Legend of Sword King



Previously, he was afraid that Cheng Qing would drag him down, but now, he had to thank Chen Qing for being with them.    


Only Sun Qilin didn't come over to talk to Cheng Qing at all. He just stood to the side and pretended to enjoy the scenery.    


Even if Cheng Qing had a strong battle record, Sun Qilin wouldn't be convinced. He had long since considered Yang Ruoxi to be a good woman, so he hated Cheng Qing. It was impossible for people to admire their enemies.    


The muscles on Sun Qilin's face twitched as he heard the words of Yang Hu and Zhou Tai. With a voice only he could hear, he gritted his teeth and muttered, "What's so amazing about? Isn't it just relying on an Essence Crossbow?"    


Seeing Yang Ruoxi and Chen Qing standing together and chatting merrily, the hatred in Sun Qilin's eyes intensified. He had already secretly made up his mind that he must find an opportunity as soon as possible to eliminate Cheng Qing.    


"The Essence Crossbow is a long distance combat weapon, it's useless in close combat. I just need to find an opportunity to get close to him and suddenly make a move. With my fourth level Xumi realm cultivation, wouldn't killing him be as easy as crushing an ant?"    


Cheng Qing and the others didn't know what Sun Qilin was thinking. Yang Hu and Zhou Tai only thought that he couldn't win their respect, so they didn't mind. They cut off the ears of the wolfman and used it as proof of their battle achievements.    


The ears were given to Yang Ruoxi, she was the captain and would keep them for herself. As for how to distribute them afterwards, it was actually very simple, whoever killed the person would get the reward.    


He had taken down one of the wolfwalker strongholds and even killed three Xumi Stage Fourth Stage experts. The others were all in the Xumi Stage, so everyone was very happy with their bountiful harvest.    


However, everyone didn't stay where they were. After packing up the proof of battle record, they left. After all, this was the stronghold of the Wolf Traveller. It was very likely that there would be more wolves coming here. After the intense battle, everyone needed to recuperate and recover from their injuries.    


After retreating fifty li, the group found a hidden cave and rested here for the time being.    


The cave was very big, roughly spherical in shape, with a radius of at least three zhang. The walls were all made of white stalactites. The few of them lit a bonfire in the cave and each of them found a spot to meditate.    


From time to time, Cheng Qing would look at him coldly. He knew without even thinking that it was Sun Qilin. However, he didn't mind. If the opponent just hated him, he didn't want to care. However, if the opponent dared to fight him, Cheng Qing didn't mind letting him have a taste of his own suffering.    


Everyone rested for half the night. At dawn, they opened their eyes one after another.    


At this time, everyone had recovered their spirit and vitality. Only Yang Ruoxi was still cultivating, and her aura was rising bit by bit. Strands of spirit energy gathered above her head, forming a cloud; she even had the intention of breaking through.    


Cheng Qing and the rest did not disturb him and waited quietly. An hour later, a ring of elemental energy ripples rippled out from Yang Ruoxi's body. Following that, an explosion resounded. Yang Ruoxi had successfully broken through to the sixth level of the Xumi Stage.    


"Congratulations captain!"    


"Congratulations, Sis Yang!"    


Everyone congratulated him.    


Yang Ruoxi laughed and stood up to look around. Once again, her domineering air caused people to be dazzled.    


However, her tall figure was soon defeated, because Cheng Qing had already roasted the game she caught that morning. Yang Ruoxi bent down to smell it, and after seeing the delicately roasted game, she wiped off her saliva and immediately rushed to the side of his expression, squatting on the ground and staring at him impatiently.    




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