Legend of Sword King



He walked towards Lin Xin Xin like a wolf walking towards a lamb.    


"If you dare take another step closer to her, I'll kill you without leaving a whole corpse!"    


A emotionless voice suddenly sounded, carrying an unquestionable will.    


Everyone looked towards the source of the voice and saw a youth in green clothes standing at the door of the room with his hands behind his back.    


Everyone stared blankly. They were a bit surprised, because they didn't realize when this young man had appeared. It was only when he spoke that the crowd finally saw him standing there.    


Gui Ying had his back facing Cheng Qing and stopped. He slightly tilted his head, but didn't turn around, as if Cheng Qing wasn't worthy of his attention. His voice was already filled with killing intent: "You dare to say that again?"    


When Su Mu Tang saw Cheng Qing, his eyes were filled with ferocity. The Zhanmadao on his shoulder pointed at Cheng Qing and shouted: "Killing my Long Wind Gang members and letting you live for one more moment is an insult to me. If you say another word, it will be a provocation to me, chop him off! Chop it up and feed it to the dogs! "    


There were about ten members of the Long Wind Gang in the yard. Hearing Chen Qing's words, they all rushed towards him. The one closest to him raised his saber and chopped towards Cheng Qing's head.    


"Little bastard, go die!"    


"It's not your fault that you came out of your mother's womb. If you offend our Changfeng Gang, then get the hell back to your mother's womb!"    


His movements were skilled, because he was an elite of the Long Wind Gang, his blade was very sharp, even a tree as thick as a bowl could be cut apart with one slash.    


It was impossible for an ordinary youth to dodge this blade.    


However, Cheng Qing was no longer an ordinary youth in the market.    


At the door of the house, Cheng Qing was punching the floor with his fists.    


A simple punch.    


However, he arrived first after being sent out.    


The sabre in the hands of the gang members hung over Cheng Qing's head, but they could never bring it down again.    


This was because Cheng Qing's fist had already hit his lower abdomen.    


A dull thud was heard.    


In the midst of this noise, the sect members' bodies were like balls, their stomachs instantly caved in, and their backs became protruded in the shape of a shrimp. Almost at the same time, he flew forward on his four feet, flying away irreversibly.    


At this moment, the sect members didn't even let out a scream because after Cheng Qing's punch hit him, he lost consciousness and didn't know if he was dead or alive.    


The other two members of the Long Wind Gang didn't even manage to see the situation clearly. They only saw the man in front raised his saber before his body suddenly flew away from them like the wind. They were both stunned for a moment.    


However, they were the elites of the Long Wind Gang. They were experienced in hand-to-hand combat. They knew that the young man in front of them had a few skills, so they didn't stop and attacked Cheng Qing from the left and right.    


"Die!" The two sect members shouted in unison, full of vigor.    


What was more imposing was the power that came from the blades in their hands.    


The force was so great that it caused the wind to howl.    


In this hacking motion, the attack range was extremely wide. The opponent would either raise their saber to block it, or move to the side to dodge it.    


They had two sabers, one to block the other, and the other to quickly change direction.    


If the movement range of the side dodging was too great, the speed would be too slow. After the two people's sabers slashed down, the sabers could be swung horizontally.    


No matter what, his opponent was doomed.    


This was the combination of attacks.    


Even the top elites of the gangs would panic in the face of such a joint attack.    




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