Urban Carefree Sovereign



After silently lighting up his cigar, Chen Yufan squinted his eyes and laughed: "Tsinghua University, what do you think would happen if all these underworld elders were picked up by a bunch of dumplings?"    


Mu Qinghua and Yuwen Shaoqing instantly stood up, their eyes looked at Chen Yufan with a little fear, and they thought: This Lord Fifth is truly a person who isn't afraid of the heavens or the earth. Once he did as he was told, he would immediately become the public enemy of the Chinese underworld. They would only think about it, but they would never dare to say it.    


Although they did not turn around, Mu Qinghua and Yuwen Shaoqing's thoughts very naturally appeared in his mind. The corner of his mouth raised into a smile, the smile was very beautiful, even Mu Qinghua could not help but look at it twice. Chen Yufan waved his hand and said: "I understand your thoughts, I will naturally not be so stupid as to let you personally take action, don't worry, I have my own plans!"    


His eyes revealed the aura of the ocean, and his lips muttered: "Angel Wings, they should have also arrived!"    


No one knew what exactly the Angel Wings that Chen Yufan was talking about was, and even more so, no one knew how many trump cards this underworld aristocrat who had just risen to prominence in the Jin Ling's underworld. Only Chen Yufan himself knew whether these trump cards had the power to sweep away an army of a thousand.    


Slightly moving forward, his eyes that were as large as seas lightly glanced at Yuwen Shaoqing, and said: "Yuwen, have you prepared the things I asked you to prepare? I need a very specific piece of information, as well as some information to separate the combatants in Crown Prince's Gang and these resources. These human resources are something that can only be found by luck and not sought after! "    


Yuwen Shaoqing smiled lightly, and said: "Fifth Elder, don't worry. I have already prepared all the things, they are definitely top secret files. I have already investigated the families of these young masters, their marriage contract, their past crimes, and even the matters of them when they were in their underpants. They are all on this computer. Take a look at them! "    


With that, Yuwen Shaoqing gave the small notebook in his hand to Chen Yufan. Chen Yufan nodded, and his gaze could not help but reveal a little astonishment. After all, Chen Yufan had some knowledge of video games, but regarding this kind of hacking skill, he had no idea at all. This was not part of his domain.    


He opened the book and looked at the information on it. Obediently, there were nearly a hundred young masters reading a biography of hundreds of thousands of words. It was indeed very detailed, no matter what they had done or even what they had said. They had done many dirty things in their hands, and this file clearly remembered them. Perhaps these insignificant things were forgotten even by this group of young masters.    


Chen Yufan was even more surprised than before, and laughed: "Yuwen, you're really a genius, where did you get these files from!"    


Yuwen Shaoqing stroked his bangs complacently, and laughed charmingly: "This is still not a piece of cake, with their names, you can find them anywhere you want. These princes seemed to be very powerful, but they were actually the ones who were the most helpless against hackers. There was almost no defense on their computers. It was very easy to enter. As for the rest, they were found in their previous school records. It was very easy, very easy! "    


Chen Yufan continued to flip through them, and the more he read, the more he felt that Yuwen Shaoqing's methods were powerful, not only did he have these written information, there were also pictures, and even some videos that were unbearable to look at. If this thing was used as evidence, who knew how many times these princes would be shot.    


"I once heard that during Kang Xi's time, there was a person called Ren Bo'an who collected all kinds of important information about the hundred officials. This included some crimes that were edited into a book called the hundred officials' book to threaten the rise of the hundred officials of the imperial court." Today, Yuwen, you have edited something that is comparable to the hundred year official encyclopedia. "    


"It's a pity that this is not an official's story. At most, it's just the story of a young master!" Yuwen Shaoqing laughed at himself.    


Suddenly, Chen Yufan's eyes fell on a person's name. That person was called Long Ao Yu, but he did not have too much information on him, only a few words, name, age, and date of birth. Chen Yufan pinched his eyebrows and asked: Yuwen, who is this Long Ao Yu?    


As the young master wrote down the few hundred thousand words in his novel, the name Long Ao Yu seemed a little strange. After all, amongst these people, only Long Ao Yu had one name: Age. The rest of the information was almost blank. This attracted Chen Yufan's interest, and even Yuwen Shaoqing was unable to find out who this person was, but just this point was enough to make people curious.    


Yuwen Shaoqing also helplessly spread out his hands, his expression somewhat helpless as he said: "This is the first time in my life that I have failed, it is rather shameful speaking of it. This Long Ao Yu's style of doing things is a little strange. Moreover, he is proficient in computers, so he can be considered one of the world's top hackers. All of his programs have been protected, I have not been able to decipher them. But one thing I am sure of is that this Long Ao Yu definitely has connections with the military! "    


"How can I be sure?" Chen Yufan asked curiously. Looking at the two words Long Ao Yu on the notebook, he started to have a familiar feeling, as if those things existed in his blood vessels.    


Regarding computers and hacking techniques, Mu Qinghua did not have much authority over them, so he looked at Yuwen Shaoqing with a face full of curiosity. Yuwen Shaoqing crossed his hands and laid them flat on his chest. After muttering to himself for a long time, he said: "Because all the information regarding this Long Ao Yu was encrypted by the military system. It was also not an ordinary military system! The military system of China is very complicated, but you can be sure that this is the highest level of military secrets! "    


"How long more do you need to decipher it?" Chen Yufan asked.    


"One week. Give me one more week. As long as they don't change the system within one week, I will be able to decipher it!" Yuwen Shaoqing said confidently, this was a genius computer, a hacker expert's confidence in himself. Although Chen Yufan didn't know where this self-confidence came from, he still maintained his trust towards Yuwen Shaoqing.    


In fact, only Yuwen Shaoqing himself knew that even the American Federal Bureau of Investigation and the military system made him feel like no one was there. It was just that China had too much understanding towards hackers and hackers. Although there was no online military command in name, there were some things that did not require such a system.    


China has a population of 1.5 billion. Do you know who among these people work for the government as a guest? This is something that none of the world's great powers have. Because the Chinese people have already entered every corner of the world, among these people, how many of them are Chinese spies, can you tell?    


Actually, to a large country, those hypocritical military affairs were not important. The true realm was actually the Boundless Great country. What bullsh * t military blockade, what bullshit blockade of the island chains, in the eyes of the 1.5 billion Chinese, those things were practically a joke.    


With a slight raise of his brow, Chen Yufan's calm eyes seemed to have thought of something. He waved his hand and said: "Yuwen, don't touch this matter for now. I will use my channels to understand. " Saying that, Chen Yufan smiled evilly: Even if you can decipher these things, all you will get are useless materials!    


Mu Qinghua laughed and said: "Yuwen, I've never seen you fail before."    


It's normal for a man to fail and a horse to miss its hooves," said Yuwen Shaoqing, glancing dully at Mu Qinghua. I never thought I was invincible! Sometimes, when there was an enemy in the world, it was also a pleasure. Once you are invincible, you will be endlessly bored. What's the point of standing on top of a mountain?    


Staring at Mu Qinghua with contempt, as an ordinary person, Mu Qinghua was unable to understand this point. At this moment, Chen Yufan understood Yuwen Shaoqing's meaning. As a warrior, if one was invincible, it would be boring. Just like Dugu Qiubai, for a generation of Sword Demons to hide in darkness and become friends with sculptures, why must they suffer?    


"The world has enemies, the world has enemies!" Chen Yufan continued to mutter under his breath, as a trace of sadness and joy flashed across his face.    


The current Chen Yufan, had already entered the sixth stage, and was now a sovereign descending upon the world. Meanwhile, the Free and Unrestrained Heart Refining Technique had already broken through the Earth Realm and entered the stage of great supernatural power. It seemed that there was no one in this world who could be a match for it. He had never seen heavenly tribulation before, not even Li Xiaoyao. It was still unknown how powerful it was.    


Just as Chen Yufan was mumbling to himself, and was continuously revealing a sorrowful expression, the phone suddenly rang. An urgent voice came from the other side of the phone, and said: "Yu Fan, Yu Fan, where are you right now? Something's happened, something big has happened! Come back quickly, come back quickly! "    


"What happened? Why are you in such a panic?" Chen Yufan asked very calmly.    


The other side of the phone was not clear either, but Chen Yufan could feel that there was someone causing trouble at the school. And the people he had offended recently were not many. It was impossible for Shao Chengdong to do so, but it was impossible for Shangguan Ling. There was only one person who could cause trouble at Jin Ling University and that was Su Changhao.    


How could Su Changhao, who had lost a hand to Chen Yufan, easily take in this anger? He naturally wanted to come to the Jin Ling University to seek justice from Chen Yufan. If he didn't cripple one of his hands, or even his five limbs, it would be hard for him to swallow his anger.    


When Chen Yufan's exceptionally luxurious Rolls Royce stopped not far away from the school gate, Chen Yufan, who was sitting on it, had long since seen the scene outside the school gate. At the moment, there was a group of people surrounding the school entrance, they all looked fierce, and the one leading them was none other than Su Changhao.    


Su Changhao's face turned slightly pale, his crippled arm had a bandage wrapped around it, and he looked at the security team with Jin Ling University and electric batons with a face full of hatred, laughing sinisterly: "You bastards, hurry up and leave this father's side. This father is looking for Chen Yufan today to settle scores, you dare stop this father, this father will follow you!"    


The leader of the security guards was currently making calls to the Principal Office, with a cold expression on his face as he looked at Su Changhao and the intimate Jin Haiyan who was holding onto her arm. Back then, news of Jin Haiyan and Chen Yufan had practically spread throughout the city, and even these security guards of Jin Ling University knew about it. They looked at her hatefully, and muttered to themselves, "You guys actually brought people here to cause trouble."    


Although he did not say it, but when his fiery gaze landed on Jin Haiyan's face, he naturally felt it. Since she was no longer clean, she might as well use her good years to do some things. She hated Chen Yufan because she felt that it was because of Chen Yufan's abandonment that she lost the chance to be a good person.    


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