My Cold Female Boss



"Bro, do you have any other needs?" Tell me, I am a very easy person to talk to. As long as you can say it, I will also help you. We're all rotten brothers! "    


Sun Hao said to the man.    




The man said with a dark expression.    


Sun Hao's expression did not look too good.    


"What is it that makes you go away and not hear? Why haven't you rolled yet? When can you get out? Can you disappear from my sight? Can you get lost? "    


The man stared at Sun Hao and said.    


"Bro, if you do that, then I'm not very happy. Really! If you open your mouth, you will scram. If you shut your mouth, you will scram. What exactly do you want? You're using us to find your sense of superiority, aren't you? Do you know who I am? Do you know the Wong Group? "    


Sun Hao asked.    


"Is Wang Fangfang here?" Wait, isn't Wang Fangfang unmarried? "What are you pretending for?"    


The man poked Sun Hao's chest.    


Sun Hao frowned. There was no way for him to be happy, it was true!    


Talk to him properly, but he's acting like this now!    


How could he feel good about this!    


Damn it!    


The more he thought about it, the more frustrated he felt.    


This feeling was simply impossible to get excited about!    


Sun Hao felt that he had to think of a way. The current situation must be changed.    


What should he do?    


Sun Hao tilted his head and looked at the other party!    


"What are you looking at?" What are you talking about? "    


The man pointed at Sun Hao and said.    


"I'm not looking at anything. I'm not boasting."    


Sun Hao waved his hand.    


"Little bastard, you just saw it."    


The man pointed at Sun Hao.    


"Keep your fingers. Maybe we can be friends."    


Sun Hao said.    


"I did!"    


Once again, the man stabbed towards Sun Hao's heart.    


However, this time, just as he was about to hit, Sun Hao's body shifted and he easily dodged to the side.    


And yet, the other party always managed to hit him?    


Isn't this too embarrassing!    


In the beginning, he had only been giving face to the other party and helping him find some pride, but giving face to others and giving them face was a mutual thing.    


If the opponent was like this right now, he really wouldn't be able to hold on for much longer.    


"Are you still hiding? You're not giving me any face at all, are you? The more you hide, the more I'll poke you! "    


The man pointed at Sun Hao again.    


Sun Hao dodged once again.    


The man's mood wasn't very high. Why, why did he dodge both times?    


He clearly knew that if he were to poke, the other side would just dodge. This was simply too much.    


If the other party was playing like this, he really had thoughts of killing him.    


The man's eyes were fixed on Sun Hao just like that.    




Sun Hao issued a provocation.    




The man took a deep breath. Sun Hao's next request had really brought him here.    




Sun Hao said.    


The man pointed towards Sun Hao.    


A few of the son-in-law who was sitting on the sofa shook their heads. As sensible people, they clearly knew that a failure in a single attack signified a failure every time, so how could they succeed?    


He didn't know where the other person got the confidence from, but the other person actually thought that he would succeed. Was he trying to deceive himself?    


Isn't this something that can succeed?    


Right now, everyone was watching the show as if they were watching a joke.    




Sun Hao immediately sent out an invitation the moment he dodged the man's poke.    


"It's not impossible that you asked me to come. However, if you have the guts, don't hide. Just stand there and let me come. "    


The man said to Sun Hao.    




Sun Hao smiled.    


"F * ck you!"    


The man poked his finger towards Sun Hao.    


On one side, there was a hint of a dispute. On the other side, there were fierce combatants.    


The girls had also prepared their poisoned meals, one by one, and brought them to the table.    


That moment was the one that everyone disliked the most. That moment had finally arrived.    


After this moment came, there was nothing left to say.    


Everyone's bodies were filled with reluctance, but there was nothing they could do. If they wanted to go on stage, they had to go on stage.    


One by one, they sat on the bench, including the man who had a conflict with Sun Hao.    


The man's eyes were filled with resentment as he stared at Sun Hao. The look in his eyes and the feeling he had made him want to kill Sun Hao.    


"What are you looking at?"    


Sun Hao asked the man.    


"I see what's wrong with you?"    


The man said to Sun Hao.    


"If you look at me, then take a look. I still have to be the judge."    


Sun Hao said.    


The man had not expected that his opponent would directly refuse the attack.    


If the opponent took the attack, he would flip the table over. This would be good for everyone, so there was no need to eat anymore.    


Isn't it a good thing that life can be preserved?    


This was beneficial for everyone, but because Sun Hao didn't want to take the hit, he could only pick up the knife and fork with his right hand. He could only put the thing that he couldn't eat into his mouth bit by bit.    


In the end, it was delivered into his mouth.    


However, the man immediately spat it out.    


"Little bastard, what are you trying to do? Rebellion! "    


One of the girls immediately got angry and stood up, raising her right hand. Her index finger pointed at the man who spat out something.    


"I want to rebel. He said he was looking for my husband, and that the marriage certificate was fake. It's fine if you have a fake marriage certificate, but you actually won't let me touch it even if you touch it. What do you think I am? You're using me to trick everyone into getting married. But you're just a homosexual, and I'm 100 percent sure of it. "    


The man pointed at the girl and said.    


A cold light flashed in the girl's eyes. This guy, this guy was saying that he was gay, this guy was just courting death.    


The other side really didn't know!    


The girl stared at Sun Hao like this.    


"Why are you looking at me? When I say what I think, it's between me and you. After all, it's not related to me at all. However, if you don't look at her now and look at me now, isn't that baffling? It's really hard for people to understand! "    


Sun Hao said.    


"You are the cause."    


The girl clearly thought of this.    


Sun Hao shook his head and smiled. This kind of thing could actually be relied on. The two of them were a match made early in the morning.    


It's hard to know what to say.    


Sun Hao's mood was not high anymore.    


The girl just stared at Sun Hao and didn't say anything.    


"Is there anything else?"    


The girl looked at Sun Hao and asked.    


"Take care of your man, don't come and talk to me. It has no meaning."    


Sun Hao waved his hand.    


"Are you going to rebel as well!"    


The girl pointed at the man and said.    


"Yes, how?"    


The man slammed the table and stood up. He took out a dagger from his pocket and pointed it at the girl.    


The girl scratched her head. What was going on?    


There was something wrong with the other party today!    


Normally, no matter what he wanted, the opponent would do as he pleased. But today, the opponent had repeatedly refused to deal with him. What kind of situation was this?    


He could not understand it!    


He couldn't understand.    


It was a bit of a stupid pace.    


"Come on, come over here. See if I'll kill you with a knife."    


The man said to the girl.    


"Are you sure this is what you want? Have you ever thought about your old father or your old mother? Have you ever thought about how irrational your actions are right now? Have you thought about what I've said? "    


The girl looked at the man and asked.    


"No need to think about it."    


The man said.    


"Alright, if I don't find a bodyguard to deal with you, I would be letting you down. It's just that your bones are itchy. "    


The girl took out her phone. She was going to call her bodyguard.    




The man shot towards the girl.    


So fast!    


The girl opened her eyes wide. In the blink of an eye, the other party had already appeared in front of her.    


His speed was so fast that it was almost irreversible.    


So fast, so fast!    


This strike carried many years of grudges with it, and swept ruthlessly towards the chest of the girl. Once this strike hit, its destructive power would absolutely be irreversible.    


The man had always been terrified and uneasy, always on the verge of erupting in rage.    


At this moment, he was thoroughly enraged!    




This cut would end the relationship between him and the girls!    


The man's knife stabbed at the girl with incomparable viciousness.    


The girl's eyes darkened. Seeing the incoming knife attack, she had no other choice.    


Closer. Closer. Closer.    




A saber appeared out of nowhere, and the saber was able to deflect the man's attack.    


The man couldn't even hold the dagger tightly. He could only watch as the dagger fell to the ground due to the immense force behind it.    


The man looked at Sun Hao. It was this piece of trash, the one who was harmed by this piece of trash.    


This dregs destroyed his resolve.    


"You can do whatever you want, but you can't kill a woman in front of me. If you had a different man to kill, perhaps I really wouldn't care. It's that simple! "    


Sun Hao said.    


"You're making me unhappy!"    


The man said.    


"What does it have to do with me whether you're happy or not?"    


Sun Hao shrugged.    


"Now, my greatest enemy has become you."    


The man pointed at Sun Hao and said.    


"Not bad, not bad at all."    


Sun Hao shrugged.    


"Ignorant, ignorant, right? "Okay, okay, you can!"    


The man pointed at Sun Hao.    


Sun Hao shrugged.    


He was extremely masculine, giving off a feeling as if he had gone mad.    


The man took out a gun from his pocket. He really didn't want to upgrade his weapon from a blade to a gun, but now, he had been forced to such a state.    


He, he must kill Sun Hao without any suspense.    


Chapter 331 - Solving the Crisis "Bullsh * t, arrogant, pretentious."    


The man pointed at Sun Hao and shouted.    


Right now, the gun was pointed at Sun Hao. All the girls and their families were completely muddle-headed.    


How, how did he come up with something like a gun?    


How fake is this?    


[He must have endured to his limit. Is he here to kill me?]    


Sun Hao looked at the man and didn't say anything. His expression was very calm.    


This kind of feeling was like not putting the man's gun in his eyes at all.    


This kind of feeling was simply irreversible.    


"Tsk tsk tsk tsk!"    


The man shook his head and said, "Look at how calm you are. I subconsciously think you're someone with skill. But in truth, you are just a piece of trash. "    


"Whether I'm scum or not has nothing to do with you?"    


Sun Hao asked indifferently.    




The man fired.    


Sun Hao's figure shifted. Just like that, he dodged in front of everyone.    


The man was dumbfounded. What the hell?    


This, this is a bullet.    


The other party could dodge the bullet as well?    


Wasn't this a little too outrageous?    


Just what sort of average combat value was this?    


Damn it, damn it!    


The other side had made him so emotional that it was irreversible!    


Now, the man even had thoughts of killing Sun Hao.    




Sun Hao said.    


Bang, bang, bang!    


The man was so agitated that he started firing again and again.    


Bang, bang, bang!    


The canister had been broken at this moment, but Sun Hao was not hurt in the slightest by the bullet's failure.    


Every time, it was just a little bit more. In the end, Sun Hao successfully dodged the bullet.    


From the current situation, the possibility that the man could hurt Sun Hao was zero.    


Sun Hao's eyes narrowed into slits. Bullet, is it over?    


Judging from the number of times the man had fired that shot, the bullet should have missed. In that case, the man should not be able to get up.    


This empty gun was aimed at Sun Hao.    


Sun Hao walked towards the man step by step.    


"If you still come near me, I'll beat you to death."    


the man shouted.    


"It doesn't matter if you kill me. The premise is that you can do it! If it's just a beep, then there's really no meaning, really! "    


Sun Hao said.    


"Don't take another step forward, I really, really will beat you to death."    


The man pointed at Sun Hao and said.    


"I'm going to go closer, and it's not just going forward one step. I'm going directly in front of you. With an empty gun and not a single bullet, what kind of gun are you playing? "    


Sun Hao shook his head.    


The man immediately pulled a bullet out of his neck. At this moment, the bullet went from the eggshell to the front of the needle. Then, he pulled the trigger decisively.    






A bullet was shot out from the barrel of the gun. Then, it shot towards Sun Hao with a "sou" sound.    


Sun Hao leaned to the side and dodged it.    


Or had he failed?    


Damn it, damn it.    


The man was about to go crazy.    


Time and time again, it was just a failure that had never been successful.    


This … this was unacceptable.    


Now, the man really had no way out.    


After repeated failures, there were still no bullets left.    


The most important thing was to have no bullets.    


If a gun ran out of bullets, wouldn't that make it useless?    


It was completely useless.    


The man's hands were clenched into fists. His mood was heavy and incomparable. His entire person seemed to be in a bad mood.    


This emotion was simply irreversible.    


The man stared straight at Sun Hao, this pervert that could dodge bullets.    


"Su Xiaoqiang, you bitch!"    


The girl walked up to the gunman and slapped him in the face.    




This slap even knocked the gun in Su Xiaoqiang's hand away.    


The next second, Su Xiaoqiang's right hand flashed across his waist and a knife appeared in his palm.    


He tightly gripped the hilt of the knife. In the next second, the blade of the knife was placed on the girl's neck.    


The girl was dumbfounded. Isn't, isn't this a little too much?    


Why, why did the other party have such a vulgar method?    


This feeling was simply irreversible.    


"Don't come over, I'm telling you, I'm serious right now. If you move closer to me, I will kill you. I won't just threaten you. "I am a true man. As a true man, I would definitely be able to act so shamelessly when I say it."    


Su Xiaoqiang said to Sun Hao.    


Now, the biggest threat was Sun Hao. There was no suspense about it.    




Sun Hao said with a smile.    


"Hehehe, what do you mean? I really, really know how to kill people. "    


Su Xiaoqiang said.    


Kill, you're holding your wife and you're not holding my wife. Kill your wife if you want, really, don't give me any face.    


Sun Hao said.    


Su Xiaoqiang's eyes widened. This … this was also possible?    


Did he really have to be so shameless?    


Damn it!    


Su Xiaoqiang's right hand gripped the dagger tightly. Along with the slight force of his arm, a faint trace of blood appeared on the girl's neck.    


It was now a bloody wound. If Su Xiaoqiang had used more strength, it would not have been as simple as a bloody wound.    


If that was the case, then even if his arteries were severed and fresh blood spurted out from his body, the possibility of death would still exist.    


"You, you!"    


Sun Hao shook his head at Su Xiaoqiang.    


"I'm just going to be like this, why not!"    


Su Xiaoqiang said.    


"You are courting death!"    


Sun Hao said.    


"Didn't you say that this person has nothing to do with you? Didn't you say that you don't care about this person's life or death?" "What, have you suddenly thought it through?"    


Su Xiaoqiang looked at Sun Hao and asked.    


"Right, I suddenly thought it through. What about it!"    


Sun Hao looked at Su Xiaoqiang and asked.    


"Since you've thought it through, you need to know one more thing. Don't get any closer to me." It's not impossible for me to kill her within minutes. "    


Su Xiaoqiang pointed at Sun Hao and said.    


"What you killed, I was only aiming at you. It is none of your business who you killed today. I am merely here to target you. "    


Sun Hao pointed at Su Xiaoqiang.    


"You, you, didn't you want to save him? Aren't you going to save him now? "    


Su Xiaoqiang stared with his eyes wide open. What, what the hell is this? It's so incomprehensible that people can't understand it. It's true!    


"Why should I be in such a hurry to save someone?"    


Sun Hao shrugged.    


"You, aren't you a living Lei Feng?"    


Su Xiaoqiang said.    


"You've obviously been tricked by someone. I'm never Lei Feng."    


Sun Hao said.    


"F * ck me!"    


At this moment, Su Xiaoqiang didn't know what to do.    


His opponent had simply exceeded his expectations.    


His opponent's current choice really made him have a hard time thinking about it.    


"I'm finished. In that case, I should be making my move."    


Sun Hao said.    


"I'll kill you!"    


Su Xiaoqiang let the girl go and directly rushed towards Sun Hao with a knife in his hand. He just couldn't believe that Sun Hao was going to fly.    


Was the other party trying to bite a prawn to the point that it couldn't even move its mouth?    


Right now, he wanted to test out his opponent's battle prowess.    




In an instant!    


Sun Hao moved closer to Su Xiaoqiang's embrace. His right shoulder was the point where it landed and all the strength in his body was concentrated on his right shoulder.    


At this moment, in this second, the attack landed on Su Xiaoqiang's body.    




One hit.    


Su Xiaoqiang was flipped onto the ground. For a moment, the pain in his chest made him unable to stand up.    


Sun Hao shook his head. The opponent's strength was just that bad.    


Such a scum, then he should just eat his fill of soft food.    


Why does it have to be evil?    


Isn't that the truth?    


Now that the situation had developed to this point, what was the point in doing so?    


Isn't that the truth?    


He didn't even want to talk about it anymore.    


Su Xiaoqiang rubbed his heart. It hurts, it really hurts.    


At this moment, the girl grabbed a knife on the table and stabbed at Su Xiaoqiang's chest.    


She was also a decisive person, yet the other party wanted to kill her?    


That would be courting death.    


If he didn't take revenge for this grudge, that would be impossible.    


She definitely had to do something to him.    




Closer and closer.    


At the moment when the kitchen knife was about to pierce Su Xiaoqiang's chest, two fingers appeared and clamped onto the kitchen knife.    


"What are you doing?"    


The girl stared at Sun Hao and was confused.    


"It's simple. If you kill him now, all of us wouldn't have given a false statement and then you would have nothing. Then, why do you have to go through all this trouble? Do you think that makes sense? "    


Sun Hao said.    


"Then, then shall I just watch him live?"    


A girl was unwilling to accept this. She was truly unwilling to accept this outcome.    


"You can buy murder." As long as it was something that could be solved with money, it wasn't a problem at all. This scum didn't need a hundred million, it didn't even cost fifty million, at most, it only cost a million. If you could spend money, you could just casually find a country and kill him with a hundred and eighty thousand. There's always these desperate criminals who are short of money.     


Sun Hao said.    


The girl nodded. This was a good idea, a good idea.    


This was a good method to deal with this matter.    


Mm, we'll do as he says.    


As long as it was a problem that could be solved with money, it wasn't a big problem.    


Good, since we're spending money, Su Xiaoqiang must die.    


He had actually provoked her. The other party simply didn't know if he was dead or alive.    


Su Xiaoqiang stared at Sun Hao with venomous eyes. Disrupting good fortune and coming up with random ideas. Damn it, damn it, this man, he had no suspense if he wanted to kill him.    


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