Urban Carefree Sovereign

C163 Beautiful woman

C163 Beautiful woman

Chen Yufan smirked: "Thank you for your concern, uncle, I, your nephew am living a good life abroad!"    


Gu Feng pinched the tip of his nose. At this moment, what else could he say in this situation? Since he had already offended him once, he couldn't afford to offend him a second time. Moreover, who within the Government Compound knew that this young master was the prince of Ying Lun? The British royal family will fight you to the death at once.    


Chen Yufan laughed once again, and said: "Uncle Gu, if there's nothing else, I'll head home first. I think this old man will definitely miss me. Goodbye ? ?" He put on his sunglasses and was about to leave, looking incomparably domineering and cynical. However, a gentle voice stopped him and scolded him: "Impudent, you suspect, who let you leave! You must go back with us to investigate! "    


Chen Yufan tilted his head and looked at the valiant and valiant looking girl noncommittally. Then, his cold gaze shone through the huge sunglasses onto Gu Feng's body as he said, "Uncle Gu, what do you mean by this?"    


There were some things that could be done at once, but not over and over again. After receiving the report of the French flight, Gu Feng, the political and legal secretary of Jiangnan province, did not come. However, when he heard that the person being beaten was the consul of the Korean three-star electronics, Gu Feng ran over happily.    


There were too many cooperative projects between Jiangnan Province and Samsung Electronics, and the management attached great importance to this matter. Now that he thought about Chen Suifeng's playful smile, Gu Feng felt extremely regretful. He could not help but scold himself in his heart: Chen Suifeng, you old fox, you're simply too cunning.    


Was the young master opposite of him easy to obtain? Not to mention that Chen Yufan was in the country, with the protection of the two elders of the Chen family and the father of the envoy of the capital, even if he was abroad, no one would be able to easily touch the title of the prince. If they were to touch him, Gu Feng's current level was not high enough, even with the arrival of the National Security division, it would be useless.    


Gu Feng was clear now, the reason Chen Suifeng asked him to come was to establish his might. He was obviously on the Chen family's side, but how could the two old foxes of the Chen family not know that he was an unscrupulous person? This was making an example out of a chicken to show the elders behind him, such a vicious move.    


However, it was already too late to say anything. Therefore, Gu Feng could only bite the bullet and say, "Eldest nephew, what do you think you're doing is bad? You must fight someone on the plane." They even injured the consul of Korea's 3 star electronics. This makes it hard for an uncle like me! "    


Chen Yufan chuckled twice. The current Chen Yufan was no longer the ignorant man from back then. It could be said that in the past year and a half in Europe, other than Chen Yufan's explosive growth in cultivation, his mind had also reached an unfathomable level. Europe. Standing on the Heavenly Stone Castle, he had killed countless people and set up countless chess games. How could Gu Feng fool him with just a few words?    


He opened it, and inside it, the top-grade cigars that he brought back from Strigoi were arranged in a neat order. He picked up an ancient slender cigar, put it into the corner of his mouth, took out a fire machine, and lit it up with a bewitching red color, the fragrance of chocolate immediately becoming lost.    


The delicate voice reprimanded once again, "You suspect, what kind of attitude do you have? This is an airport. You are not allowed to smoke. Hurry up and put it out!"    


Chen Yufan took a deep breath, and an expression of endless savor appeared on his face. Then, he looked at the female police officer who was the messenger of Gu Feng. He gently threw the cigar in his hand on the ground and stomped it out. The policewoman felt that she had succeeded in her warning, and a proud smile appeared on her face. But Chen Yufan's next action made her petrified.    


Chen Yufan took out another cigarette from the small, shiny box. He lit it up and tilted his head, looking at the people behind the sunglasses. Gu Feng felt a burst of helplessness and said, "Eldest nephew, according to the usual practice, it's better if you come back with us."    


Chen Yufan laughed indifferently, the corners of his mouth raised up slightly again, and asked: "Practice?" As if there was a hint of disdain in his voice, "I have already gone to the Jin Ling Police Department three times, so when will you be able to keep me here? It was not possible back then, and it is even worse now. So, Uncle Gu, I advise you not to waste your energy! "    


Gu Feng immediately blushed and said, "Eldest nephew, everyone is equal in front of the law. You can take responsibility for this!"    


"Joke? What right do I have to accept such treatment? I have always been a good citizen who abided by the law. I can go with you guys today, but you have to give me evidence that will convince me. Otherwise, I won't be able to accompany you! "    


"You, you're clearly trying to make excuses. Look at how injured you are, you still want to make excuses!" The policewoman shouted again, "You better come with us obediently!"    


Chen Yufan held onto the cigar with his finger, the Jade Thumb Ring in his hand continued to emit light as he laughed: "What a joke, there are people dying every day in this world, could it be that it was me who did it? "I don't agree with this person's testimony. How can you only listen to one side of a case? If you can't come up with reasonable evidence, then it will be violent law enforcement!"    


Hearing the words' violent law enforcement ', Gu Feng's expression changed two times. He asked, "Then according to eldest nephew, what kind of evidence do you need?"    


Chen Yufan laughed lightly: "That is naturally easy to deal with. I think there must be a video recording for the Air France. You will know after calling it out for a look. I was innocent, I never hit him! "    


"You ?" Although the Korean man didn't really understand what they were saying, he did understand a little. Looking at Chen Yufan's mischievous smile, he couldn't help but mutter: "Bureau Chief Gu, don't listen to his flowery words. "Hurry up and take him down, or else I'll tell you right away. We won't be investing any more money into the project of your province or our Three Star Electronics!"    


"This ?"    


The Korean man looked at Chen Yufan proudly, and then urged hurriedly: "Could it be that this is how you Chinese protect your international friends? "When I get back, I must report this to the Times in England, to the Reuters in France, and to the daily newspapers in the United States. Let's see who else dares to invest in China!"    


Chen Yufan suddenly laughed out loud and said: "Fatty, you can try to see if England and France will publish your essay!"    


Even Gu Feng started to blush. He told the people around him to take the flight and check out the footage, and said with a smile: "Mr. Consular of Korea, please don't look for it. Everything has to be proven, and I, Hua Xia, will not let a bad person go, nor will I wrongly accuse a good person!"    


As he was speaking, his phone suddenly rang. An old voice immediately came from inside, "Gu Feng, pack up. You're not allowed to interfere in this matter anymore!"    


Gu Feng frowned, "But ?"    


"There is no such thing as' but '. This matter has already been spread to the capital. That old man in the capital has spoken. You are not allowed to attack that youth. Do you hear me?"    


"Alright! I got it! " After hanging up the phone, Gu Feng waved his hand and said, "Withdraw!" The policewoman seemed to have heard wrongly and asked, "Boss, what did you say?" Gu Feng became vicious again and repeated, "Withdraw the team, didn't you hear?"    


Immediately, the group of police carried Fatty Han, who was still yelling curses, away, leaving Chen Yufan alone at the airport. With his huge sunglasses, he silently smoked. The corners of his mouth curled up as he muttered to himself, "An Yanxue, An Yanxue ?"    


The bustling Jin Ling International Airport was only within a ten-meter radius around him. No one dared to enter, and the aura of hegemony around him grew even more vigorous. From far away, an old man dressed in a white robe of yin and yang saw this strange scene and silently counted with his fingers. Finally, he let out a long sigh. The dragon's might is hard to offend, so all living beings must avoid it! "    


Italian celebrities design clothes, Swedish expensive watches, sitting lines of beautiful Rolls-Royce Phantoms. Swiftly rushing onto the high speed road that led to the Jin Ling City, with her long hair fluttering in the wind and her huge sunglasses, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, she was giving off a grandeur that would captivate anyone who looked at her.    


His open-necked shirt revealed a pure white chest. His sturdy body was faintly discernible, giving off a bewitching, rogue aura. "After a year and a half of change, Chen Yifan was no longer that childish boy who blushed while holding hands. Instead, he had already grown into an emperor.    


The noble aura around him seemed to cover the entire heavens and earth.    


For such a famous car to appear on the road to the Jin Ling, it naturally attracted the attention of countless people, attracting their attention. Some people were secretly cursing in their hearts: "There's a rich second generation." That's right, Chen Yufan was a fuerdai and an official, but did not feel that it was humiliating at all.    


Along the way, Chen Yufan did not return home, but instead, arrived in front of a school.    


Looking at the watch in his hand, he noticed that it was just 5: 30 in the morning. He quietly leaned on his Bao-Ma Liang Mare. This Rolls-Royce was ordered by the Heavenly Stone Castle and sent directly to the Jin Ling Airport. The time was not bad at all. Her soft and beautiful face, tall and straight body, and her lazy aura made her seem unique and gentle everywhere.    


Many of the girls who passed him couldn't help casting their eyes at him. It could be said that the beautiful woman on the carriage was even more beautiful. Some bold girls wanted to strike up a conversation, but after taking two steps, they felt chills all over their body and didn't dare to take another step forward. He could only leave in embarrassment.    


The vehicles parked here were all BMW horses. They were all here to show off, to receive their daughters or to pick up their girlfriends. However, a man in a BMW sighed helplessly and said, "If we are competing in terms of people, we must die. If we are competing in terms of goods, we have to throw them away!"    


Who would have thought that this man would come the next day in a red Masarati, ready to give it a try, but to his disappointment the man who drove the Rolls-Royce was gone. What a pity!    


However, with Chen Yufan's decadent temperament, it was indeed more eye-catching than the BMW behind him. He was constantly being flirted with. There were even some girls who giggled and just looked at him in a daze. However, there were those who could not eat the grapes and could not stop lamenting, "The world is going downhill, the human heart is not ancient!"    


Chen Yufan only laughed with contempt and thought to himself: Chinese people are like this. This abusive nature could not be changed. Apart from numbness, there was also the spirit of the old master that was deeply rooted in his heart. It could be said to be omnipresent, causing the cycle of reincarnation for this world.    


There were no flowers, there was nothing else.    


After the ringing of the bell, a large number of people began to flow into the school. However, the most eye-catching people were a few girls. She wore light blue clothes and a pleated dress that was as lovely as the depths of the ocean. His long hair was no longer as hot as a doll's. Instead, it fell vertically, two strands of black hair falling to his shoulders.    


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