Urban Carefree Sovereign



No matter who it was, their life's work had been turned into ruins, and no one would be able to control the explosion. Xia Dongming had devoted his entire life to the construction of this foreign language academy and had once used countless of methods to try and seize control of this academy from his three old buddies. It was because he knew that no matter how much the world changed, this school would still continue to exist.    


But now, his life's work had been done for the sake of someone else. How could he calm his heart down? Most importantly, he was not defeated by Chen Yufan, but rather by his own son. Eight percent of the management shares had completely reversed the situation.    


Even though the current Xia Dongming was still the school's second-largest shareholder, he was already meaningless.    


At that time, the Jin Ling and foreign languages academy was in the world. Although Xia Dongming did not have an absolute controlling interest, he was still the nominal number one shareholder. And now, even if he was still the second-largest shareholder, the absolute control of the company was in the hands of this unfathomable young man. To put it harshly, he could retire now.    


Thirty percent of the shares would only give them a yearly bonus, but they would not even have the chance to participate in management. Thus, they would also lose a large amount of their grey income. No one knew how many schemes the education world had in store for them. And where would the bottom line be?    


Chen Yufan leaned on the door and faintly smiled. Looking at the old man who was on the verge of collapse, he lightly said, "Xia Dongming, this young master is giving you another chance. It is now entirely impossible for you to control this academy anymore. If you are able to transfer the shares in your hands now, then I will buy them at the price of one million dollars. If you insist on not realizing your mistake, then you will go bankrupt! "    


"You, you, you ?" Xia Dongming slightly trembled as he pointed at Chen Yufan with both hands and coldly said, "Even if I don't give you the shares, what can you do? Jin Ling and Foreign Language Academy are the pillars of Jin Ling, what else can you do? Do you think that just because you have some money, you can fight with the government? "    


"Ha ha!" Chen Yufan chuckled and said: "Since that's the case, we will wait and see. I may as well tell you that I now have the biggest shareholder in this school, the absolute controlling interest. That is why I have the right to change any of the institutions of the Institute. For a while, I was new. I also wanted to learn from those foreign universities and play on the market. You should understand what happens next! "    


Stepping forward, Xia Dongming broke into a cold sweat, and retreated continuously with a pale face. As long as one was cultured, they would understand the gist of it. Once the school went public, the price of all the controlling stakes in one's hands would not be up to one's control. At that time, education would be commercialized. If there were any problems, or if there was a malicious sniper attack, the situation would become unimaginable.    


His 30% stake in the deal could turn into paper overnight. What was even more tragic was that it could become a series of debts, and he wouldn't be able to take the hit.    


"Don't think that I am just joking. Since I am able to spend money to buy your shares, then a capital of 80 million is nothing to me." When that time comes, you will have to reorganize, distribute, and distribute at least 20% of the shares. I can also buy back the shares in your hands and turn all the shares in your hands into white paper at the same time. That will be my problem. Think about it carefully! "    


Xia Dongming swayed his body, supported himself with both hands, and fiercely glared at Chen Yufan: "Young man, we have no grudges in the past, no grudges in the recent days. You are hurting the enemy by a thousand and hurting yourself by eight hundred yuan. Your losses are far greater than ours. Is it worth it? "    


After coughing twice, Xia Dongming continued, "Also, the Education Bureau can't possibly let the Education Bureau enter commercial mode. Just give up on this thought!"    


Chen Yufan smiled in disdain as he walked step by step towards Xia Dongming, and said with a chuckle: "Old Master Xia, do you know what you look like now?"    


"Like what?" Xia Dongming said, confused.    


"Like a struggling ant!" Chen Yufan's words came out from the corner of his mouth word by word with intense disdain and contempt, but an elegant smile still flashed across his face: "If you don't believe us, we can try, but you will lose very miserably. Not only will you go bankrupt, but you will also have a huge amount of debt. "    


With that, Chen Yufan turned and left, not giving Xia Dongming any more chances to speak. Xia Dongming's body shook violently, with a pu sound, he once again spat out a mouthful of fresh blood, but his eyes still flashed with a light of unwillingness. His old buddies looked at him with some bitterness in their hearts.    


At this time, Qiu Zhixuan, who had been silent from the start, stood up and silently walked over to Xia Dongming's side. He looked at his old friend with a reluctant gaze, and said: "Old fellow, you've been strong for your entire life, but who would have thought that you would end up like this. Someone who has already half his body buried in the ground, why must he suffer! "    


Qiu Zhixuan helplessly shook his head and continued, "Actually, the entire education system in China has already entered a mode of commercialization. It's just that no one has ever dared to stand out and be the first person to eat crab!"    


After he finished speaking, Qiu Zhixuan also left without looking back. They were tightly following the path Chen Yufan had just taken. However, from the moment he walked out of the school director's office, he understood that these people were really getting old. He couldn't win against the young people of today. Because at the end of the corridor, Chen Yufan's brilliant smile continued to size himself up.    


Taking a few steps forward, Qiu Zhixuan revealed a faint smile, his face revealing an astute and astute expression, "Young man, you're very, very powerful!"    


"Is that so?" Chen Yufan smiled faintly and asked a question in reply.    


Qiu Zhixuan nodded, and looked at this young man in surprise, saying, "Being able to see through a person's heart, you are truly amazing." After pausing for a long time, Qiu Zhixuan asked again, "Will we continue with the addition just now?"    


Chen Yufan sneered in his heart: Old fox. However, there was still a smile on his face as he said, "Of course, if you are willing, I can also give you the position of executive director. How about it?"    


"Deal!" Qiu Zhixuan immediately agreed. Chen Yufan smiled slightly as he stretched out his hand. Qiu Zhixuan also stretched out his hand, and an old and a young pair of big hands tightly gripped together. Chen Yufan said in a soft voice, "Let's have a happy cooperation!"    


"Happy cooperation!" Qiu Zhixuan also said.    


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