My Cold Female Boss

C287 borderline zero

C287 borderline zero



This slash was directed straight at Sun Hao.    


Sun Hao's figure instantly bent backwards, and then rolled backwards. In the meantime, he picked up the katana off the ground.    


Then, at this moment, the opponent's attack had already swept towards him.    


He grabbed the hilt of his knife and stepped forward.    


Ding, ding, ding!    


In that moment, an intense confrontation had started between Sun Hao and the other party. If it was simply looking at the skill of a close combat, then Sun Hao might not be able to firmly hold his opponent back. As for the other party, they definitely could not hold Sun Hao back.    


A draw was about right.    


Even if the battle continued, it would only end with a draw, that was all.    


Sun Hao frowned, his expression was heavy, his mood was not good, and his mood was not very good.    


Sun Hao pondered, in the end, what was the best way to do it?    


For a moment, he had no thoughts at all.    


"Let me help."    


The man let out a loud shout and rushed forward. His fists began to dance in the air, and he smashed his fists towards the body of the Eastern Ocean scum.    


This time, it seemed as if the killing power was enormous, and the killing power was not so simple.    


The threat of a man definitely existed.    


If one were to say that there was no Sun Hao, and if one were to say that there was two people fighting against one person, then this man really did not have the slightest bit of wealth.    


Any one of these two people was a nuisance, and if these two people were working together, then that would simply be going crazy.    


At this time, the head of the Eastern Ocean Warrior started to ache. He had no idea how to deal with this situation in a short amount of time.    


Just from the way things were now, the way things were developing.    


The two of them had completely cooperated.    


Good heavens, that was simply, simply an act of inseparable intimacy.    


The hearts of the Japanese soldiers grew heavy. Originally, they could have relied on their weapons to win in a fight. However, now that the Japanese had their own weapons, it was no longer a problem to them.    


The difficulty of the matter was beyond his imagination.    


What should he do, what should he do now?    


The soldiers in the East Ocean Continent were not as emotional anymore. Instead, they were a little confused. Facing two people like this was getting a little annoying.    


Shua, shua!    


Sun Hao's attack started.    


Shua, shua!    


The man's attack also began.    


After Sun Hao and the man unleashed their attacks, the hearts of the warriors in the East Ocean Continent grew heavier. One of them was a blade wielding expert while the other wielded his fists.    


No matter how you looked at it, the development of this matter was not easy to deal with.    


"Bastard, you're not going to stay here in the East Ocean Continent. You insist on coming to our Sky Dynasty. But in the end, did you get beaten up by me? Today, since you have come here, don't even think about leaving. "    


Sun Hao said to the other party.    


"How did you make it?" Aren't I fine now? I don't have any problems with that right now. Can't you feel it? "    


At that moment, the Eastern Ocean Soldier spoke to Sun Hao.    


"I think so, your victory or defeat has already become a foregone conclusion, it has already become an irreversible and irreversible matter. Since that's the case, why not just accept it? If you accept it now, we can still be friends, don't you think?"    


Sun Hao said as he looked at the Eastern Ocean Warrior.    


"You want to deceive me into surrendering? F * ck off."    


The man danced his katana and suddenly stabbed towards Sun Hao's body.    


Swish, swish, swish!    


The katana was getting faster and faster.    


This kind of feeling was as if the opponent was concealing his own strength, and the opponent had never been able to display his strongest battle prowess.    


However, Sun Hao felt that if it wasn't so, how could he have hidden himself?    


If the opponent had truly reached a certain combat value, then wouldn't it be better to directly erupt such a value?    


There was no need for concealment.    


Sun Hao realized what kind of technique this should be. It should be some kind of technique that could achieve this degree of speed. And then, in this kind of attack, their speed would become faster and faster.    


What Sun Hao needed to do now was to fight steadily and stably.    


He held the katana tightly, and then, continued to launch defensive attacks at his opponent.    


Ding, ding, ding, this sound was extremely intense and could not be stopped.    


No matter how fast a man was, it would be difficult for an attack to sweep towards Sun Hao.    


Sun Hao only knew one point, it was a very important point, to be able to fight steadily and steadily. Just this point, was already enough.    


The man stared at Sun Hao, he never expected that the situation would develop to such an extent.    


He had even used his ace in the hole. His speed was getting faster and faster. His attacks were also getting faster and faster. But in the end, he still wasn't able to do anything to his opponent.    


Damn it.    


It was simply hard to accept.    


The man was in a very heavy mood. He was in a very bad mood.    


However, he didn't have any solution. Right now, he was already extremely annoyed.    


"Let's talk about it. No matter what, you are an international friend, so it's not good to just kill him. It's not good for me to give the world an explanation."    


Sun Hao said.    


"Bullshit, you just killed one, and now you're telling me this again? Do you think that you are interesting? "    


The man looked at Sun Hao and said.    


"I think I'm quite interesting. That's not the point, it's not important."    


Sun Hao waved his hand.    


"It's not important. Anyway, there's nothing to talk about between you and me. That's what I think."    


The man said.    


"Look at you, you are making things so that it must be a fight to the death. There is no meaning in that, is there?" You can tell me why you want to take him away. So what if you don't? "If the situation is so serious that we can't let it go, then I will let it go."    


Sun Hao said.    


"Oh my god, you're giving me up just like that?"    


Sun Hao's temporary comrade stared intently at Sun Hao.    


"People are real, and so am I. You are also a huge threat to me. If you are to say that this matter is extremely difficult to deal with, then the other party will definitely not rest until one side dies. Then, of course, I will let go.    


Sun Hao said.    


"You, you, you ?"    


This comrade did not say anything.    


After all, the two of them were from the Eastern Ocean, and this bastard before them was from the East Ocean Continent.    


How many disasters had the shoddy East Ocean Continent brought to the dynasty?    


Sun Hao could not remember all of these, right?    


For this reason, he would have to make sure to keep the trash from the East Ocean Continent alive.    


"You and I have nothing to talk about. The moment you killed my little friend, you provoked all of us from the East Ocean Continent. From that point onwards, the situation between us has developed to a point where it cannot be reversed, so no matter how sincere you are, the final result will not change. Kill you, take the target. "Take away the target, turn around and I'll kill you."    


The Eastern Ocean Ninja said to Sun Hao.    


Sun Hao frowned, just what kind of education was the other party at?    


You're not even going to do something like lying to me?    


He directly explained the arrangement so clearly.    


If the other party had said so, he would not have let him off, even more so. This was not good for the other party either.    


"Since you say so, then fine. Killing one is fine, but killing two is also fine. Go and die."    


Sun Hao rushed towards the man, and the katana in his hand immediately displayed its power.    


Swish, swish, swish.    


One saber, one saber. His speed was incomparably fast.    


The river flowed east for thirty years. The river flowed west for thirty years.    


In the beginning, the East Ocean Ninja was the main attacker. Now that Sun Hao's attack power was so strong, he could only defend himself for a bit.    


He didn't feel very good anymore.    


Why was his attack so strong?    


How could he be so fast?    






This strike pierced through the ninja's heart even though it was impossible to guard against.    


Without needing his help, Sun Hao could kill his opponent with his own strength.    


"No matter what, we are on the same boat now."    


The man stood in front of Sun Hao.    


"You can still walk on your own wooden path. As long as you don't bother me in the future, I can't be bothered with you."    


Sun Hao said to the man.    


"No, no, no. My life is in danger, and now it seems like the people of the East Ocean Continent have set their sights on me." I know what these people are like. How many years were they plotting to invade the imperial court? It feels like a three year old child trying to become an eighteen year old adult. The key point is, the other party actually did it.    


The man said.    


"What do you want to say?"    


Sun Hao asked.    


"I want to work with you. The two of us will work together."    


The man said.    


"I don't really want to work with you."    


Sun Hao said.    


"Then I will reveal the secret that you killed two cultivators. At that time, you will become a wanted man in the Cultivator's Association. After that, you are finished."    


The man said.    


Sun Hao's eyes opened wide, how did the other party know about his secret?    


The amount of information in his brain was simply beyond his imagination.    


"Think about it."    


The man said.    


"Nice to meet you, Sun Hao!"    


Sun Hao extended his hand out towards the man.    




Zero extended his hand out towards Sun Hao.    


"Your name ?"    


Sun Hao took a deep breath.    


"This is the name of my container, and this is also my name from now on."    


Zero said.    


"Alright, I'll get you an ID card first, Border Haoyue!"    


Sun Hao said.    


"As you wish!"    


Zero said.    


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