My Cold Female Boss

C107 Return

C107 Return

Upon hearing boss Jin Wawa's words, Lin Zisong's neck shrank back, his eyes opened wide in disbelief as he asked: "Boss, are you joking with me? He is Brother Sun? Is it really that Brother Sun? "    


The 10 odd delinquents behind him also unconsciously surrounded him together, staring at Sun Hao up and down in disbelief.    


It was as if he was watching an alien.    


Lin Ziqin, who was following beside Lin Zisong, did not understand what his brother meant by "that Brother Sun".    


Who was it, but he could hear the shock in his brother's words, so he curiously sized Sun Hao up again.    


Being stared at so by the burning gazes of a group of people really made Sun Hao a little uncomfortable ? if these people were all beauties, he would probably feel much better ? Jin Wawa nodded to Lin Zisong and confirmed solemnly: "That's right! "This is that Brother Sun."    


As a member of the upper echelons of Chaoyang Gang who had recently been promoted, he naturally knew that in the eyes of the average sect disciple, she was meant to be called "Brother Sun".    


What kind of existence is he? According to the legends, this fierce man single-handedly fought the entire Southern City Blackfoot's gang and laid a foundation for the Chaoyang Gang!    


As for the legend that was even more exaggerated and bold than this, it was even more widespread in the gang.    


As for Jin Wawa, who was an acquaintance of Sun Hao, he actually also knew of a "secret" that the ordinary sect members did not know about.    


The big boss Black Widow seemed to have a special relationship with Sun Hao.    


Hearing that Sun Hao was really that legendary person, Lin Zisong immediately cried out in alarm, went up to him and kneeled down with a loud bang: "Brother Sun, we really don't get to know each other without fighting! "In the future, we'll consider ourselves acquaintances. If you need anything, feel free to tell me!"    


Sun Hao opened his eyes wide, he looked at Lin Zisong in a daze, he did not understand, why did this guy sound like a lackey when he was fighting and shouting previously, and he even had a stubborn temper?    


Jin Wawa shrugged at Sun Hao helplessly. He did not know what to say to his subordinate, Lin Zisong.    


All in all, this was the guy's personality. Normally, he was a reckless person who loved to cause trouble, but when faced with his own sect's experts, he was like a piece of cake, always flattering them.    


It made people unable to keep their temper even if they wanted to.    


When the group of hooligans saw their boss' actions, they also no longer restrained themselves from thinking about "Brother Sun".    


They all knelt down to show their loyalty.    


This caused Jin Wawa to curse under his breath, "Even the soldiers under my command got infected with this disease!"    


Since everyone sincerely respected and respected him, Sun Hao naturally put down the grudge from before. He helped each and every one of them up and gave them some encouragement.    


Of course, Sun Hao did not reply them if they wanted him to give them pointers.    


This was also why his relationship with the Black Widow was so good. If it was another gang, this little brother would be so respectful to an outsider like him, which would arouse the boss's fear!    


Everyone chatted and laughed for a while. Jin Wawa suggested that they should go to another place to gather.    


A lackey self-consciously went up to pack up his machete, and under the panic-stricken gazes of the two people at the front desk in the hall, the group of people clambered down the stairs and into the golden cup.    


Of course, Sun Hao and Lin Ziqin got into Jin Wawa's car because the golden cup was too crowded ? Lin Zisong did not follow them. Instead, he continued to squeeze into the golden cup with Brothers.    


This small detail made Sun Hao secretly praised him. Although this brat had a reckless personality, he could be considered a genius just because he was willing to suffer together with his little brother.    


The group arrived at a seafood store first. Lin Zisong brought Brothers into the house to change his clothes, then everyone set off once again. They arrived at a stall that was still open for business in the morning.    


We're all brutes, how can we go to a hotel for dinner so carefree?    


Of course, that gentle and quiet little girl, was naturally represented by her brother.    


In the midst of the alcohol, under Brothers's continuous pleas, Jin Wawa began to recount the things that happened between him and Sun Hao.    


Hearing that and him had helped the little beggar to teach a lesson, everyone applauded and praised them from the bottom of their hearts.    


They also heard that it was because of Sun Hao's appreciation of them that Jin Wawa had gained the important position of Sister Cui Jun, from a little security guard to the current middle and upper echelons.    


With regards to Jin Wawa's fate, besides envy from the lackeys, they were also envious from time to time.    


Because from the feeling they had from joining the Chaoyang Gang, they knew that this gang was extremely talented in terms of manpower!    


Lin Zisong and his group have been in the same area for a few years already.    


Regardless of which gang ruled over the upper echelons, all they had to do was pay a protection fee and register. As for continuing to climb upwards, they simply couldn't even think about it.    


This was because in those gangs, promotion was not based on ability, but on seniority!    


But ever since Southern City had been taken over by the Chaoyang Gang, they clearly felt that this new clan had a chance of promotion!    


"Let's work hard and become the boss as soon as possible!"    


Lin Zisong raised his wine cup and suggested loudly.    


Brothers raised her glass and shouted loudly, "Everyone, be the boss!"    


Then he drank it all in one gulp.    


Towards this kind of toast, not only did Jin Wawa not feel that he was being challenged, he even wholeheartedly encouraged them.    


This kind of mind was even better than the "Leaders" that the hooligans had come in contact with in the past.    


He wanted people to love him dozens of times!    


Lin Ziqian quietly ate the food with his head down. He was very interested in his brother's "ambition".    


She didn't quite agree with him.    


However, she also knew that if her brother hadn't dropped out of high school early, she would have dropped out after her parents died.    


Since all the kindness came from her brother, she didn't want to interfere in his life anymore.    


Speaking of which, big brother's' gang 'today ?    


This was her first time attending a gathering.    


In the past, her brother knew she hated this, so he never took her to this kind of event.    


Affected by the atmosphere between the two of them, Lin Ziqian quietly looked at her brother's heroic image, and suddenly felt that her heart no longer rejected his life.    


And listen to that "Brother Jin" just now.    


If it was said, not only would their gang not be as evil as they thought, they would even reward them for their bravery and help.    


Only, Sun Hao, who was beside her, had already refreshed her knowledge and experience over and over again this morning.    


Right now, she really didn't understand, just who was this person's identity.    


The enigmatic woman had always been a fatal temptation to the aggressive man.    


The opposite was also true. Mysterious and slightly dangerous men were extremely attractive to many women.    


In the clear eyes of Lin Ziqian, Sun Hao's mysterious image had already aroused her curiosity ? In the joyous atmosphere, the feast that had not started earlier was directly turned into lunch.    


The dozen or so people drank seven or eight boxes of beer, but not a single one of them was drunk. If it wasn't for the fact that there were still things happening in the afternoon, everyone would have really wanted to get a few more boxes of beer and get drunk.    


After the banquet ended, Sun Hao rejected Jin Wawa's invitation and took a taxi to look for Wang Guozhen.    


Before he left, he told Lin Ziqian not to worry about the luggage. Someone would obediently return it to her brother.    


A thought-provoking smile hung on Lin Ziqin's face as she watched Sun Hao's taxi disappear. Then, she got into Jin Wawa's car and had him take her back to her residence.    


Along the way, Lin Ziqian asked about Sun Hao but Jin Wawa kept repeating the same thing he said before.    


After being questioned by Lin Ziqian, Jin Wawa suddenly turned his head, and asked with a meaningful smile: "Sister Lin, do you have that intention towards my Brother Sun?"    


"No!" "What nonsense are you talking about?"    


Lin Ziqian's face turned red and he quickly denied it.    


Jin Wawa turned around and continued to drive, but continued to playfully say, "Whether it is Brother Sun's ability or family background, he is definitely outstanding. It's very normal for a little girl like you to be interested in him, so there's no need to deny it. "    


Lin Ziqin pouted, and in the end, did not refute. It was equivalent to tacitly agreeing to Jin Wawa's words.    


Jin Wawa continued, "From what I have heard and heard, there are at least four or five women chasing after Sun Hao. Don't you think it's too little! All of these things that I have said are things that are absolutely competitive, and ordinary beauties who are infatuated with women can't even be considered as having reached that level. "    


Lin Ziqian was very unconvinced in her heart. She also wanted to know if she could be counted as the "lovestruck girl" as he called her.    


He pretended to be normal and asked, "Those women you spoke about, are they absolutely competitive in that aspect?"    


Jin Wawa smacked his lips and said with a joking tone: "For example, some cold and elegant CEO of a company, along with a young miss from a super big family, or some female boss with a sense of sex who dominated the underworld ? In short, all of them were women with status like that, and they had all taken the initiative to chase after Brother Sun! "Tell me, how could an ordinary young girl possibly have a chance to win against them?"    


She wanted to retort at what Jin Wawa had said, but she had no choice but to admit in her heart that what he had said was the truth.    


Looking at the rearview mirror, Jin Wawa saw that the little girl had forced herself to pretend that she was strong.    


Afraid that Lin Ziya would cry, Jin Wawa immediately laughed and explained: "Haha, you've been tricked, haven't you? Those were all made up by me just now. I was just teasing you, don't take it seriously! "    


"Ha, I'm fine."    


Lin Ziya turned his head with a forced smile, allowing Jin Wawa to see that he was alright.    


However, she could feel how forced this smile was.    


Jin Wawa scratched his head and tried to find a joke to make him happy.    


Seeing Jin Wawa, who had beaten his and then worked hard to curry favor with his, Lin Ziqin suddenly "puchi".    


He laughed out loud.    


She was laughing at herself for being so weird just now. She was clearly just curious about Sun Hao, why did it seem like she had fallen in love?    


After figuring out the problem, Lin Ziqian put down the depression in his heart and smiled sincerely at Jin Wawa's joke.    


Jin Wawa thought that his techniques were useful and immediately tried to think of a joke to tell vividly, hoping to make her happy all the way to his doorstep.    


Actually, most of the young men and women couldn't tell the difference between curiosity, good impression, good impression, and liking.    


It could also be said that these things were originally the same type of feelings. It was just a display of different degrees, and there was no obvious difference between them in the first place.    


She thought that she had not completely seen through Lin Ziqian. She did not even realize that she had not completely seen through him. Instead, she was just temporarily suppressing her depression ? In the taxi, Sun Hao made a call to find out where he lived then directly walked towards there.    


This was a relatively normal European-style villa area. It was normal because each household was not far away and the residential area could be considered densely populated.    


Unlike the forest garden, there were no neighbors within a few miles.    


After getting off the taxi at the entrance of a white villa, Sun Hao waited for the taxi to disappear, then immediately flipped over the corner of the yard wall and entered the house.    


There were many sentries standing on the outside of the courtyard. However, when Sun Hao descended into the courtyard, not one of them noticed him.    


The reason why Sun Hao did this in broad daylight was because he wanted to test the security of this place.    


When he reached the front door of the main house, a loud shout came from beside him, "Don't move! Otherwise I'll shoot! "    


Right after he finished speaking, a cold, tubular object pressed against the back of Sun Hao's head.    


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