Legend of Sword King



For example, the Black Rhinoceros Army. Even though they had suffered certain casualties, they had still charged into the wall at the first possible moment.    


However, as long as they covered up the main force and entered the second line of defense, and had the time to turn around and enter the new battle post, then the three-shot quest would be considered as a success.    


"Good brother, well done!" Bai Xiu Li rushed into the wall. When he saw Cheng Qing jumping down from the roof, he quickly strode forward and heavily punched his opponent on the shoulder with a face full of red light. The shock and gratitude in his eyes were as thick as fire.    


He was a man of the army. Even though his gratitude was greater than the heavens, his words would not be spoken out loud. He would only silently make up his mind. In the future, Cheng Qing's matters would be his. Even if they had the same fate, he would still rush ahead of Cheng Qing.    


"What I should do." Cheng Qing smiled in response to Bai Xiuli's good will, then turned serious, "The battle is chaotic, there is no time to talk about it. Everyone, it's still the same words, brave warrior Xi Liang, a bloody battle for his country, death is inevitable!"    


"Fight for our country, die without turning a corner!" Song Qianshu, Qi Mo Xuan, and the rest all wore stern and stern expressions.    


At this very moment, these eight words were not spoken loudly, but they were extremely solemn and sacred, and the weight they carried was even heavier.    


Although the second line of defense was successfully built, preventing the army from being defeated, the Western Lion Army that lost their support from the city wall would only lose more people, and it would also be faster. To die in a bloody war for their country, those words seemed so bloody at this moment.    


The Uighur army had already rushed over. Everyone entered their battle positions. Bai Xiuli jumped onto a tower and looked into the depths of the forested area. He couldn't help but feel energized.    


The second line of defense that Cheng Qing built was not built by a thin wall, but rather, deep within the city square, it laid out layers of lines, from thick to thin, all the way to the City Lord's Mansion, connecting them with the City Lord's Mansion!    


Bai Xiuli knew very well that if even the west wall was lost, the thin wall would definitely not be able to defend against the Black Rhinoceros army that was vanguard. The battlefield was destined to penetrate deep into the market area and cover every nook and cranny.    


Only by setting up layers of defenses and blocking layers of attacks would one be able to have sufficient defensive levels and thick enough defenses. Only then would one be able to defend against the heavy waves of attacks from the army.    


When the frontline could not be defended, the soldiers would retreat, and they would then add more to the follow-up line. This way, as the layers alternated, the "thick to thin" front line would be constantly enriched.    


Such a method of fighting would allow the warriors in front of them to maximize the power of that place while fighting, and also allow the warriors in the frontline to have the ability to step back and have the ability to rely on for themselves.    


It was a perfect defense line.    


Bai Xiuli thought to himself that he couldn't do better than Cheng Qing.    


Some of them had even relied on the terrain and small-scale changes to the terrain, which made Bai Xiuli feel as if he had been shocked from the heavens and felt ashamed of his inferiority.    


For example, if you pushed down the fake mountain to block the passage, used the lake to form a small gap, dug a trap that could both kill people and increase the difficulty of advancing on the flat ground, and set up a strong crossbow in a house that seemed ordinary but actually had a high advantage …    


Although these details were useless, Bai Xianli still felt his scalp tingle as he watched the wounded members of the Tranquil Sky Sect and the soldiers of the Army waving hoes and shovels everywhere. They were so busy that half of the square was turned into a construction site.    


This place would be the hell of the Uighur army!    


When he looked at Chen Qing again, the image of him drawing his bow and shooting an arrow seemed especially grand and mysterious to Bai Xiuli.    




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