Legend of Sword King



Cheng Qing raised the dagger in his hand again.    




At this time, two uniformed officials pushed their way through the crowd and rushed towards Cheng Qing, shouting orders at him.    


Seeing the two constables, the people from the Long Wind Gang immediately became enlivened. As if they had seen their savior, they shouted, "Sire, save me!"    


Cheng Qing turned his head and looked at the two bailiffs indifferently, "Why should I stop?"    


One of the senior officers said angrily, "If we tell you to stop, you have to stop! "Killing someone on the street is already an unforgivable crime. If you don't stop now, we'll bring you to the yamen for justice!"    


Cheng Qing replied with a sneer in his eyes, "Where were you guys when we were hit? While we were protecting ourselves, you guys appeared. "If you don't ask me the cause and effect of this matter now, you're going to take me to the yamen?"    


"We didn't see them hit you. We only saw you killing someone! Their crimes have been suspended, but you are still hurting people. That is your crimes! "    


The constable's voice was cold and filled with an unquestionable sense of justice, aloof, as if his words were the truth, "Whether they are wrong or not, it doesn't matter. If we don't stop now, don't blame us for being impolite! Don't tell me you want to go against the yamen? "    


Cheng Qing shook his head. "I don't want to hear any more of your words."    


He looked at the crowd of Long Wind Gang and smirked, "Do you think they can save you?"    


As he spoke, his dagger had already pierced through the throats of the members of the Long Wind Gang.    


The eyes of the Long Wind Gang members were wide open. Even on the verge of death, they could not believe that Cheng Qing would actually kill him in front of the officials and yamen runners.    


Wasn't it natural for ordinary citizens like Cheng Qing to be fearful when they saw a constable who was wearing a uniform and representing the government?    


Cheng Qing was not afraid.    


He stood up, looked at the two constables who were trembling in anger, and said expressionlessly, "When evil occurs, you never show up in time to protect the people you should have protected. After that, you will only use the excuse that you have overstepped your guard to question the citizens who have been injured in order to show your status and existence. How are you worthy of the word 'constable'? "    


Cheng Qing suddenly smiled. "Since you can't stop evil, it will only appear after evil has occurred. Now, you can come and collect their corpses — this is probably your only use."    


The two constables were infuriated. They glared at Cheng Qing like they wanted to rip him to shreds.    


"Cheng Qing …" Lin Xin wanted to say something but hesitated. She didn't think that Cheng Qing would actually dare to speak to the government officials like this. However, the Cheng Qing in front of her was too different from the usual young man in the market.    


The previous Cheng Qing didn't dare to kill, how could he?    


To them, although the Long Wind Gang was ferocious and had the power to ride on their heads, it was, after all, only the identity of an evil person. They hated it and wanted to resist, but the speed at which a constable acted was different, they represented the authority of the imperial government, who would dare to oppose the imperial government?    


At this moment, they could no longer understand what was happening before them. They could not understand the young man with the dagger.    


The old constable's name was Qian Zhong. He was in his forties, and although he did not have much ability or position, he had been used to being looked up to by the people over the years. He used his words and actions to define good and evil.    


He could not allow this feeling to suddenly disappear, especially in front of a young man who had no power or influence.    


Qian Zhong gritted his teeth as he unsheathed his blade and walked towards Cheng Qing, step by step. "This old man is going to break the law! I'll take care of you today and show you what the law is!" I'll let you know the consequences of disrespecting a constable! "    




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