Urban Carefree Sovereign

C75 Wordless words

C75 Wordless words

However, when she saw Chen Yufan, that bright and handsome big boy, walking together with her best friend in the family, being so intimate, she clearly heard the sound of her heart breaking. Disappointment, resentment, fear, and all sorts of inexplicable emotions could be felt.    


In the beginning, Nalan Yanyan kept narrating that she was just jealous, that her toy was stolen away and that she was unhappy. She had almost gone mad when she saw Su Jingjing's blissful face when Su Jingjing had solemnly talked to her about Chen Yufan. It was only then that she realized that she had really fallen for that handsome boy.    


It would be great if he could think of Chen Yufan alone, so he felt that time passed really quickly. He dreamt about the boy countless times during the night, and it was the same for the night. It was just that this was a nightmare. She dreamt that Chen Yufan was holding Su Jingjing's hand and turning around to leave her, getting further and further away from her, farther and farther away.    


No matter how she begged or screamed, she remained indifferent. When she woke up in the morning, her heart was filled with fear, and her tears had soaked her pillow. It was only then that she realized that the boy had been deeply engraved in her life, unerasable.    


Thus, she made this decision, to express her love or to completely forget. Standing in front of the Government Compound's door, he quietly waited, waiting for that figure to appear. Fortunately, she had managed to arrive. However, the following matters were not as expected. Her heart was pounding in anticipation, as though a drum had been struck in her heart.    


The two walked under the gradually darkening night sky hand in hand for a long time. Chen Yufan did not seem to have any sort of annoyed feelings as the two of them simply walked along in silence. Only until they arrived in front of a restaurant did Nalan Yanyan stop, turned around, and looked at Chen Yufan.    


Then, when he looked at the name of the restaurant once again, Chen Yufan wanted to pretend that he couldn't see the look of anticipation in the eyes of the owner, but he would still feel regret in his heart. Nalan Yanyan said softly: "We're here!"    


Chen Yufan's eyes began to slowly narrow. With a bitter laugh, he said with a voice that could not be doubted, "A couple's home?"    


Nalan Yanyan choked with sobs: "Yufan, why are you hiding from me, why? Don't you know what I think? "Do you really not care at all?"    


Chen Yufan let out a heavy sigh and said: "Yanyan, how can I not know what you're thinking? "But ?"    


Nalan Yanyan immediately raised his head, and with a pleading look in her eyes, she asked: "Is it because of Jingjing?" She lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Yes, I know I'm bad, I'm a bad girl. I am jealous of Jingjing, I have destroyed your relationship. However, I cannot forget, I cannot forget that you saved me from under the wheels, I cannot forget ? "    


Nalan Yanyan's throat was slightly choked with sobs. She calmed down for a while and said, "Yufan, if, if you really can't accept it. Then tonight, give me a good memory! Meal with me, last meal. I will not haunt you in the future. I will disappear from your lives. I silently wish you all happiness. "    


The girl already started to look at Chen Yufan with a begging gaze. As a normal man, Chen Yufan was not able to resist her.    


The owner of this hotel had been a couple at Jinling University many years ago. After graduation, both sides were able to withstand the pressure from their families and eventually became a couple. A few years ago, a restaurant collapsed due to lack of business. They accepted the gift, and within three months, their story had spread through this restaurant. This place had also become a sacred ground for lovers, and was known as a home for lovers.    


Nalan Yanyan had already prepared two hands in advance when she invited Chen Yufan here tonight. If Chen Yufan could accept him, then the love between the two would start from this legend. If Chen Yufan rejected him, then it would also give him a beautiful memory.    


With an apprehensive mood, Nalan Yanyan held Chen Yufan's hand and walked into this restaurant. The restaurant was not big, but it was exquisite. It flowed everywhere and the love between a couple reflected the warmth of a family in its small size. Perhaps this was the reason why this hotel could be treated as a sacred place by the young people.    


Soft music, dim candlelight, tender lovers everywhere.    


Nalan Yanyan had already booked a room here a long time ago, and the two held hands as they slowly walked in. Without much communication, Nalan Yanyan could only hold her small head and smile foolishly, as she watched Chen Yufan's unceasing Whirlwind. The corners of his mouth twitched. He didn't say much, but it was just as warm and quiet as this.    


After elegantly wiping the corner of his mouth, Chen Yufan looked at Nalan Yanyan and smiled: "You didn't eat anything?"    


Nalan Yanyan was dazed for a moment before replying: "I'm not hungry!" She then said emotionally, "Yufan, I'm waiting for your answer!"    


A pair of starry eyes were filled with boundless anticipation as they begged, causing others to be dazzled. Facing such a color, Chen Yufan merely let out a very faint laugh, "The answer? I don't have an answer! "    


"No answer?" Nalan Yanyan panicked. She thought that Chen Yufan was just fawning on her and quickly replied: "Why is there no answer!"    


Chen Yufan laughed once again, and said: "This answer wasn't given by me!"    


"Jingjing, she, she ?" Nalan Yanyan seemed to have sensed something, and found it difficult to say anything.    


Chen Yufan shook his head and said: "This answer, even she cannot give."    




"Because she's not my girlfriend. I'm still single! " Chen Yufan laughed casually, and looked at the candlelight, in a daze. However, his words caused Nalan Yanyan to exclaim in shock, and he said. "How, how is this possible? "Besides, Jingjing ?"    


Chen Yufan's pupils began to congeal as he asked, "Did she tell you anything?"    


Nalan Yanyan immediately shook her head: "No, it's just that every time she talks about you, she carries a blissful smile on her face. It's not a lie, I, I can feel it! "    


In fact, what really moved Nalan Yanyan's heart was the fact that from time to time, Su Jingjing would mention the three words "Chen Yufan" in front of her. From this close friend of her, Nalan Yanyan had learned a lot of news regarding this mysterious boy.    


Chen Yufan waved his hand and said, "After the end of the semester, I will go abroad!"    


He did not explain too much. He just said this. Nalan Yanyan was stunned for a moment, but immediately said: "I'll wait for you, I'm willing to wait for you!" Although the words were short, Chen Yufan could tell that it was real.    


Chen Yufan only laughed and said: "Su Jingjing also said that, it's just that..."    


However, it ended like this later on. After experiencing Jin Haiyan's matter, Chen Yufan no longer had much confidence in this so-called love. It was a kind of closed self-defense. The only way not to be hurt was to learn to refuse.    


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