Urban Carefree Sovereign



Liu Jia gawked, her heart was in turmoil. Chen Yufan's voice became more and more unfathomable, "Not long ago, that matter had caused you to be promoted to the position of Bureau Chief, and then, you began to jump faster than anyone else! Do you know why? "    


Seemingly slightly confused, Chen Yufan held onto Liu Jia's lower jaw. Liu Jia did not feel uncomfortable at all and was controlled by a boy just like that. He shook his head lightly. Chen Yufan's voice sounded once again, "That is because our family saw that you were able to uphold justice in this matter, and thus gave you a reward."    


"What did you say?" Liu Jia was so angry that she lost control of Chen Yufan and retreated two steps.    


"Later on, you leveled up faster and faster. Actually, everyone was well aware that this was inseparable from the capital. With my two grandfathers controlling you from behind, if it wasn't for your youth, you would already be the head of the hall! " Saying that, he took a puff on his cigar, then continued to speak with a faint smile on his face: "Do you still want to protect me?"    


Just as Chen Yufan was holding Liu Jia back to speak, Mu Qinghua had already removed all the people from the Crown Prince's Gang from the encirclement. Even Mu Qinghua felt that it was strange. No one knew why they had turned into statues, as if this had become a legend that no one could ever know.    


The conversation between Chen Yufan and Liu Jia, and even talking about it made Liu Jia feel that it was fishy. It wasn't that he wanted to take credit, or to show off anything. It was just that Liu Jia did what she did to Mu Qinghua to stall for time. Just as Liu Jia was so shocked that she could no longer care about the things behind her, no one realized that Chen Yufan's mouth was smiling mischievously, the curve of his lips twitched, as though he was mumbling an ancient incantation.    


With a slight movement of his finger, the Jade Thumb Ring s continuously emitted jade-like light that instantly illuminated the ground, and landed on the bodies of the armed forces. This was Chen Yufan's first time using such a large-scale spell in China. Although magic techniques were powerful inside Chen Yufan's heart, it was never as satisfying as when he practiced martial arts. Killing meant killing.    


Back then in Europe, Chen Yufan's level 12 Eastern Tao technique had killed almost tens of thousands of people with Sicily, but it did not have the slightest sense of accomplishment, as if he had activated it.    


With regards to the profoundness and profoundness of the Tao technique, Chen Yufan had not fully comprehended it, so he was not interested in using it.    


Looking at Liu Jia who was still in shock, Chen Yufan revealed a faint smile and waved his hand: "Sister Liu Jia, goodbye!"    


The two words "goodbye" seemed so decisive and ethereal, it woke Liu Jia up from her shock. Liu Jia's first reaction was to look back, at that moment, Mu Qinghua and Crown Prince's Gang were no longer at the entrance of the hospital. What was left behind were the shadows of people retreating in an orderly manner. On the other hand, the armed police force summoned by him was motionless, like a statue.    


Chen Yufan got on the car and smiled through the window: "Sister Liu Jia, don't worry, they will wake up in three minutes. Goodbye!"    


The car quickly started and in a split-second, it disappeared in front of Liu Jia. Seeing the expensive Rolls Royce disappear from her eyes, Liu Jia did not know what to do. He pulled at his hair like a madman. The hair that was tied behind his head quickly fell down.    


He lowered his head and continued to cry. The defensive line in Liu Jia's heart completely collapsed.    


Actually, this wasn't the result Chen Yufan wanted. He didn't think that his few words would break the last bit of perseverance a girl had left in her heart. Although it was said to be a little cruel to Liu Jia, it was still kind to the members of Crown Prince's Gang. After all, she didn't need to go to the prison. Compared to these hundred people, Liu Jia seemed to be insignificant.    


After all, Liu Jia was a public official and an iron rice bowl. Yet these Brothers were living a life of bloodshed, letting them live a better life, making them feel more at ease. This was Chen Yufan's wish.    


At the moment, was standing with her hands behind her back. Facing the Yangtze River, her heart was not very calm. After all, Liu Jia saw what she had done before. Although Liu Jia did not have any evidence, she already knew that it was Chen Yufan's doing.    


Sometimes, there were things that didn't require proof.    


Turning his head slightly, Chen Yufan said lightly: "In the future, we don't need to organize people to go to the hospital. We can just go straight to Zhang Shou Yao's house and make things big. And when you see the police, don't take it head-on and avoid it. Always maintain the enemy's advance and retreat, the enemy's tactics of tiring me. Don't let Zhang Shou Yao even have a chance to catch his breath! "    


Mu Qinghua stood respectfully behind Chen Yufan and nodded: "I understand, Fifth Elder!"    


The tip of his feet gently lifted, and slowly knocked on the floor. After a long while, Chen Yufan finally turned around and looked at Yuwen Shaoqing with a face of silence: "Yuwen, activate all the reporters and media; I hope that tomorrow's Jin Ling will appear in all the newspapers and this will be the headlines! "    


"I've already gone to contact them, so don't worry, Lord Fifth!" Yuwen Shaoqing said.    


Chen Yufan nodded his head in satisfaction, and sighed: "Originally, my Heavenly Dao Alliance was already in the process of training, so there shouldn't have been any problems. When this matter is over, I will give everyone a reward! "    


Yuwen Shaoqing immediately smiled playfully: "Master Wu, can you tell me in advance ?"    


"No way!" Chen Yufan also laughed and said. Yuwen Shaoqing immediately felt speechless, and looked at him with a stingy smile.    


However, at this moment, Mu Qinghua did not have the time to joke around, because there was something that he did not know how to say. After looking at Chen Yufan for a long time, his mouth opened and closed, and after hesitating for a while, he said: "Fifth Elder, there is something I want to tell you, please instruct me!"    


Chen Yufan curiously looked at Mu Qinghua. Mu Qinghua was known for being reliable, but what kind of thing could cause him to feel a little confused? With a slight smile, Chen Yufan said: "Speak, speak out and everyone can discuss!" Chen Yufan's tone was very tactful, as he only wanted to negotiate with his. This made Mu Qinghua feel very comfortable.    


Mu Qinghua turned around and quickly took out a black invitation from his office. Anyone who had messed around in the underworld would know that it was a black invitation. Chen Yufan opened his mouth and asked with some doubt: "Black invitation?"    


Mu Qinghua nodded, and said: "That's right, it's a black invitation. Unlike the northern provinces, the three northeastern provinces are filled with fierce tigers. The southwest direction is the radiation range of Hongmen, and Hong Kong and Macao have a red star in the East China Sea. As for Taiwan, it was an uncountable number of people. The Bamboo Alliance Armoured Cavalry, the Taiwan Heavenly Dao Alliance, as well as the Taiwan Qing Gang and the Four Seas Sect. Although they were in a state of chaos, their organization was far greater than those gangs on the mainland. "Therefore, the Jiangnan Province has spontaneously formed an alliance called the Jiangnan underworld alliance. Every year, people from the underworld would be invited to come to the alliance. Although gathering together is just a way to share the benefits, it's actually just a way to benefit the people from the underworld!"    


Chen Yufan seemed to understand the hidden meaning behind Mu Qinghua's words, and smiled: "Seems like they have taken a fancy to the Jin Ling, six generations of golden powder!"    


Mu Qinghua nodded, "That's right. Jin Ling are originally three parts of the world. However, if Heavenly Dao Alliance has appeared, and the balance is broken, then these people might already be ready for spring, and want to find a place like Jin Ling! "    


Taking out a cigar, Chen Yufan laughed sinisterly as he swirled it around: "Interesting, interesting!"    


Whether it was the underworld, the political situation, the military, or the overall situation of the world, they all needed to be balanced. This was also the way of checks and balances. Everyone hoped that there would be an absolutely balanced situation that would allow them to preserve their vested interests. No one wished for a hurricane figure to sweep through the situation and break the balance. Even the underworld was the same.    


Undeniably, this black invitation came at the right time, which saved Chen Yufan a lot of effort.    


Since it was a hurricane, then it would naturally have the power of a hurricane. They had gathered together to try and do something, to obtain something from the Jin Ling, Chen Yufan and Mu Qinghua knew very well. Since this was the case, Chen Yufan would definitely not give them the chance to retaliate. In theory, the Jiang Nan underworld alliance meeting should be held three days prior, and the latter three days later, the Jiang Nan province underworld alliance should not have the slightest movement.    


However, they seemed to have forgotten that the person in charge of the Heavenly Dao Alliance was not a pure underworld person. Therefore, Chen Yufan did not have these considerations. If he could exchange the least amount of casualties for the greatest benefit, then what about this kind of thing? In such matters, Chen Yufan seemed more like a cunning merchant.    


In terms of business, this underworld meeting was indeed an opportunity that was hard to come by.    


Chen Yufan's intention was clear, during this period of time, a portion of it that he could consume would be a portion. It would be best to give him a dumpling during the mafia general meeting so that all these mafia lords would disappear from this world. It wouldn't be long before Jiang-Nan formed a united front, standing opposite the ancient Qing Hong and Zhu Li.    


This was also an opportunity for Chen Yufan to show off his might to the entire Long Sect.    


On top of the Linglong Pavilion, Chen Yufan coldly narrowed his eyes, his gaze still falling onto the surface of the river which did not rise from the waves, and said indifferently: "The Yangtze River is great, but it does not have any ocean waves!" This was not the first time Chen Yufan had said these words. Every time he said them, his heart would be filled with waves that belonged solely to the ocean.    


"Lord Fifth, are you going to attend?" Mu Qinghua stood behind Chen Yufan and said respectfully.    


Chen Yufan shook his hand, and said: "I am not suitable to attend such a thing. Tsinghua, you represent Heavenly Dao Alliance in attendance. As for World Gang, I will let the Azure Dragon represent World Gang in attendance at this underworld gathering. "    


Mu Qinghua was stunned for a moment, then nodded his head. What Chen Yufan said was indeed reasonable, what he was more suitable for now was to have the spirit of Heavenly Dao Alliance and the support of force. As for the management and operational aspects, it seemed like this Lord Fifth didn't really like them. Virtually all of the major affairs of the Crown Prince's Gang were managed by Mu Qinghua and Yuwen Shaoqing at the moment. Similarly, Shanghai's hand also seemed to like to pay attention to the current Crown Prince's Gang from time to time.    


However, Mu Qinghua and Yuwen Shaoqing both knew who their current master was. Because of Chen Yufan's terrifying strength, their hearts were all filled with fear and respect. They firmly believed that under the guidance of this Fifth Master, they, themselves, and even their entire Crown Prince's Gang would enter an unprecedented stage of development. This was something that Chen Tianlei could not grant.    


It was not because Chen Tianlei did not have any talent, but because Chen Tianlei was not suitable for this profession.    


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