Legend of Sword King



The Western Lion Soldiers, who were unable to disperse in time, were struck by the fire dragonfire pillar, and their bodies began to burn in the blink of an eye. The left and right wolfwalkers hastily jumped away. The scene fell into a momentary chaos. The tight crowd of people guarding Cheng Qing no longer existed!    


Following closely behind, Cheng Qing's eyes turned cold as he performed Lotus Blooming Step by Step's sword move. He dashed into the group of scattered wolves blocking the way. Along with a straight line of blood mist, Cheng Qing smoothly arrived in front of that woman.    


Warrick was not burned to death by the fire dragon, and at that moment the shield saved him, but his robes and hair were charred black and messy.    


Without waiting for him to stabilize himself, the goose winged tiger swooped down. It stretched out its claw and pounced straight down on Shi Hao's head!    


Warrick let out a shrill scream and quickly rolled to the side! With an explosive boom, the giant claw of the goose winged tiger smashed into the ground, sending rubble flying everywhere.    


As soon as Warrick stood up, he used both his hands to protect his face from the flying rocks. Just as he was about to turn around and run away, his heart suddenly shrunk. Without waiting for him to realize the danger, his vision began to spin!    


He saw his own body spitting blood, and also saw Cheng Qing slashing his neck!    




He had been decapitated and died!    


The Warrick opened its bloody mouth in fear, but could no longer let out a wail.    


The soldiers nearby saw that Yan Luo had been killed, and their heads were rolling on the ground. Some of them retreated in shock, some roared, and some screamed in despair.    


Facing the two wolves that pounced towards him, Cheng Qing didn't even make a move. However, the huge pair of wings of the goose winged tiger passed right in front of him like a hurricane.    


Amidst the dull sounds of impact, a circle of the wolfwalker's body floated into the air like leaves being blown away by the autumn wind.    


After several rounds of flapping, there were no longer any Uighurs left within twenty steps of Cheng Qing!    


The blank spots in the crowd clearly proclaimed the might of the Swallow Winged Tiger!    


The most pitiful of them all was Yan Mo's headless body. It was sent flying to the roof by the goose winged tiger, where it let the eaves pierce through its stomach and hang there, blood continuously flowing down.    


The Uighur soldiers who were twenty steps away involuntarily retreated, pulling away from the geese winged tiger. Their faces were filled with extreme fear.    


Right at this moment, the goose winged tiger let out a long roar towards the sky. The rumbling roar was like a tide of thunder, unceasingly surging in the chest of the returning warriors, making their faces turn pale.    


Such a mighty and ferocious beast was something they had never seen or heard of. It made them feel as if they couldn't fight it head on!    


The fearsome body of the goose winged tiger and its soul-piercing roars caused the warriors of the Hui Wei to retreat in fear; however, when the cultivators of Western Paradise, who were fighting in various places, sensed the commotion and saw such powerful reinforcements appearing from afar, their spirits were greatly lifted.    


The reinforcements that had slaughtered their way into the Sun Moon City had already made all of the cultivators of the Western Paradise aware of their existence.    


Even the cultivators fighting in the City Lord's Mansion were quite far from the reinforcements, and at this moment, under the stimulation of the Swallow Winged Tiger, all of them unleashed their full potential, launching counter-attacks at the Uighur Warriors to support them in battle!    


The cultivators of the Tranquil Sky Sect and the disciples of the White Deer Cave rushed out of the small courtyard. They killed their way back to the Uighurs, causing them to cry out in pain.    


Although they only had a few hundred people, they were fearlessly charging at thousands of enemies. However, they could still advance by leaps and bounds. Its imposing aura was sharp and domineering, just like a giant chariot flying straight through a group of infantry soldiers. It could crush all obstructions!    




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