Urban Carefree Sovereign

C253 Five elements arithmetic

C253 Five elements arithmetic

This was undoubtedly the magnitude 9 earthquake that shook the underworld in China, causing countless people to tremble.    


Behind the Long Sect was also confusion and doubt, but the Qing Gang in Shanghai was even more helpless and anxious. The northern side of China's underworld was about to move, while the southern side was also hearing some nervous voices.    


It was in the direction of the ancient South Atlantic, close to the green mountains. The place where Long Sect was the earliest to be. Here, old man Long Aotian was dressed in Tang suit and was constantly pacing, with the four dragon lords following behind him. Red Dragon Xiang Wentian, Azure Dragon Ouyang Qiankun, White Dragon Zhang Zhaoyang, and the mysterious old man from the Black Dragon s who had a strange aura on his face.    


On the huge piece of jade in the living room, the words "Long Sect" were carved with flying dragons and dancing phoenixes. Long Aotian kept trying to figure out what his grandson was thinking and kept sighing in his heart. If one were to talk about Axe-head Gang, it was more or less related to Long Sect. Now that Duan Hongyi was dead, Old Mo was dead, and Axe-head Gang was destroyed in one fell swoop, the Long Sect had completely lost its informants within the Jin Ling City. This couldn't help but cause old man Long Aotian to continuously guess what Chen Yufan wanted to do.    


Zhang Zhaoyang said in an insidious manner: "Old Dragon, could it be that you want to cover up for your own grandson?"    


Long Aotian's mind was in a mess, he stared at Bai Long Zhang Zhaoyang, and said angrily: "Elder Zhang ghost, if you did not anger him, how would he have done such an intense thing? You messed up all my plans, and now you're blaming me! How preposterous! "    


After saying that, Long Aotian waved his sleeves, ignoring the rest of them, he sat down on his butt, still with an expression of not knowing what to think.    


However, Xiang Wentian sighed at this moment, "Maybe we were really wrong. That child really does have such a bloody method of killing. We, we..."    


Zhang Zhaoyang immediately said in a high-pitched voice, "To old fogey, do you want to retreat? Don't forget, you're the one who agreed to it. Besides, it's just to let this kid know the difficulties and retreat. It's not like he really has to do anything. To be in charge of Long Sect, could it be that he does not even have this little bit of boldness? " Glancing fiercely at the furious Long Aotian, Zhang Zhaoyang said, "Old demon Long, don't forget how you sat in this position back then.    


Zhang Zhaoyang's words, however, made Long Aotian think back to those unbearable years. Long Family was indeed the Long Sect's founder, and founder. There was also a rule stating that sect leader s of all generations must first choose a person from the Long Family. But the test was extremely strict, and it was good. For several thousand years, his Long Family had always stood at the position of the Long Sect's sect leader.    


The elections for the Long Sect s that were going to take place once every twenty years was about to begin. A sect leader, four Dragon Lords, cyan, white, red, black. Only the Black Dragon line was from the same family, there was no one else. And for Zhang Zhaoyang's Zhang Family, Long Aotian's Long Family, Xiang Wentian's Xiang Family, and the Ouyang Family, who wouldn't want to compete for the position of the Long Sect's sect leader. If he succeeded, then his Long Family could only retreat to the position of the Long Sect's Dragon Master, and would select another twenty years later.    


With such a large structure like the Long Sect, the procedure within was simply too complicated. Long Aotian had personally experienced all of this back then, and that miserable experience was still fresh in his mind.    


Actually, within the Long Sect, other than the sect leader, there was no one else who could use Long Sect to conceal themselves within the political, military, and commercial worlds. The four Dragon Lords had their own strength and scope. Even though they were loose, they were still within the Long Sect, so the internal strife within the Long Sect had never stopped.    


Where there were people, there would always be fights. This was an unchanging principle, a dispute over power.    


Zhang Zhaoyang looked at the silent Long Aotian, and said in a strange tone: "Old Man Long, I agree that you want to keep your Long Family bloodline, but that dogshit Heavenly Dao Alliance must disappear from the face of the earth. His existence has already harmed the interests of the Long Sect, and we cannot let him continue to grow stronger, if not ? "    


"Or what?" Long Aotian stood up and said coldly: "Zhang Zhaoyang, don't forget, behind that child's back is not Long Sect, but Carefree Villa. If you want to touch him, just give it a try. When the war between Long Sect and the capital starts, do you have the confidence to win? "    


Zhang Zhaoyang was stunned, he did not know what to say. However, Long Aotian said aggressively: "If you dare guarantee it, then I, Long Aotian, won't be sitting in my seat today. I'll let you sit, how about it?"    


Long Aotian had operated his Long Sect for who knows how many years. Although Zhang Zhaoyang said that Long Sect was not a family of Long Family, he actually understood it very clearly. If a disciple of the Long Family could not become a sect leader, then no matter who it was, they would not be able to control the accumulation of these resources over the past two thousand years of Long Sect.    


Therefore, in the face of Long Aotian's questioning, he could only retreat two steps and not speak anymore.    


In fact, everyone understood now that Long Sect was Long Aotian, it was even Long Family. Even the ancestor was from the Long Family bloodline, and he was the previous generation's Long Sect sect leader. What's the use of jumping? However, the candy of rights was still attractive. Everyone wanted to give it a try, even if it was just a short twenty years.    


The Black Dragon laughed sinisterly, then turned to Zhang Zhaoyang and said: "Elder Zhang Ghost, you better not fight anymore, you think your Zhang Family can stop those crazy people with Carefree Villa? Each of the eighteen Carefree Horses are top-notch experts. Furthermore, with that old ghost Li Wentian present, if we were to compete purely in terms of martial power, then even if all of us add up our forces, we would not have the strength of Carefree Villa! "    


Although Zhang Zhaoyang didn't want to admit it, he had no choice but to admit it.    


In the end, Ouyang Qing silently stood aside and said, "I think we should let Ancestor decide! The old ancestor's cultivation base was godly, he should be able to see through some destiny. If the Old Ancestor says it's alright, then let's put that grandson Long on the list. How about it? "    


Actually, this ancestor who was hiding his Long Sect was the true Long Sect elder. Regardless of whether it was Long Aotian or the Four Dragon Lords, they were all extremely respectful to this elder. Because this ancestor was not only a grandmaster level expert in martial arts, he was also the former sect leader of Long Sect, the uncle of Long Aotian. Even though he had already removed the burden of his Long Sect and was wholeheartedly studying the martial way, don't underestimate this big boss. Even now, his control over his Long Sect was still very terrifying.    


Great events regarding the Long Sect were not hidden from his eyes, and similarly, towards some of the secret forces that even Long Aotian was unable to direct, the old man's command was as smooth as an arm. Therefore, even if one had to choose the successor of Long Sect, they would still have to obtain the approval of this old man. Otherwise, they would have no chance at all.    


Regarding Ouyang Qing's suggestion, although Long Aotian was helpless about it, it was the truth. He had to agree and reluctantly nodded his head. "Yes." The reason why Long Aotian and the four Dragon Masters were gathered here, was just in case, because this old man really liked the old ways. Even though Long Aotian had already led the headquarters of the Long Sect to the north, he was still used to staying here.    


In a quiet place on the mountain behind Dragon Gate Manor. There was a secluded pavilion atop the mountain. There were several large ancient words carved on top of the log. The Hidden Dragon Hall was filled with a light brush tip, but an indescribable murderous aura was emitted from it. Behind Long Ao Tian, the four Dragon Lords followed. This Dragon Gate's ancestor was used to the silence, so they did not dare to speak up, afraid that they would disturb his cultivation.    


In the middle of the forest, he would occasionally hear the chirping of birds. It was clear and elegant, and there was an ethereal feeling to it.    


At the bottom of the Hidden Dragon Pavilion was an old man wearing a long white robe. He had silver hair and held an ancient longsword in his hand. He was gently dancing without any sword Qi, only a faint sense of tranquility. The old man's movements were smooth like a jade bead. A pair of cloth shoes appeared beneath his feet, giving off an otherworldly feeling.    


The edge of the sword lightly moved. If it wasn't the Taiji Sword, then what was it?    


Although there was no inner strength added to the sword, wherever it went, a cold wind would blow and it seemed to have quite the charm. Long Aotian and the rest did not dare disturb the old man's interest, they just watched silently, although they were anxious, but they still stood there watching, between the sharp edges of the sword, they would occasionally reveal a little bit of Yang energy.    


After a long while, the old man put away his sword and stood up straight. His eyes glanced at Long Aotian, then looked at the four Dragon Lords behind Long Aotian, and faintly smiled. He stroked his beard, and said with a smile: "How did you few little fellows have the time to come and see this old man. You should know, even you lot yourself rarely have the chance to gather!"    


Long Aotian heard the old man's laughter, and immediately went forward to pay respects and said: "Uncle, it has been many years since we last met, and uncle is still as healthy and healthy as ever! This is truly a cause for celebration! "    


The old man glared at Long Aotian, and said snappily: "Little Son, you still know that you have an uncle like me? He didn't know that he had come to visit an old man during the new year's festival. Long Family are all cold blooded people! Forget about you, even my good-for-nothings sons have not come to see me. Tell me, why have all of you come here today? "    


Long Aotian let out an awkward laugh, but it was still Zhang Zhaoyang who stood out first, and said respectfully: "Old Master, there has been some conflict between us, I hope that you can speak with justice!"    


"Humph!" The old man coldly snorted: "Little Zhang, don't think that this old man doesn't care about Long Sect anymore and doesn't know anything. How can this old man not know about the things between you two? it was just for the sake of the right to Long Sect! "    


Zhang Zhaoyang was choked with emotions at the old man's words, he did not know what else to say. Initially, he thought the old man was filled with dissatisfaction towards Long Aotian, but it looks like the old man was still very protective of the people with Long Family. Although Zhang Zhaoyang was unsatisfied in his heart, he did not dare show it on his face. Who asked him not to be someone of Long Family?    


Xiang Wentian then stood up and said an impartial sentence, "Old Gramps, it's not everything that you said. After all, this is for the future of Long Sect. "    


After saying that, Xiang Wentian looked at Long Aotian and said, "You should know that once the Long Sect has been transferred to Ao Tian Army, there will be no more signs of life. However, recently Ao Tian said that he had an illegitimate child and thought of him as his grandson. Ao Tian also wants to add his grandson to the list of examinees for the Long Sect that occurs once every twenty years.    


Without waiting for Xiang Wentian to finish speaking, the old man waved his hand and said, "Although this old man understands the art of divination, I do not always have a bright idea!" The old man continued in a cold voice, "Using the Divine Inquisition Method to decide the major matter of Long Sect, don't you think that is a bit too child's play? How did this old man give his Long Sect to you worthless things! "    


The old man seemed to be angry, but no one dared to pry into his thoughts. Sitting on the cold stone bench, the old man changed his furious expression from when he was just blowing his beard, and said with a smile: "Little Tianzi, I never thought that you would bring my great-grandson here for this old man to see when I still have more Long Family! After hiding for so many years, it's time to take it out and take a look! If you don't see the sun for a long time, you will always feel bored! "    


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