Legend of Sword King



With a dong sound, the battle drum's sound exploded.    


Shen Bei stared at the spear in front of him, and from his throat came a loud roar: "Enter!"    


Rushing right through the formation, there was still three miles to go until they reached the walls of the Uighur City. If they had come too close and formed a formation, they would have been taken care of by the enemy's crossbows.    


Following Shen Bei Wang's orders, the charging army started to advance, they did not gallop, but started to advance steadily. The battle formation of eight thousand soldiers moved out one after another. Their formation was still as neat as before. The ground was shaking as they stepped on their boots. The sound of the armor rings resounded and dust filled the air.    


Many of the soldiers in the formation carried ladders, while some were pushing nests and carts. The latter was like a giant beast that was hibernating in the array.    


The tall city walls of the Sun Moon City gradually approached.    


Currently, there was no noise in the ears of Cheng Qing and the others. The deafening sound of the battle drums drowned out all other sounds. This was the music to mobilize the will to fight, and also the order to make the charging army throw away their lives.    


When they were a thousand steps away from the city wall, Cheng Qing could still hear the muffled sound of the bowstring and the shrill sound of a sharp arrow piercing through the air. In his field of vision, there were hundreds of bed crossbows that were as thick as bamboo poles. With the support of the symbols, they shined with bright rays of light and drew an hurried line in the air, covering his head.    


It was also at this moment that the battle drum behind them suddenly became louder, louder, and more dense, like the sound of thunder, causing one's blood to boil.    


"Kill!" Shen Bei Wang used his cultivation and his roar resounded clearly in the ears of every soldier.    


The 8000 Hengchong army erupted with shouts like the tides. They responded to the battle drums and started to run at full speed from the front. At this moment, the originally orderly formation was no longer in a formation. Only a surging tide of people could be seen sweeping towards the city wall.    


"Kill!" Just like a raging bull, Song Qianshu pushed his speed to the maximum as he charged forward.    


Cheng Qing saw that something was wrong and quickly grabbed him, shouting next to his ear: "You ran so fast, are you in a hurry to die?!"    


The sound of the battle was too loud. If Cheng Qing did not roar, Song Qianshu would not have been able to hear him.    


Song Qianshu turned his head in shock. He was confused by Cheng Qing's reprimand. This was his first time on the battlefield, so how could he have known that leaving a large group of people and charging out alone was equivalent to becoming a target for the enemy?    


Cheng Qing, however, didn't have much time to talk. A bolt pierced through the air and whistled in front of him.    


Honestly speaking, the coverage of hundreds of crossbows hitting the eight thousand soldiers was very small. Ordinary arrows would have been like drizzling rain, but this was the crossbow arrow of the crossbow. It could string up several soldiers with a single bolt.    


Facing the incoming arrow, Chen Qingsong opened Song Qianshu's path and dodged to the side without hesitation. Unless it was a strong warrior at the prison level, there was no possibility of him being able to defend against the crossbow. Cheng Qing had to avoid it.    


Miserable screams rang out from behind him. It was the cries of the soldiers who had been struck by the crossbows on the bed before they died. Cheng Qing looked back and saw smoke and dust flying everywhere. Many soldiers were shot by the crossbows and nailed to the ground. Even if they were lucky, they wouldn't live long.    


The formation revealed bits and pieces of a blank space.    


The empty space was quickly filled by the following soldiers. Cheng Qing didn't pay them any attention and continued charging forward. Using his agile movement techniques, he dodged left and right, shuttling through the crossbow arrows like a fish. He wasn't harmed in the slightest.    


Not long after, the charging army entered the area where the arrows were shot from the city walls. The situation was not as optimistic. In Cheng Qing's field of vision, a rain of arrows flew from the city walls like locusts, flying in a beautiful arc and falling into the rushing army.    




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