My Cold Female Boss



Hearing the threat, not only was Sun Hao not scared, he even turned his head and laughed loudly: "Old Zhao has become more vigilant, and his skills have also improved a lot. He was actually two steps behind me before I realized it."    


The person behind him was Zhao Changping. After hearing Sun Hao's words, he happily put away his gun, waved his hand, and said humbly: "It's all thanks to your guidance that there's any slight improvement! I heard from Director Wang that you have killed all the blood wolves? "    


"Yes, I got it."    


Sun Hao nodded and admitted it.    


Although Zhao Changping already knew the answer, he still couldn't help but be shocked when he heard Sun Hao admit it himself.    


If it was him, he should have been able to take down the opponent with a few dozen subordinates, but he couldn't do it alone.    


What was even more impossible was that even after Sun Hao did such a thing, he actually looked completely unharmed!    


At this time, the other Bodyguards were alarmed by the sound of the two talking and more than a dozen of them rushed over. Seeing Zhao Changping happily talking to Sun Hao, everyone quietly retreated and continued to patrol.    


"Director Wang is chatting with Mr. Zhao in the backyard. I'll bring you over right now. He must be so happy to see you back."    


Zhao Changping said to Sun Hao and then reached out his hand to lead the way.    


Sun Hao nodded and followed Zhao Changping to the back, while observing the surrounding sentries.    


While walking, Zhao Changping looked back and sighed: "You killed those people, but you're afraid that Director Wang's opponent will find another killer! Really … Sigh! "But it's fine. I can always relax for a few more days."    


Sun Hao knew why he was sighing so emotionally, it was because the people from the opponent's side were indeed quite strong. Every time, it would cause both him and his men to suffer.    


But now, he didn't have to worry about this anymore. Instead, he should worry about losing his job!    


Thinking about that, Sun Hao smiled and was about to tell Zhao Changping that everything had been resolved, but he suddenly heard a surprised female voice from the side: "Pervert!" "You're back?"    


Sun Hao's forehead was filled with black lines. He turned around and stared at Wang Xuanxuan as he nodded and replied, "Yes, I'm back. Big pervert specifically came to find you!"    


"Ah!" "Shameless!    


Wang Xuanxuan exclaimed, but there was still a happy smile on his face. With two steps, he quickly ran towards Sun Hao.    


Zhao Changping's face was filled with admiration. He wasn't a blockhead, how could he not see that there was a "situation" between the two of them?    




Since that was the case, he didn't want to be an electric light bulb, so he complimented Sun Hao in a low voice, "Bro, you are so fierce, I admire you!"    


After saying that, Zhao Changping blinked at Sun Hao ambiguously and then quickly turned around and left.    


Knowing that Zhao Changping had seen through his plan, Sun Hao chuckled and didn't ask Zhao Changping to stay.    


Although Wang Xuanxuan saw Zhao Changping's weird smile, he didn't care about it. Instead, he threw himself beside Sun Hao and hugged one of his arms tightly.    


Then, while rubbing Sun Hao's arm in front of him, Wang Xuanxuan asked in a sweet voice, "Just now, what were you looking around with your eyes like a thief?"    


Feeling the two balls of softness on his arms, Sun Hao was ready to move. So he deliberately followed Wang Xuanxuan's expectation and leaned close to whisper in her ear, "Didn't I find you everywhere the moment I got back?"    


"Hmph, you're lying!" If you think of me that way, why didn't you come back sooner? "    


Wang Xuanxuan's face was full of happiness, but he purposely expressed his disbelief in order to let Sun Hao continue to be good and obedient.    


Sun Hao understood what she meant, and kissed her on the cheek before saying in a dirty voice, "Why would I lie to you? I'm busy! "Alright, these two days, I've been holding myself back. Hurry up and settle this matter for me!"    


Wang Xuanxuan's face instantly flushed red. He stretched out his hand to pinch Sun Hao's waist, then twisted it forcefully. He scolded him shamefully: "You are so shameless, you want to have bad intentions as soon as we meet! Stupid pervert! "    


"Ah!" "Let go!    


Sun Hao's exaggerated, trembling cries of pain scared Wang Xuanxuan. He quickly let go of his hand, but still grumbled in dissatisfaction: "It's so painful that you deserve it. Who told you to be so dirty in your heart?"    


However, even though she said that, Sun Hao could see the joy in her eyes. After all, even though he said it in an ambiguous manner, it was tantamount to complimenting her charm in a disguised manner.    


Sun Hao understood clearly that for a young girl like her, the thing she cared the most about was whether she had the charm of a woman.    


The thing that he disliked the most was being seen as a child even though he felt like he had grown up.    


Therefore, although she appeared to be angry, she was actually very happy in her heart.    


However, even though he understood her mentality, Sun Hao intentionally teased her: "You really wronged me, how am I dirty? When I said that I was holding my breath, I meant that there were no girls to talk to me these days, so I just felt lonely. "    


"You're still talking?"    


Wang Xuanxuan did not listen to his excuses and directly told him to stop.    


However, Wang Xuanxuan thought of something and suddenly lowered his head to look at Sun Hao's lower body. He whispered with a flushed face: "You …" Do you really want to settle this right now? "    


Wu Tie originally only had tofu on his mouth, he never expected Wang Xuanxuan to ask that.    


Seeing her shy expression, Sun Hao's heart immediately jumped. He was originally just joking, but now he nodded and admitted it.    


If the girl asked this, it would be equivalent to inviting her. How could Sun Hao refuse?    


His eyes almost glowed as he nodded eagerly, "You want to help me? Then quickly find a place, or else I'll be at the right place! "    


Wang Xuanxuan glared at him in anger and shame. Then, he looked around and directly pulled Sun Hao into the building through a side door.    


From inside the house, Sun Hao could clearly hear Wang Guozhen and Zhao Donglou chatting outside.    


Wang Xuanxuan raised his tender fingers to his mouth and signaled Sun Hao not to make a sound. Then, he bent down like a thief, gently dragged Sun Hao upstairs with him.    


Sun Hao shook his head helplessly. He knew that even if he walked normally, it was impossible for the two people outside to hear him.    


However, he didn't remind Wang Xuanxuan, but followed her actions.    


Needless to say, this feeling of sneaking around was really quite exciting and emotional.    


It was no wonder that many people who were clearly married liked to have an affair with someone.    


Bringing Sun Hao to his own fragrant room, Wang Xuanxuan locked the door gently from the inside. Then he directly jumped onto Sun Hao's body, straddling his muscular waist.    


Sun Hao hurriedly stretched out his hands to support Wang Xuanxuan, feeling her rain-like hot kiss.    


After a long while, the two of them parted lips. Wang Xuanxuan raised his head and breathed softly. His white hands grabbed Sun Hao's hair and rubbed it, pressing his head into his chest.    


Sun Hao gave a loud roar and stopped controlling himself. He directly released the wild nature within his heart … As for Sun Hao, although Wang Xuanxuan was still young, his figure was not as impressive as the Black Widow and his wife.    


Furthermore, Wang Xuanxuan didn't let him succeed completely.    


However, being with such a young and cute girl was already a type of enjoyment. Furthermore, she had other ways to help him?    


Furthermore, Wang Xuanxuan himself also felt very sorry that he couldn't completely leave it to Sun Hao.    


Therefore, when she was with Sun Hao, she would put in extra effort to curry favor with him.    


As a result, Sun Hao still enjoyed his intimate relationship with Wang Xuanxuan.    


Half an hour later, unable to bear to see Wang Xuanxuan suffer too much, Sun Hao finished his attack with a low growl.    


After exercising for such a long time, both of them were covered in sweat. Sun Hao hugged Wang Xuanxuan warmly for a while before getting up and going to the bathroom to wash up.    


Originally, Sun Hao wanted to pull Wang Xuanxuan along, but she firmly refused. Therefore, Sun Hao didn't force her.    


Wang Xuanxuan let out a sigh of relief when he saw his lover walk into the washroom. She didn't dare to bathe with him right now.    


It was obvious that Sun Hao wasn't completely satisfied yet, and her mouth and wrists were sore, so she didn't dare to go and mess with him again.    


After Sun Hao finished washing up, Wang Xuanxuan rushed into the bathroom to wash up. Sun Hao greeted her and then took the lead to go downstairs to find Wang Guozhen.    


Wang Xuanxuan was still emotional and attached to Sun Hao. He wanted to ask him to wait for a while, but it was too suspicious that they would appear together, so he had to give up.    


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