Legend of Sword King



Qin Tianyu had been keeping an eye on his surroundings ever since Cheng Qing fired his first arrow. When Cheng Qing made his move again, he had already noticed it, even though the arrows were extremely fast.    


After Qin Tianyu shouted, he suddenly dodged to the side to avoid being hit by the arrows from behind. Then, he waved his hand: "Go up and kill him!"    


He had brought 12 cultivators with him, but three of them had died in the blink of an eye. Moreover, they were all experts of the fourth or fifth grade of the Xumi Stage. When the remaining nine people heard Qin Tianyu's call, four of them immediately dashed up the hill.    


Ordinary crossbow archers were not good at close combat. As long as they could get close to their opponents, they would almost completely annihilate them. This was the reason why there were so few crossbow archers in the martial arts world and only a few in the military. It was because of this that Qin Tianyu did not have such a person by his side. Unlike the Uighurs, who were from the grasslands, everyone rode and shot.    


After shooting three arrows, Cheng Qing jumped down from the treetop. Of course, he knew that his position would be discovered. This was inevitable, but he didn't care.    


The four cultivators rapidly approached in a fan-shaped formation. Clearly, they were all experts. With the cover of the forest, they did their best to not give the crossbowmen a chance to display their skills.    


Cheng Qing didn't plan to stay there any longer and didn't foolishly rush down to meet them head on either. Including Qin Tianyu, his opponents still had ten fifth-grade Xumi realm cultivators. Their chances of victory wasn't high.    


When Cheng Qing came down from the hillside, he had already familiarized himself with the terrain and ran very quickly. Although the four pursuers' cultivation bases were high, they still had to be on guard against Cheng Qing's cold arrows, so they couldn't close the distance between them.    


The forest came to an end. In front of them was an open area. Cheng Qing didn't hesitate to charge up. He jumped behind a protruding rock, squatted down, and loaded the crossbow onto the Qian Jun. He lifted the crossbow and aimed it at the forest two hundred steps away.    


The four pursuers quickly chased after Chen Qing. Seeing that he had disappeared without a trace after jumping behind the rock, one of the anxious cultivators rushed out without slowing his speed in the slightest.    


Cheng Qing's lips curled up as he pulled the trigger. A blue light flashed by and struck the cultivator in front of his chest. As if he had been struck by a heavy hammer, the instant the bloody light appeared, he was sent flying backwards and heavily crashed into the ground, only leaving a miserable shriek behind.    


As for the other three cultivators, they were not as reckless as that person. Seeing the vast expanse of land in front of them, they slowed down and became cautious. Seeing that his comrade had been killed by the arrow, he immediately dropped to the ground. Some of them even retreated behind the trees, using the tree trunk to hide their bodies.    


Cheng Qing looked at the cultivator hiding behind the tree trunk and estimated the thickness of the trunk. Because it was far away and the angle wasn't good, he stood up from behind the rock. The bowstring made a muffled sound as the arrow flew out. It pierced the tree trunk and pierced the back of the cultivator's heart. With a miserable cry, the cultivator fell to the ground.    


Seeing this, a smile flashed across Cheng Qing's face. He took back the thousand catties and moved back behind the stone to fill the crossbow. With his current amount of spiritual energy, he could shoot out eight arrows. He had already shot five, but Cheng Qing wasn't in a rush.    


The remaining two cultivators were lying prone on the ground. Seeing that their companions, who were hidden behind the tree trunks, were unable to escape their fate, they both felt a sense of fear. In his heart, he now had a deeper understanding of the power of a thousand kilograms. This realization made them especially fearful. When they looked at each other, they could see the astonishment in each other's eyes.    




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