My Cold Female Boss

C139 alli

C139 alli

As for them, they had to get up early in the morning to exercise and "lose weight".    


Isn't this what the saying goes, "eat until you're full"?    


Did you?    


Exercise was a very normal thing in modern cities. Even obesity had almost become the hallmark of all Chinese.    


But even in such a situation, A Li's family was actually so poor that they could only eat wild vegetables!    


Comparing the two of them, as a girl, how could she not feel ashamed and embarrassed?    


After figuring out the reason, Sun Hao also felt a little sad. Looking at the way A Li was dressed, he felt even more bitter about it.    


It was so dark last night that it could not be seen clearly. Now, it seemed that she was completely dressed in hand-made coarse clothes!    


Moreover, it was obvious that the clothes were rather small, and they had already been washed to the point where their colour had turned serious. It was unknown how long they had been worn for.    


"Poison is truly harmful!"    


Sun Hao cursed in his heart. If there was no threat of poison in this village, how could it be ruined like this?    


How could the villagers be so poor?    


When Sun Hao was in the Chaoyang City, one of the reasons that he had decided to give the territory he had taken down to the Black Widow was that she had never allowed his subordinates to be infected with poison.    


Until now, all the poison in the Chaoyang City had disappeared!    


After figuring out the reason behind A Li's shyness, Sun Hao thought about her ruined appearance and felt that it was really necessary to save his.    


It was not because he cared about Liu Zhenbang's life or death, but because he was worried that if he couldn't eat, his stomach would get hungry and he would secretly beat A Li up to vent his anger.    


Sun Hao wanted to take out her purse, but if he thought about it more, she would definitely not be pitied by anyone with her personality.    


If he gave her the money directly, it might even make her feel even more inferior and distance herself from him. It would be difficult for her to help him in the future.    


But this matter can be resolved easily, so Sun Hao asked A Li with great difficulty: "A Li, I have something that I need your help with, is it possible?"    


"Sure, you're my savior. If you don't want to help, just tell me."    


A Li immediately raised her head and said.    


Sun Hao tried his best to be tactful, so as to not let A Li feel that he was being too deliberate: "We have something to take care of here for a while, but as you have seen, we are all sloppy old masters, so I want to ask you to find us a person to cook and wash clothes."    


Actually, Sun Hao wanted A Li to help her cook, so he could help her out. He wouldn't have to worry about being pitied by others.    


Because of this consideration, Sun Hao did not directly propose to hire A Li, but pretended to ask her to recommend someone to him.    


It was almost impossible to find someone to do business in a village like this ? a person who was addicted to drugs, who would work honestly?    


People who wanted to earn this little bit of money might not have the energy to do so.    


Therefore, A Li was definitely not able to introduce anyone. In order to repay her kindness, her only choice was to volunteer herself.    


Sure enough, after A Li seriously considered for a moment, she realized that there were not many people in the entire Jadepin Village who were competent enough for this small request of Sun Hao.    


In the end, she sincerely proposed to Sun Hao: "There's no need to hire people for such a small matter. I don't have anything to do everyday anyways, leave the cooking and laundry to me."    


When the Boys s of Jin Wawa's group heard that A Li was going to do these things, they immediately became ecstatic.    


How could a beauty come from a monk's nest? How could they not be happy?    


Lin Zisong was even trying to make Sun Hao agree to him.    


"Mm ?" "Fine."    


Sun Hao pretended to consider before agreeing.    


After that, he gave all the cash in his wallet to A Li and took down his key to hand over to her: "Take this. Consider this as your salary and money for the dishes. If it's not enough, come and get it from me."    


A Li's eyes immediately widened. She took out at least a few thousand yuan.    


She had never touched such a large amount of money before. With trembling hands, she took out two red tickets and said, "You don't need to give me a salary. Fish and rice aren't worth much in this village. These are enough for a week or so."    


Of course, Sun Hao knew that the price of the dishes would not be worth much here. If they were too expensive, he wouldn't dare say that his salary and the price of the dishes were together, because that way, A Li would very likely buy all the money and give it to them.    


"If I say there's a salary, then there's a salary. If you don't want it, then I'll look for someone else!"    


Sun Hao frowned, forcefully pulling A Li's small hand, and stuffing all the money into her own.    


A Li didn't know what to do, but she had already waved her hands, brought along Brothers and continued to run out of the village.    


A few of the kids even turned to run, smiling mischievously as they said to A Li: "Little sister, don't be reserved, our big brother is very rich, in the future you will follow us, and I promise you that you will eat good food and drink good!"    


"That's right, little sister, there's no need to decline. Our boss plucked out a leg hair and it's more than just a few thousand yuan. You can take it without worry."    


"We haven't eaten breakfast yet, so we have to eat a lot of food for lunch. Little sister, hurry up and go buy some food. If you don't finish lunch by the time we get back, you'll have to pay!"    


The Boys joked happily, but it was all for the sake of A Li, to stop her from being polite.    


A Li naturally understood, her eyes were red from being moved. She hurriedly put away the large bills, turned around and walked back.    


Gently opening the door, he returned to the house and found his father sleeping on the sofa.    


Looking at the white foam at the corner of his mouth, it seemed that he must have been tossed around until he was completely out of strength last night before falling asleep.    


Fortunately his father had not woken up yet, what A Li was most worried about was what had happened outside. If his father had heard about it, it would be troublesome, because when his drug habit flared up, he would definitely come and snatch the money, and A Li would definitely not be able to protect him.    


Realizing that the matter was not exposed, A Li hurriedly went out to wash the wild vegetables. In the end, she cooked two bowls of boiled wild vegetables with clear water, and then roasted the two sweet potatoes and placed them in front of her father.    


Although A Li had some money on her now, it was someone else's, she couldn't afford to spend other people's money on food and drinks. She still didn't want to accept the salary, so she decided to wait for Sun Hao to come back.    


Seeing that his father had not woken up yet, A Li did not wake him up either, because the moment he woke up, he would be addicted to drugs.    


Taking advantage of the peace, A Li picked up a roasted sweet potato and ate it herself, preparing to go out to buy vegetables.    


When he thought about how he suddenly had the money to buy vegetables, his father's creditors would definitely suspect him.    


In order to prevent any accidents from happening, A Li first went to Sun Hao's side of the courtyard, found a private place to hide the money, and then only brought over a hundred of them out the door.    


When A Li had finished buying a large basket of various types of meat dishes from the market, halfway through, there was indeed someone who stopped her. "Little A Li, recently, your family has struck gold, huh? "Is your Abba home? I would like to go and have a chat with him."    


A Li hugged her vegetable basket tightly, frowned and said: "My Abba is at home, but Big Brother Kun you came to my house a day ago, you still don't know if you have the money or not?"    


"Stupid girl, stop playing tricks on me. If you don't have money, then are your meals suddenly so good?"    


Big brother Kun retorted in a dissatisfied manner.    


A Li shook his head: Why would I lie to you? I'm just helping others, just cooking for them. "    


Finished speaking, A Li lowered her head, went around Big Brother Kun and continued walking back.    


She wasn't very afraid of this Big Brother Kun, because amongst her father's creditors, he could be considered the most civilized one. At least he wouldn't need to cover his own debts as a young miss.    


Ah Kun indeed did not use violence, but he thought for a moment and then directly followed behind A Li.    


As A Li walked, she said apologetically: "I'm really sorry, my Abba owes you so much money, and also thanks you for not putting more effort into treating my family."    


"What else can I do? Do you think I can take those old bones of your Abba's and give them away for money? As for you, even if I capture you and make you a young miss, if you want to earn enough money, it will still be years and months! "    


A'Kun coldly snorted as he replied.    


He quickly returned to the alley where A Li's family was, with A Kun following closely behind. Seeing that A Li really did not enter her house, but had instead went to the courtyard next door, he finally turned around and left helplessly.    


In his heart, Ah Kun could not help but blame himself for being too kind. The reason why he did not capture A Li to repay his debts was mainly because he could not let go of that little bit of conscience, and did not truly blame himself for being too kind. Sun Hao had already familiarized himself with the surroundings of the Emerald Screen Village beforehand, so he brought Brothers to run 20 kilometers across the fields, cross the border and cross two small mountains, then arrived at a valley.    


The border is actually not what many people think. There is a post every so often, and there is Brother soldier guarding it all year round.    


There were many border lines in China, but for various reasons, they hadn't been completely sorted out yet. Plus, on the other side, they didn't have the courage to invade anyway, so there weren't any outposts.    


Speaking of which, the valley that Sun Hao and the rest were in could already be considered to be the national territory of Myanmar.    


However, the Burmese Army didn't care about the north at all, and the Northern Maine Rangers couldn't defend the border either, so ordinary people could enter and leave at will.    


However, because small groups of guerrillas and drug dealers could appear at any time, ordinary civilians did not dare to drill into these mountain trenches.    


Sun Hao and the rest carried so many guns, naturally they were not afraid of those things, it was just the right time to come to this kind of place to train.    


The young lad was extremely enthusiastic, and with the help of an expert like Sun Hao, he made them improve by quite a lot.    


At the very least, within a hundred meters, even a stationary target would have a hundred percent chance of being hit.    


According to Sun Hao's estimations, after a few days of training, he would be able to bring these Boys along to set off.    


When the afternoon sun was scorching the valley like a steamer, Sun Hao gave the order to return.    


By the time everyone returned to their residences under the scorching sun, panting, A Li had already prepared a sumptuous table of dishes and was waiting for them at the entrance.    


The boys were really hungry. After washing their hands, they surrounded the dining table and started to eat.    


Sun Hao directly grabbed a piece of meat and threw it into his mouth, he chewed and praised the meat exaggeratedly: "The taste is really good, I never thought that I would find such a good culinary person here! A Li, who did you learn this from? "    


Brothers nodded his head in succession, looking at A Li giving her a thumbs up, but because they were all busy stuffing food into their mouths, they did not have time to praise others.    


A Li smiled bashfully: "It's good as long as you don't feel that it's bad, don't praise me too much. My culinary arts were mainly learned from the Flower Auntie, and then, I would blindly think about it whenever I have nothing better to do ?"    


This girl was actually honest and honest, she stood at the dining table and earnestly answered Sun Hao's question.    


Sun Hao listened with interest, and pulled over a stool for A Li to sit on while she ate.    


A Li anxiously spread out her hands: "You guys eat by yourselves, don't worry about me. I've already made lunch at home, I'll be going home to eat, then after I'm done eating, I'll come over to help you guys wash the dishes."    


Finished, A Li turned to leave, but Sun Hao had heard her stomach growling just now, why would he let her go?    


Without saying anything further, he pressed her down beside him and forced the bowl and chopsticks into her hands.    


"Stop being so long-winded. You make it sound like I'm being stingy. Don't tell me that I can't handle the food even if I were to invite a chef?" Eat! Otherwise we'll be angry! "    


Sun Hao immediately said with a strong tone, interrupting A Li's attempt to refute his, ordering her to eat faster.    


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