Legend of Sword King



For a young girl without Essence Qi to be able to defeat a cultivator at the Xumi Stage so easily, this was against common sense. However, common sense was something that was often used to break, and those that could break common sense were naturally not ordinary existences.    


Cheng Qing took the Cosmic Bag from the girl and poured out a bit of Essence. This time, he had four Cosmic Bags, so he poured out much more than last time. The small mountain was half the height of the wolf girl.    


As expected, Cheng Qing saw the girl's bright eyes, even more dazzling than a night pearl. This was probably the only change in the girl's eyes.    


Just like last time, the girl only chose food. However, this time there was a lot of food, so the young girl couldn't take it all away. Thus, when she carried the pile of food and found that there was still a lot of food that she couldn't take away, she could only stare blankly at the rest. She stayed for a long time, as if she didn't know what to do.    


Looking at the young girl clumsily hugging a pile of scattered food to her small chest, she felt pitiful. Cheng Qing had no choice but to take out a gunny sack from his Cosmic Bag and put all the food in it. Now all the food was packed, except the sack, which was no smaller than the little girl's size.    


Cheng Qing handed the sack to the young girl. The young girl's bright eyes looked deeply at Cheng Qing before she carried the sack and ran far away. Such a big sack seemed to be weightless on her shoulders, and as she ran, it floated up in the air.    


Looking at the girl's back, Cheng Qing didn't know what expression to make. Every time he stayed with her, it was as if his EQ was plummeting.    


Although his EQ was off, his IQ was not. Cheng Qing quickly understood that the young lady had only acted to stop Qin Tianyu because she recognized him. In the eyes of the young girl, the last time Chen Qing opened her Cosmic Bag and allowed her to obtain a lot of food, she owed Cheng Qing a favor, so she did not hesitate to make her move this time.    


"She is a mysterious, powerful, and distinct young lady. In his heart, Cheng Qing quietly fixed the wolf girl's personality. However, this didn't dispel the doubt in his heart, "Why is it that she always takes the initiative to deal with the wolfwalker?"    


Cheng Qing didn't think much of it and walked over to Qin Tianyu with a shake of his head.    


The other party was already out of breath. His heaving chest was dark red, and blood was still trickling from the corner of his mouth. The girl in wolf robes had pierced through his heart. Furthermore, the white bone dagger's shape was peculiar. When it was pulled out, it would open up a wound. Currently, Qin Tianyu's chest was bleeding profusely.    


Qin Tianyu stared at Cheng Qing in despair, his eyes filled with resentment and unwillingness.    


His cultivation talent was excellent, otherwise he wouldn't have reached the fifth level of the Xumi Stage at such a young age. If he continued to grow, his future achievements would not be any lower than Qin Zong Quan's. Even in the entire Western Lion Empire, such a person would be a genius with a bright future. Now that he died in the hands of Cheng Qing, a nameless newbie that he didn't even know, he was naturally resentful and unwilling.    


Cheng Qing knelt down beside Qin Tianyu, took out a small pill, and stuffed it into Qin Tianyu's mouth. At the same time, he pressed down on his chest, helping him to heal his injuries.    


As soon as the Small Recovery Pill entered his body and he felt the vigorous medicinal energy and vitality of the pill, as well as the recovery of his injuries, Qin Tianyu's eyes were immediately filled with hope. At the same time, doubt flashed across his eyes as he turned to Cheng Qing.    




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