn stared at Jiang Feng, but they had never seen the way Jiang Feng did it.    


Huang Tiantian's face was now full of silver needles, even her eyelids.    


Han Shoushaan and Hu Binn looked at each other, and the same word appeared in their minds at the same time.    


The spell formation that Jiang Feng used was the one he used the most.    


When Jiang Feng was still a killer, he had to change his appearance and get close to his target. The Change Form Needle was a magical needle technique that could change one's appearance.    


Huang Tiantian's face had already changed color. Even if the Taiyi Needle removed the poison from her body, it wouldn't be able to make her return to her original appearance.    


Although Huang Tiantian had recovered her original appearance, her face was full of pimples.    


However, this was already considered a miracle.    


Huang Jueming thanked Jiang Feng quickly and promised to give the building to him.    


However, Zheng Meng stopped him.    


"Uncle, you can't give this building to him. This was saved up by many generations of your family."    


"Shut up! Do you think I don't know what you're thinking? If it wasn't for this building, would you have been kind enough to find a doctor for your cousin and treat her illness?"    


"Yes, she found me for this building."    


At this time, Hu Binn also stood up and revealed Zheng Meng's intentions.    


Although Zheng Meng was unhappy that Jiang Feng got this building, she couldn't do anything to Jiang Feng now, so she left dejectedly.    


Jiang Feng pulled out the silver needles on Huang Tiantian's body and let her look at herself in the mirror. He also reminded her to be mentally prepared.    


When Huang Tiantian saw her current appearance, she was so emotional that she cried. Although she hadn't recovered to her original appearance, at least she still looked like her original person.    


Huang Tiantian thanked Jiang Feng profusely.    


Huang Jueming immediately knelt down as well.    


"Jiang Feng, please accept me. I want to learn medicine from you to treat more patients."    


Jiang Feng saw his sincerity, so he didn't agree or make a decision. He only told him that he can teach him when he has time.    


Huang Jueming was grateful and kowtowed three times to Jiang Feng.    


Jiang Feng originally wanted to give it to Wang Rou, but Jiang Feng never thought of it. In any case, there were plenty of Beauty Pill, so Wang Rou could have as many as she wanted.    


"Keep this Beauty Pill well. Take it before you take a bath. I guarantee that you will return to your original appearance."    


Huang Tiantian didn't dare to accept it.    


"Your father acknowledged me as his teacher. Although he is not my disciple, he is still considered my student. Moreover, your father even gave me this entire building. If I don't give an explanation now, I really can't do anything about it."    


Huang Tiantian excitedly accepted the Beauty Pill that Jiang Feng passed to her.    


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