Urban Carefree Sovereign

C192 Wang zhi sect with their heads covered in dirt

C192 Wang zhi sect with their heads covered in dirt

The way of governing a country is to be in the right place, to win by surprise, and to play chess is the same." On the battlefield, Shao Guohua seemed to have gained the upper hand, but in the end, he could only win against Chen Yifan. Behind him, his dragon was easily slaughtered by Chen Yifan, and lost by more than one level.    


Just as the two were deep in thought, a respectful knocking sound suddenly came from the door, disturbing Shao Guohua's train of thoughts. Shao Guohua asked impatiently: "Who?"    


Outside, the unhappy voice quickly sounded with a hint of flattery: "Elder Shao, it's me, Little Wang!"    


Little Wang, how many more there are in this hospital!? Naturally, it was the Director Wang. Originally, after Director Wang was defeated, he could not understand, and did not dare to complain to the Principal, so it was as if he wanted to make things difficult for Chen Yufan. After racking his brains, he thought of a good idea. However, when he was about to execute it, he realized that there was no one in the vice principal's office.    


This was like a heavy punch hitting cotton, without the slightest bit of strength. It made him feel uncomfortable all over. Then he thought, wasn't this an opportunity? He could go to Elder Shao and give him some small reports. Elder Shao hated this kind of playboy the most, not only would he be able to add points to his points, he would also be able to add points to his points.    


However, Shao Guohua smiled and indicated for Chen Yufan to not speak, and asked solemnly: "Xiao Wang, what's the matter?"    


Shao Guohua had a bad habit, that was, whether or not anyone could enter his office. This Principal's office was Shao Guohua's forbidden area, because there was too much of Shao Guohua's blood essence inside. Whether it was the calligraphy and painting, or this cat's eye stone's Go, these were all treasures! He did not want others to see or defile him.    


Apart from the Principal, Li Wen Tian and Chen Yufan, no one else had entered this office. Therefore, the Director Wang was not curious about his usual style. Even if he was beaten to death, he would never have thought that Chen Yufan was currently in Shao Guohua's office. So he said with some indignation, "President, this Vice President Chen is too outrageous. Who knows where he has run off to during business hours? Elder Shao, when he comes back, you must definitely have a good talk with him! "    


Shao Guohua looked at Chen Yufan with a slight smile, but the voice outside did not stop. It had always been saying some bad things about Chen Yufan. What was late on the first day of work, what was unprofessional? Of course it was to make the Principal unhappy, but Shao Guohua was indeed unhappy. However, it was not because of Chen Yufan, but rather, this Director Wang.    


With a cold snort, Shao Guohua said, "I know!"    


Hearing his tone, Director Wang naturally understood that Elder Shao was angry, he secretly rejoiced, and after feeling that he had completed his task, he hummed a small tune and was about to leave.    


Inside the office, Shao Guohua looked at Chen Yufan with a slight smile. Chen Yufan smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying, "Looks like I don't have any bad intentions, but there are people who are always thinking about me!"    


Shao Guohua nodded, and said indifferently: "Little Chen, sometimes society is just that bad. The workplace, in particular, was like a tree crawling with monkeys. Looking down, they were all smiling. Looking up, all of them were smiling at his buttocks. Looking left and right, they were all eyes and ears. These are the unwritten rules of the workplace. Just get used to it. Wang Zhimen was originally the one who had the most hope of sitting in the position of Vice President, but now that you have put him down, naturally, you are unconvinced in your heart! "    


Chen Yufan smiled faintly and looked at Shao Guohua apologetically: "Elder Shao, can I smoke at your side?"    


Shao Guohua smiled and nodded, as if he could once again see that this youth had something in common with him. Although he had advised Chen Yufan not to smoke too much in the morning on the field, he was still a complete smoker himself. However, in this sort of martial artist's opinion, smoking didn't harm their body, so they smiled and tacitly agreed.    


He took out two cigars from his clothes, gave one to Shao Guohua, and lit one for himself. The room was filled with the scent of chocolate. Shao Guohua laughed: "Not bad, you have a good taste!" Picking up another chess piece, Shao Guohua looked at Chen Yufan with a profound look: "Little Chen, Wang Zhimen is not a good person to spar with. You must be careful. Furthermore, his background is not small, even the Principal has to give him some! "    


Chen Yufan said unconcernedly: "A backer is never as useful as a fist. Although he has a bit of a bureaucratic aura, I can still endure him now. If I can't stand it, I'll be sorry for him. "    


Shao Guohua laughed with interest, and asked: "Then what are you planning to do?"    


Chen Yufan casually flicked the cigarette in his hand: "I will make him disappear right in front of me! This is the simplest and most effective method! "    


Although he didn't dare to agree with Chen Yufan's extreme way of doing things, Shao Guohua still didn't believe that Chen Yufan would do such a thing. After all, from the surface, this Dean Xiao Chen looked like a weak and gentle person, who didn't seem like someone who would easily kill people. However, if Shao Guohua knew that Chen Yufan had already achieved a thousand slashes and a battle record of ten thousand slashes, he probably would not think that way.    


In Shao Guohua's eyes, killing people was illegal. But in Chen Yufan's eyes, it was simply a side dish. Depends on his mood.    


In the end, the couple ended their encounter with a burst of joyous laughter. Shao Guohua also didn't mention anything about the thirty six golden needles anymore. Instead, he continuously invited Chen Yufan to his house as a guest. He kept on praising his granddaughter; it was as though he was praising his own granddaughter to the point of becoming a Celestial Immortal.    


Chen Yufan naturally understood the deep meaning behind this action, but he still returned it with a kind smile.    


However, when Chen Yufan left Old Man Shao Guohua's office and returned to his own, there was already a group of people waiting there. Amongst them, Wang Zhimen, Director Wang was currently sitting in front of Chen Yufan's desk with a smile on his face. Looking at Chen Yufan, he immediately taught him a lesson with a displeased face: "Dean Xiao Chen, do you know what happened to you? Are you deserting your duty? "    


Chen Yufan was not angered at all, he only chuckled and said: "Director Wang, are you trying to exonerate us?"    


Wang Zhimen slapped the table and stood up, "Dean Xiao Chen, what is your attitude? As the head of the Education Bureau, I naturally have to carry out my responsibilities. While you were at work, you actually left your post and went out to play around. I have already reported this to the Elder Shao. I am not taking this opportunity to take revenge. Besides, I have nothing to take revenge on! "    


Saying that, Wang Zhimen knocked on his legs with a complacent look on his face, thinking: Little brat, it's still too early for you to fight with me. Hurry up and beg me, I want to see if you have the final say in this medical academy or me.    


This was originally just an act of pouting, but Chen Yufan was not as weak as he thought. Instead, he laughed and said, "Director Wang, you seem to have acted a little arrogantly. As the Vice Principal, I naturally know what I have to do. Are you trying to tell me what to do here? "    


Wang Zhimen was immediately furious, he had actually been lectured by this child over and over again, and the anger on his face had already started to rise. However, Chen Yufan did not give him another chance to speak, and calmly replied: "Director Wang, don't talk about me anymore. You guys are all staying in my office, don't you need to work? Or could it be that your job of teaching Director Wang is to keep an eye on me? "    


Wang Zhimen shouted in fury, "I did not leave the Academy, and did not leave my post without permission. And who knows where you went to mess around!"    


"Oh, so it's like that. So you're not going to leave school without permission?" The Director Wang said with such certainty that I left my duty without any evidence. I have been in the school the entire time! " Chen Yufan seized this loophole and spoke: "If you don't believe me, you can ask the school gate guards. They have the most right to speak!"    


Wang Zhimen was unable to speak, he calmed his anger and said: "Alright, since I did not investigate this matter, I made a comment, but Dean Xiao Chen has just taken over. There are some tasks that need to be done! " Saying that, some of the officials under Wang Zhimen immediately stood up.    


Chen Yufan saw that all of them were holding onto a handful of documents and regulations. Wang Zhimen laughed sinisterly, "Dean Xiao Chen, this is the calendar of our institution, as well as all the information it has gathered over the years. To manage this academy properly, one must naturally understand these things. Dean Xiao Chen, please take a look first, I'll come and inspect within three days! "    


After saying that, Wang Zhimen was about to leave, but Chen Yufan was a little angry, and said: "Director Wang, pay attention to your words. You seem to have reversed the relationship between us, or perhaps your brain has been playing around for too long. I am the vice principal, do you need me as the head of the Education Bureau to come and inspect? "    


However, Wang Zhimen glanced back at him sinisterly and laughed, "Dean Xiao Chen, before you say these words, let's take a look at the school's rules first! I have the right to examine your familiarity with the administration of the Institute, as well as your right to veto your proposal on the institution's construction. "Do your best. Three days later, if you are not able to master these things, I will send this result to the school board and let them decide!"    


Chen Yufan was startled for a moment. Looking at the mountain of papers, he asked: "Are all of these important?"    


Wang Zhimen laughed, "Naturally, it's very important!"    


Chen Yufan then asked: "Then who is in charge of these documents?"    


A person stepped out from behind Wang Zhimen, and said with ill intentions, "I'm the one in charge of managing the academy's records! What orders does the vice principal have? "    


Chen Yufan made an 'oh' sound, and laughed: "Since all these papers are very important, then I will have to trouble you! Director Wang has asked me to finish reading it in three days, I will give you one day to categorize all of these documents. And I have a bad habit of not liking to see these printouts. I need you to rewrite it. Do you understand? "    


"This ?"    


Chen Yufan looked at Wang Zhimen with interest and said: "You guys can only blame Director Wang. The time he gave me was really too short, so I can only give you one day. You guys go ahead and deal with it! "If you don't handle it well, then don't come to work tomorrow. I don't need these trash here!"    


Saying that, Chen Yufan once looked towards Wang Zhimen and laughed: "There's still that Director Wang! Since you're so familiar with the management regulations of the campus, you should help them out! Within one day, I need to see the main point, you understand! Also, that guard always complained that Director Wang did not register when he went out during class, and would ask Director Wang to change it in the future. Don't make it hard for others, right? "    


After thinking for a while, Chen Yufan didn't care about Wang Zhimen's red and green face, and continued, "There's still that, it's that guy. I think there's a basic medical manual in the academy, I heard that Director Wang has seen it before. Then, I'll just write ten summaries of these books first. Don't say too much, just a hundred thousand words and leave it to me in three days' time! "    


Wang Zhimen finally exploded out: "You, what do you mean by this?"    


Chen Yufan spread out his hands and said: "It's not interesting, as the vice principal of the academy, I don't want some unskilled people to get involved. At the very least, he still had to understand some common medical knowledge! Therefore, the Director Wang should forgive us, but it seems like according to the school rules, the Vice Principal has the right to conduct an academic evaluation on every teacher who replaces a position in the school! "    


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