My Cold Female Boss

C132 Do you dare to do it in the morning sun

C132 Do you dare to do it in the morning sun

Sun Hao smiled and patted Lin Zisong's shoulders, and said to them gently: "Relax, isn't this supposed to be in the middle of the day? Furthermore, this is an airport, there won't be any problems."    


Lin Zisong laughed foolishly and separated from Brothers a little, but he still carried a serious expression on his face.    


Sun Hao didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He felt that before they set off, they might have said that the danger was too severe.    


So he advised them again, "Don't be like this, you have a little smile on your face! Otherwise, if the outlaws didn't come, you'd be treated as outlaws by the airport police first. "    


Everyone laughed and finally relaxed as they followed Sun Hao out.    


As the group of passengers walked out of the airport lobby, a group of locals who were squatting under trees chatting and smoking immediately surrounded them.    


Upon seeing this, the experienced passengers immediately grabbed their luggage tightly and walked forward with cold faces.    


Facing such passengers, the locals had very clear eyes. They didn't go up to greet them or stop them, but instead walked around them to the other passengers who were stunned.    


The locals all had a smile on their face and spoke to the passengers in Mandarin in a loud voice. Then, they took the luggage from the passengers' hands and hefted it over their shoulders.    


These people weren't robbers. To be exact, many of these people were indeed involved in robberies, but they definitely wouldn't do anything to the passengers outside the airport in broad daylight. After all, they didn't want to die.    


In fact, their behavior was to "help".    


The passengers carried their luggage, but this kind of help was not free and kind.    


Most passengers did not need this so-called help. Therefore, these locals would gather in groups, and when they saw the passengers, they would rush forward and half forcefully pull away your luggage.    


Many of the passengers were not mentally prepared. Before they could fully understand the situation, they were dragged out of the airport by the locals.    


At this point, the locals would ask the passengers for "fees".    


Got it.    


The passengers realized that it was already too late, because if you didn't pay, you would have already enjoyed the service, and now this was called defaulting!    


Even if the police call the police, you're the one who doesn't care!    


If you were to pay, it would definitely make you very unhappy. From the entrance of the main hall to the rental waiting area outside, it was only a dozen meters or so away. How would you feel if you were asked for 10 yuan?    


However, people who travel and travel must not want to mess with a local police station for a small $10, so basically all of them will admit their bad luck.    


This kind of half-deceived half-forced baggage carrier, in our country many small railway stations, bus stations, is very common, the main reason is very lucrative but not dangerous.    


Since it was very difficult to cause a ruckus, the police naturally had no way to deal with it. After all, the law didn't prohibit people from carrying their luggage.    


Therefore, the officials all adopted a tacit understanding of these people and their actions throughout the country, treating it as though they did not see it at all.    


However, there were always exceptions. The airport was the city's external gateway, and because there would be foreign passengers, the local government, in order to maintain their image, would definitely not allow such people to appear.    


However, there were actually so many such people surrounding Teng Qingshan's airport. From this, it could be seen how terrible the security situation here was.    


"Damn!" This is an airport? It's even more chaotic than a train station in a county under the morning sun? "    


Lin Zisong looked at the messy airport entrance, and sighed. Although his words were crude, it attracted the approval of many of the passengers.    


Among the local people who were fighting over the luggage, one of them, who looked like a leader, glared at them in dissatisfaction.    


But when he saw the temperament of Lin Zisong and the dozen or so people behind him, he immediately turned around and pretended to not hear anything.    


Lin Zisong caught sight of this scene as he thought to himself proudly in the bathroom: "Looks like big brother's temperament is really obvious, even these locals can tell that I'm not to be trifled with with with with with a single glance ?" "Stop bullshitting here. Hurry up and go, don't delay Brother Hao's business."    


Jin Wawa turned around and knocked Lin Zisong on the head, expressing his dissatisfaction with his high profile behavior.    


Lin Zisong immediately nodded, and followed obediently, walking out quickly.    


Those local people who carried their bags all had good eyes, no one came to Sun Hao's group to ask for help, allowing them to walk out of the airport's hall unhindered.    


However, at this moment, another group of locals suddenly charged over, each of them with an unfriendly expression.    


Jin Wawa and the Men were immediately on high alert, but those people had circled around them and continued to rush to the door.    


Those who had been pulling the luggage stopped in unison and turned to face the incoming passengers.    


The two groups of people rapidly approached each other and stood at the entrance of the airport lobby, staring at each other like two tigers eyeing their prey.    


The passengers who were entering and exiting saw that something was wrong and quickly pushed their way through the door. There were also some foreign girls who were so frightened that they stopped in the hall and temporarily didn't dare to go outside.    


This time, not only Lin Zisong and Men, but even Jin Wawa himself was shocked. He turned his head and looked at these people in disbelief.    


He really did not expect this place to be so chaotic. In broad daylight, they were openly fighting at the airport. How arrogant was this?    


What was even more shocking was that the two sides were clearly about to clash, yet there wasn't a single police officer in sight.    


Jin Wawa even suspected that he had crossed the border and was now in Myanmar.    


Sun Hao noticed that the people behind him did not follow him, and turned to see that they had stopped in their tracks, looking at the two groups with faces full of disbelief.    


After thinking about it for a while, Sun Hao felt that it would be better to let them see how chaotic it was, and let them have a deeper mental impression of him.    


Therefore, Sun Hao did not urge them to come over, and instead went to the side to watch with them.    


In the first wave of locals, the chunky leader angrily took a step forward and said to the skinny monkey-looking man in the middle of the group, "Fleas, what are you trying to do? Today, it's our turn to sweep the field! Do you want to break the rules? "    


That skinny and dark monkey man was the leader of this group of people. After hearing what Radix Atractylodes said, he sneered and said arrogantly: "What rules for riding on horses? I will be the boss of today's competition!"    




Radix Atractylodes was so angry that his eyelids were trembling, he was speechless.    


The oil in this airport bag was not the usual thick. The real poor people definitely wouldn't be able to get their hands on it, even the local gangs wouldn't be able to hold onto it completely.    


After a few chaotic fights over territory, not only did no one benefit, but because the incident had gone too far, the higher-ups had also dispatched some armed police to ruthlessly reorganize the local gangs.    


Later on, the rising gangs, in order to avoid this, made a rule: the gangs would take turns to take over the field for a few days, and everyone would get rich together without hurting their relationship.    


Although this was not an exclusive way to earn money, it was still fair. Everyone had a decent amount of face.    


As someone who roamed the martial arts world, his face was more important than his life. As long as he had face, then it was fine ? a small gang that didn't have the qualifications would certainly not have the right to care about his face.    


According to this rule, today the airport belonged to the Green Mountain Gang. Radix Atractylodes's gang were the lackeys of the Green Mountain Gang.    


As for the Azure Dragon Gang, which the fleas belonged to, they had just finished packing the show last week, so they shouldn't have come here today no matter what.    


Radix Atractylodes originally thought that once he brought out the rules, the fleas would leave no matter what. However, he never expected that this brat would actually be so arrogant, and directly ignore the rules!    


Fleas' attitude was even more serious than stealing territory itself!    


If the rules that everyone had finally agreed on were to be annulled and they were to once again fall into a chaotic battle, the only result would be everyone getting shot at ? they had been fighting fiercely recently!    


"You coward, what are you thinking by wrinkling your fat head? You can simply reply. In today's territory, are you going to let me or not? If you explain it so clearly, we'll see the truth. "    


Fleas saw the Radix Atractylodes frowning and cold face but did not say anything for a long time, and thus ridiculed him.    


He had just received news that due to the outbreak of some problems in Lin County yesterday, a large number of police forces nearby had been transferred to maintain order.    


At least 60% of Teng Jiang's police officers had been taken away, and only two old auxiliary police s were left at the airport, pretending to be on the outside.    


With such a good opportunity present in front of them, Flea immediately reported to the boss of the Azure Dragon Gang and promised to take advantage of this opportunity to destroy the Green Mountain Gang.    


If his speed was fast enough, then after two or three days, the police force in the city would have redeployed back.    


At that time, it would already be a foregone conclusion that the other gangs would not dare to act recklessly, even if they were dissatisfied. They could only silently agree that the Azure Dragon would grow stronger.    


Compared to this kind of grand strategy, the airport's territory was not the most important.    


The flea's plan for their big brother was to start an all-out war and bloom more often so that the various halls would not be able to rescue each other.    


The boss of the Blue Dragon Society was naturally very happy after hearing this. After confirming that the news was reliable, he immediately sent his men back to attack the Radix Atractylodes s at the airport.    


Boss knew very well that Flea had coveted the profits at the airport for a long time. This time, he would be paid for coming back to seize this piece of land.    


He had already told Flea that if they really did get rid of the Green Mountain Sect, all the benefits would belong to themselves.    


Under the asymmetry in the information, the Radix Atractylodes still hoped that he could use rules to suppress the fleas. "Let me ask you one last time, are you really not going to abide by the rules? the consequences of doing this, you want to... "    


"Treading through the rules!"    


Flea let out an impatient roar, took out a steel tube from its sleeve, raised it up and roared: "Irrelevant people, move out of the way! "Blades and sticks have no eyes. No one will pay for any injuries!"    


After saying that, Flea was the first to swing its rod at Radix Atractylodes. The small fry behind him also pulled out a foot long steel pipe from their sleeves and rushed towards Radix Atractylodes's underlings.    


The passengers who were inside and outside the entrance hall were still trembling with fear as they rushed in and out.    


Seeing that both sides were actually fighting, and seeing that the fleas were shouting so arrogantly, they immediately moved far away at the same time.    


At this time, the two old auxiliary police s who were outside were also alarmed.    


However, after the two of them saw what was happening, they exchanged a look. In the end, they didn't choose to go up and only picked up their phones to report to their superiors and call for reinforcements.    


The two groups had already started fighting at the entrance of the main hall, Radix Atractylodes and his group were going to "work" before.    


Plus, they didn't think that anyone would dare to steal their territory. Most people didn't even bring their own people.    


Facing the group of fleas that came prepared, the unarmed Radix Atractylodes and Men immediately suffered a lot.    


However, because the fleas were unreasonable and went too far, all the Men s were angered. Under the situation where they had a common enemy, their fighting spirit was raised by a lot.    


Along with the sound of the wind, the steel pipe began to whistle loudly. Occasionally, one's arm would be broken and one's head would be smashed.    


And among Radix Atractylodes's group, there were actually a lot of fierce people who fought with one of their hands being broken to grab the steel pipe, then fought back with even more desperation.    


"In Chaoyang City, do you dare to do this?"    


Sun Hao smiled as he watched the fight between the two groups, and asked Jin Wawa and Lin Zisong who was beside him.    


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