Urban Carefree Sovereign

C255 Let's have dinner

C255 Let's have dinner

There were some people that settled down like the dust in the world after what had passed. Elder Shao Guohua had obtained a thread of hope for his son and the Shao Family Group, but his beloved granddaughter had lost all hope. It was not because Chen Yufan was ruthless and cold-blooded. Chen Yufan was right, people had to have some dignity. This was the bottom line as well as the principle of being a person.    


At the same time, this also made the Elder Shao give a higher evaluation of such a young man. Wealth could not be sowed, but might could not be stooped. It would be an amazing thing to be able to hold on to what you insist on in this environment of gold worship.    


However, Elder Shao seemed to have overestimated Chen Yufan. It was because they wanted to surrender to Chen Yufan. There was simply no one in the world who could do so. It was not because of how mighty he was, but rather, it was because there was almost no one in this world who could cause Chen Yufan to be moved.    


What Chen Yufan pursued was to live a carefree life. If he could become a shackle in his heart for such a small matter, then this life of his would no longer be the life that he wanted.    


The faint figure, with an otherworldly aura, walked step by step out of his office, passing by Elder Shao's side. Without a shred of restraint, he disappeared from Elder Shao's sight. The Elder Shao also sighed silently. After all, there were some things that could not be forced upon. There were some people that one could not force.    


After sighing without a word for a long time, Elder Shao returned to his office, turned on his computer, and typed out a line of words without strength: "Xiaoyu, Grandpa can't help you anymore!"    


After that, he turned off the computer and quietly left the office.    


Chen Yufan, who was wandering around the campus, raised his hand to look at the gold Swiss watch in his hand and smiled: "Those bastards should have already finished their lessons. Go and take a look at them!" As he spoke, he lifted his foot and walked forward. Today, Chen Yufan's schedule was already full. He needed to attend lessons, go home, and go to the hospital to treat that cripple Huang Jing.    


However, he was currently in a bad mood and wanted to find someone to accompany him for a drink or two. Naturally, the people in the dorm were the ones to bear the brunt of this. He had also promised Elder Shao, so he naturally had to inform Cai Yuewei. He couldn't just keep quiet like this. This was the basic question of politeness, so Chen Yufan walked towards the dormitory.    


Even the manager of the dorm knew Dean Xiao Chen. He was also the pride of this dorm. After all, this dorm had a vice principal. The old man looked at Chen Yufan and laughed: "Dean Xiao Chen, it has been a while since you came!"    


Chen Yufan was startled, then said with a chuckle: "Uncle Feng, you can just call me Yufan, that's what you used to call me!"    


It had to be said that Chen Yufan had a pretty good relationship with this Master Feng. When he was still in school, Chen Yufan was a famous person in the school, there were many girls here who wanted to open their heads and peek, some wanted to seek Chen Yufan for help, some wanted to seek Chen Yufan for help, there were practically all sorts of people, so Master Feng was not too surprised.    


But now, Chen Yufan could no longer be compared to the past. Although two short years were not enough to leave too many scars on his face, he was still so young, and still so handsome. However, it had to be said that the change in his identity made Grandpa Feng somewhat hesitant.    


After exchanging a few more pleasantries with Grandpa Feng, Chen Yufan headed straight up the stairs. Master Feng was silently looking at Chen Yufan's back, and sighed: "Dean Xiao Chen, you're a good person!"    


Things like character naturally came from the mouth of two people. And Chen Yufan's character could be said to be the best in terms of Jin Ling University. Back then, he was a good and obedient man. He had solved many problems for who knows how many people, and who knows how many people were still thinking about him. Even Grandpa Feng had received some benefits from him at that time.    


He thought back to the past. This youth still had a silly look, always sneaking out to buy some soy sauce and cooking for this lonely old man, drinking with him as if those years were just right in front of his eyes.    


The sound of footsteps could be heard in the corridor. At this time, almost everyone was in class, so the corridor remained quiet. When Chen Yufan reached the sixth floor, just as he wanted to knock on the door, he forcibly stopped himself from moving. Instead, he looked suspiciously at the rooftop of the sixth floor.    


This rooftop has too many memories. Whether it's the midnight cool, or the birthday party, they're almost always on the rooftop." However, it was a little faint now, and a little cold. When Chen Yufan silently arrived at the rooftop, he saw a silhouette of a back.    


Leaning over, he quietly laid on the roof railing, allowing the cool breeze to blow his hair. His dark skin looked healthy. On his bare arm, a piece of muscle could be clearly seen. It looked very much like a line. With his keen sense of smell, when he heard the footsteps behind him, he could not help but look back and smile.    


Chen Yufan imitated him as he laid on the roof's railing, looking down at the ground and looking up at the sky. The blue sky and white clouds, made his heart feel a lot more at ease.    


"Why are you here?" Ji Jiancai smiled.    


Chen Yufan, on the other hand, looked at Ji Jiancai, and said: "You little rascal, skipping class again, have I come to see you?" After saying that, Chen Yufan lowered his head and pointed towards the dorms below: "Where are they?"    


"They went to class and didn't come back. I was the only one in the dorm, so I came here to be quiet. To remember our past, that's all! " Ji Jiancai suddenly said with emotion.    


"You seem to be complaining a bit today?" Was it yesterday ? "    


Without waiting for Chen Yufan to finish speaking, Ji Jiancai laughed: "Mortals all have their complaints, if not why would Qu Yuan Da write a < < Li Sou > >?"    


Chen Yufan laughed and said: "What does < Desire to Be away > have to do with whining?"    


Ji Jiancai said indifferently: "Since Qu Yuan has been demoted, and has no ambition to leave the capital of Chu, he naturally has to complain. "If you want to leave, you have to complain!"    


Chen Yufan raised his big brother and praised, "You're such a genius!"    


Unexpectedly, Ji Jiancai was a little disappointed. He raised his head to look at the blue sky and said: "Sometimes geniuses and idiots are just one step away." Ji Jiancai then laughed at himself: "Master Chen, who would have thought that we would suddenly become like today?"    


Chen Yufan said indifferently: "That is fate!" The two of them looked at each other for a long time before laughing out loud.    


Ji Jiancai's call of "Fifth Master Chen" contained too much, some puzzlement, some doubt, some confusion, and some lewdness. This was something that even Chen Yufan could understand. As a soldier who existed in black and white, it was as if the moment Chen Yufan appeared in the darkness, something beautiful in his heart was broken.    


He naturally saw everything clearly when he saw the young master, because he could compare his heart to his own. In Ji Jiancai's twenty odd years of life, he had encountered almost every single person in every circle who gave him a kind of feeling, a kind of dusky feeling. This was because their front faces were eternally white while their back faces were covered with a trace of gloomy darkness.    


Even Feng Yuanzhe, Cai Yuewei, and Ji Jiancai himself was the same. However, Chen Yufan's appearance made him feel something was special. From the young master Fan who had just started out, to that big boy who was willing to help others. To the sad man who lingered in the pain of lovelorn, and to the man who was now truly at the peak of darkness.    


These transformations seemed to be too fast, causing Ji Jiancai to not be caught off-guard and find it difficult to adapt. The innocent boy who had once stood under the sunlight and smiled at him and called him Lao Er seemed to have disappeared. At this moment, the only one standing in front of him was the fierce and murderous Fifth Master.    


Bai Qi's and Fangfeng's broken love caused him to no longer believe in love, and Chen Yufan's transformation allowed him to clearly see where he belonged. It was as if he could no longer find the slightest hint of purity within this circle. Those dusky colors continued to circle in his eyes and roam about in his mind.    


Ji Jiancai started to hate himself, hate this circle, this circle was called Crown Prince's Gang.    


He silently raised his head, opened his somewhat dry mouth, and looked at the sun that was hanging above his head. Ji Jiancai asked: "Do you have cigarettes?" The voice was soft, but it was heart-wrenching.    


Chen Yufan looked at Ji Jiancai indifferently, and took out a box of cigars from his body. He opened it, and gave Ji Jiancai a cigarette, and very quickly, a bewitching red color was emitted from it under the bright daylight.    


"The taste isn't bad!" Ji Jiancai laughed and lazily turned his body over, allowing his back to lean against the cold railings as he stared at Chen Yufan for a long time. Watching carefully, he suddenly laughed, "Old Fourth, this is the first time I have seen you so closely. I have to say, your handsome face makes even girls jealous! "    


"You're too kind!" Chen Yufan answered simply. He could see the struggle in Ji Jiancai's heart, and he could hear the passion and unwillingness in this Lao Er that was born a soldier. He could not help but take a drag on his cigar, and said: "Lao Er, do you feel that this circle will never be pure? Isn't it a bit sad and a bit regretful? "    


Ji Jiancai smiled, covering the bitter look in the corner of his eyes: "Isn't it?"    


A cool breeze blew and swept away the quilts on the rooftop. It seemed as if a few had landed on the ground and raised a cloud of dust. Chen Yufan walked up indifferently, and with extremely elegant steps, he picked up the blankets and hung them on the bed, then continued to pat them. Only then did he silently return to Ji Jiancai, and smiled: "There are some things that needs to be understood by you!"    


Pausing, Chen Yufan continued calmly: "Darkness, it seems that everyone hates darkness, everyone hates darkness. But once there is no darkness in this world, what will happen in the end of the world? "    


"This will never happen!" Ji Jiancai laughed bitterly, and laughed at himself.    


"If you know, why reject it? This circle was originally like this, to say outrageous words. Even up there. Surviving in this circle required them to have their own laws of survival. The unwritten rules weren't baseless. The law of this world wasn't important, what was important was the unwritten rules! A violation of the rules of the game was to be relegated. You know what happens when you get out of this circle? Then he would be stomped into dog shit. Who's willing? "    


In the face of Chen Yufan's rhetorical questions, Ji Jiancai had nothing to say, because what Chen Yufan said was the truth. It is unrealistic for a man of dignity to allow his dignity to be less than dog shit. So their front is always sunny, and their back is always gloomy.    


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