Naruto: One-click 999



At the entrance of a bustling palace.    


"The two of you, please come in."    


Two middle-aged men wearing the armor of generals spoke coldly, as if they did not care about the two elders who were respected within the Konoha.    


But even so, Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura still didn't dare to act rashly.    


This was because the two of them were well aware that these two ordinary-looking gatekeepers had reached the movie level in terms of strength.    


These two fellows were two of the three imperial bodyguards!    


"Sorry for the trouble."    


As the door opened, Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura saw a man dressed in luxurious clothing with a lazy expression eating fruits while being served by a beautiful maid.    


"The two of you are here."    


"Great name."    


"Great name."    


Although this man dressed in luxurious clothing did not look at them directly, Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura still respectfully bowed to each other.    


The person in front of him, was the number one person in Fire Nation, Daimyo Sei!    


Seeing the two of them bowing, Da Ming glanced at the two of them, indicating for them to sit down before lazily speaking up.    


"The reason you have come here, is to tell me about the matter of Konoha attacking the Hidden Fog and winning the battle."    


"Well done, I'm satisfied."    




Well done? So it was like that.    


Hearing Da Ming's words, Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura, who just sat down, had bitter expressions on their faces.    


If the two of them didn't come today, they would probably be dead by the time Xiao Tian and Tsunade came to pay their respects.    


Fortunately, those two fellows should still be dealing with the matters regarding Konoha.    


In short, now was their best chance to turn the tide.    


"Big name, the reason we're here is to tell you something important!"    




Seeing Utatane Koharu's expression suddenly turn serious, Da Ming turned to look at her and his lazy voice sounded again.    


When Utatane Koharu saw that her big name was finally looking straight at her, she did not waste any time and quickly threw out all the excuses she had prepared beforehand.    


"With your great name, although your Konoha has emerged victorious in the battle at Hidden Fog Village, and even though you have obtained a brilliant battle achievement of exterminating the other party, under this brilliant appearance, that is an incomparably ugly and dark reality."    


"Oh? Go on. "    


The laziness on Daimyo Sei's face gradually disappeared, but it remained as calm as ever. It was impossible to tell what he was thinking.    


Utatane Koharu didn't care about that. She only needed to say what she wanted to say.    


As for the other matters, they had nothing to do with him.    


"The Konoha now, although on the surface, it seems like Tsunade took over Fifth Generation Hokage, and Xiao Tian became the person in charge, but in reality, the entire Assassinate Tactical Special Forces has already fallen into Xiao Tian's hands, and the actual authority of the Konoha is also the same. Xiao Tian, he directly took over Hokage."    




Big Name was silent.    


"Actually, if it was only a matter of Konoha, then I would naturally not be in such a hurry to come to the Great Hall of Illustrious Persons and disturb their reputation. The reason I came was theoretically because of this."    


"If there is someone in the famous residence who is affected by Xiao Tian and wants to imitate him and establish a puppet regime, at that time, I'm afraid that your life will be in danger!"    


Sigh, what a fierce accusation.    


Hearing Utatane Koharu's words, the complexions of Daimyo Sei and all the servants of the Ninja in the palace instantly changed.    


Although his expression was slightly more serious than before, it still appeared calm and collected.    


Utatane Koharu was at a loss when she saw this scene.    


This Daimyo Sei, why is he so calm?    


Could it be that he really wasn't afraid of his subordinates rebelling against him? This was really too strange.    


However, just when Utatane Koharu was extremely nervous in her heart, Big Name spoke out once again.    


"Mm …" You seem to be right. Is there anything else? "    


"Yes!" "There's more!"    


Hearing that Daimyo Sei actually confirmed her point of view, Utatane Koharu's entire mood changed.    


Because she knew that her chance had come!    


Xiao Tian, since you want to harm me, then let's see who killed who in the end!    




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