My Cold Female Boss

C101 Run before and after

C101 Run before and after

It was almost eight in the morning, but the pace of life in the small town was slow, and there weren't many pedestrians nearby.    


As a result, there were a few policemen kneeling in front of the inn, which temporarily didn't attract any attention.    


"Young Master, please do well. Go make a phone call to Chief Sha and spare me this once!" I'm begging you! "    


Captain Liu kowtowed until his forehead was covered in blood, snot and tears flowed down his face as he begged Sun Hao.    


Behind him, the scum policemen that he brought with him last night seemed to have recovered a bit. They too knelt on the ground and kowtowed as they pleaded for mercy.    


As for the inn's Second Gouzi, he was not there. Sun Hao reckoned that he was seriously injured and had been sent to the hospital.    


"Do you want to block the way? Get out of the way! "    


Sun Hao bellowed, the few scum's bodies trembled, they anxiously knelt down to the side, and got out of the way.    


Sun Hao ignored their pleas, brought the seven girls behind him to the place where they parked their cars, then drove away.    


It was not that Sun Hao was too ruthless, but that the social experience told him that a scum like the Captain Liu should not have any pity at all!    


There were too many people in the lower levels of government. What they were best at was bullying the weak. The biggest characteristic of them was bullying the weak while fearing the strong!    


Don't look at how Captain Liu was kowtowing on the ground, his haggard look made people want to cry, but if they let him go, he would immediately become a big boss in front of Little People in a blink of an eye, making them look even more pitiful than he was!    


After leaving the inn, Sun Hao first drove to a cleaner breakfast shop, and brought seven girls down to eat breakfast.    


The girls who were chosen by those killers were naturally all exceptionally beautiful. After cleaning up last night, they naturally returned to their original beautiful appearance.    


Adding on the clothes they were wearing, all of them were chosen by Sun Hao.    


Although they were all street vendors, they could not hold back their clothes and clothes!    


It was just right and proper for them to wear it.    


As a result, when Sun Hao brought the seven beauties into the breakfast shop by the side of the street, they immediately attracted the gazes of half the street.    


As for the customers at the side of the restaurant, they were unable to keep their eyes away from it.    


The shopkeeper was quite reserved, but when he was making breakfast for Girls, he was exceptionally magnanimous. Sun Hao didn't expect that bringing these girls to breakfast would attract so much attention.    


Although he was thick-skinned enough, seven beauties surrounded him made him feel like he was almost unable to bear the killing glare from the surroundings.    


"Hurry up and eat. Finish eating and get back to business!"    


With Sun Hao's order, the Girls nodded and hurried to eat breakfast.    


After a while, the few of them hurriedly finished off their stomach problems and quickly returned to the car to drive away from this place.    


The SUV left the county town and went directly to the next city.    


Two hours later, the car arrived at Yunzhou City and stopped in the parking lot of the largest hospital in Yunzhou.    


Sun Hao brought Girls into the hospital, and helped them register and register for the entire exam.    


Gynecology, in particular, was the main focus ? The woman in charge of registration was already curious about the guy who came to hang up the gynecology department. When she found out that he was helping seven girls register, her face was filled with suspicion and vigilance.    


Sun Hao was shocked, thinking to himself, looking at himself like this, doesn't it look like the young ladies who have chicken heads and helpers will undergo a medical examination?    


Otherwise, how could there be a person who would help so many girls register all at once?    


Seeing the aunt's vigilant eyes staring at him, Sun Hao was afraid that she would suspect and call the police, at that time, it would be troublesome.    


Therefore, Sun Hao hurriedly flattered her, "Ah ? Big Sis has to receive so many people everyday, it's really hard work! "    


Hearing Sun Hao calling his Big Sis, the grandma's expression immediately eased up.    


Sun Hao took the opportunity to praise her a few more times before he smiled and explained to her, "In our school's sports meet, these girls all said that their stomachs were sore, so the teacher asked me to bring them for a checkup!"    


Hearing Sun Hao's words, the aunt pouted and said, "Forget it! You don't even need to explain. How could you fool me with something like this? "    


When Sun Hao heard this, he was shocked. He then heard the aunty mutter to herself emotionally, "A girl nowadays! Anyone with a bit of beauty would want to enjoy themselves. They would rather be together with the rich second generation as a lover than a proper boyfriend! "    


"Ah?" Oh... "Haha, big sister must be joking, you really make me feel ashamed ?"    


Sun Hao was stunned for a moment, then finally understood that the old lady had treated him as a fuerdai, and then treated Chen Chen and the others as his lovers!    


After understanding it, Sun Hao decided to just follow what she said and accept it. Being treated like a bunch of lovers was much better than being treated like a peddler or a chicken head!    


As expected, although the aunty continued to talk, she still helped Sun Hao finish hanging up.    


In the end, she even warned him, "Pay attention to your restraint! Don't be so young!"    


Hearing this, Sun Hao's face darkened, but he still pinched his fingers together to express his thanks, and returned to Girls's side with the registration form.    


The Girls thanked them one by one as Sun Hao brought them all to run around. When they were checking inside, Sun Hao was waiting to help them pay the fees and take the medicine.    


After a busy morning, the seven girls finally finished their inspection.    


Looking at the results, Sun Hao breathed a sigh of relief for them. Other than the varying degrees of injuries on their lower bodies, and the infection caused by the lack of cleaning, they fortunately did not catch any dirty sickness.    


From the looks of it, although those assassins were abnormal, they did not dare to joke around with their own lifeline.    


Since there were no problems, the doctor had only prescribed some medicine and told Girls to take it according to the doctor's orders.    


At the end of the matter, the girls all heaved a sigh of relief and followed Sun Hao downstairs.    


After passing through a quiet place in the corridor, Sun Hao suddenly stopped in his tracks, turned around, and looked at the girls with a strange expression.    


The girls were confused, their faces red as they stared at Sun Hao, unable to understand what he was thinking of doing.    


The reason why they were blushing was because Sun Hao had seen the results of their shameful examinations.    


As if he had made some sort of decision, Sun Hao indicated for the girls to surround him, and then, he lowered his voice and asked. Who was it that was supposed to be there... Woman, if you want to repair that membrane now, then let's do it together here. "    


It took quite a bit of effort for Sun Hao to say these words, and when he said them, even he felt his face burning.    


As for the surrounding Girls, after hearing this, all of them flushed red, as if blood was about to drip from their faces!    


However, although everyone was shy, Sun Hao's suggestion still made their hearts move.    


It was just as Sun Hao had guessed. Before they were captured, they were all still just a group, but now they had been completely humiliated!    


Speaking of which, there weren't many girls who were still virgins at the age of eighteen or nineteen.    


The openness of modern women, many in high school have played with a few men... However, the scumbags of the Blood Wolf Killer Group chose to kill all of them as virgins!    


In other words, these girls were all good girls who had been pure self-love before.    


That was why those scumbags deserved to die!    


Hearing Sun Hao's suggestion, the girls' hearts started to beat faster. If they could really do the repair surgery, then they would be able to forget about the nightmare after a long time.    


The seven girls did not reply, but they did not reject either, Sun Hao immediately understood, they agreed, and were just embarrassed to say it out loud!    


Since that's the case, Sun Hao decided on the spot: "Then it's settled, we'll continue to register below and help you guys settle the matter once and for all!"    


The Girls still expressed his consent without replying. Sun Hao did not beat around the bush and took the lead to walk towards the elevator.    


When they were about to reach the elevator, Chen Chen suddenly said from behind Sun Hao, "Benefactor Big Brother, I ? "I don't need to repair it ?"    


Sun Hao strangely stopped and looked at the embarrassed Chen Chen and asked: "What's wrong? Why don't you fix it? "    


Chen Chen lowered her head and looked at her toes, she was so embarrassed that she didn't know what to say.    


Sun Hao tried his best to persuade him gently: "Don't worry, this kind of operation will not be leaked out! I deliberately chose this strange city to prevent this from happening. "    


"That's not what I meant!"    


Chen Chen anxiously denied, but looking at Sun Hao's concerned eyes, she continued to lower her head, and her face reddened in embarrassment.    


Without waiting for Sun Hao to ask again, the other two girls rushed to answer his doubts, "Chen Chen has only been captured for five days, and she has been coming all the time ? The month is over, so those bastards just beat her up. She hasn't been taken by anyone yet. "    


So that's how it was!    


After hearing this, Sun Hao finally understood what was going on. It turned out that Chen Chen was actually a virgin, so there was naturally no need for him to undergo the repair surgery.    


The shameful matter had already been said, Chen Chen anxiously raised her head, she shyly and eagerly nodded at Sun Hao, indicating that they were speaking the truth.    


After figuring it out, Sun Hao led everyone into the elevator and went to the first floor to hang up six numbers.    


After another two hours, they were finally done. The girls followed Sun Hao out of the hospital and headed out to eat a lunch that was already quite late.    


After finishing their lunch, Sun Hao looked at the girls. Although they looked much more relaxed than in the morning, there were still some traces of sadness on their faces. Thus, he decided to take them to rest.    


They had just been badly stimulated, so it was naturally inappropriate for them to go to the amusement park; moreover, they were still weak and unsuitable for climbing in the wild.    


Sun Hao spent a lot of energy and looked through a lot of information before finally finding a few interesting art parks in the city and bringing them to view.    


After that, he found a concert that was neither too cool nor too boring and brought them to enjoy it.    


If he had to pretend that he could not understand this so-called art, it was purely to make things difficult for himself.    


And the things that Sun Hao was looking for, didn't have any of these problems, but actually made people sink into them.    


Even so, Sun Hao still had a choice to calm his heart. For example, the concert he chose was neither sad nor happy.    


Instead, they felt a little bit of uplift and uplift, causing them to unknowingly bring out a positive attitude.    


An afternoon of "art immersion."    


The girls' moods immediately became much better, Sun Hao brought them to a Star Restaurant and happily ate a sumptuous dinner.    


These Girls were all born in poor families, but they never thought that after being saved yesterday, they would actually enjoy the services that Sun Hao cared about the most.    


Not only did they not need to pay for the various diagnoses and medicines in the hospital, Sun Hao had also spent money to show them around and enjoy the delicacies of a Star restaurant.    


This was something they had not experienced in their lives for the past dozen years!    


During dinner, the other girls, including Chen Chen, all nervously said to Sun Hao: "You're really going to spend too much money. When we earn more money in the future, we will definitely return the expenses for these two days."    


"What are you talking about?"    


Sun Hao interrupted them intentionally in a displeased manner, "Did you guys say this on purpose to not let me have the good mood to enjoy my dinner?"    


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