Urban Carefree Sovereign

C179 High really high

C179 High really high

Only then did Chen Yufan let go of his anger, and turned to look at Su Jingjing, his heart throbbing, feeling an indescribable pain.    


While lovingly stroking Su Jingjing's head, Chen Yufan laughed: "Silly girl, why do you have to go through so much trouble yourself?"    


Su Jingjing raised her head and emotionally said, "With Yufan here, it won't be hard!"    


Chen Yufan did not say a word as his fingers lightly moved. In an instant, several figures flashed past in the darkness, two of them were special forces that were charging towards the two fleeing Desert Foxes. Another figure rushed towards the terrified Fatty. Before he could cover his ears and steal the energy from the surrounding, something happened in a split-second. He was completely unaware of what had happened.    


Ka, ka, ka. The two big hands fiercely twisted and directly crushed the necks of the two commandos. Human bones were the hardest parts of a person's body, but they were actually crushed alive just like that. This was simply a kind of surprise, but in the eyes of the Heavenly Punisher, it was a kind of common sense.    


Chen Yufan laughed in disdain. He picked up the wine cup by his side, and asked Su Jingjing who was in her arms: "Do you want a drink?"    


Su Jingjing nodded, raised his wine cup, and finished it in one gulp. A faint blush emerged on her face, and her slightly drunk eyes stared at Chen Yufan, as he laughed stupidly: "Yufan, don't you want to think about something good?"    


At the same time the two Heavenly Punisher appeared, a steel blade had already pierced the center of the fatty's brows, without even the chance to bleed. This made Chen Yufan curious, as he looked at Cai Yuewei and asked: "Old Third, are all your family members this powerful?"    


Cai Yuewei said with a bland laugh, "We're friends, we're friends!"    


However, when the bar 1912 was disturbed like this, a ghastly scream immediately came from the crowd. Everyone quickly informed each other, "Murder! Murder!"    


Only Feng Yuanzhe had a cold expression, while Ji Jiancai looked at the person wearing a silver mask in front of him in astonishment, while Cai Yuewei coldly snorted and did not speak any further.    


For a moment, only Chen Yufan's dorm was left in the bar. Looking at the circle of dead people, it was still incomparably calm. Feng Yuanzhe laughed coldly and said, "Good!" Then he turned to the bartender Little Sister and laughed, "Give me another glass of the rainbow!"    


Three people died, how could they act so nonchalantly? Other than Chen Yufan's dorm, there was no one else. Who asked all the young masters in this dorm to come? It seemed like the name of Young Master Jia in the past did not come out of nowhere. Chen Yufan naturally did not say anything. Just in the past year and a half in Europe, he had already killed countless people.    


And Feng Yuanzhe, as the capital's most famous Young Master, often also stepped on two little ants to death. Ji Jiancai had spoken out from the military and was sent to the border. There, if you didn't kill others, they would kill you. Even Old Third Cai Yuewei, this businessman family's self-deception, had experienced countless bloodshed, so these four people were already used to this kind of scene.    


However, even though Feng Yuanzhe, Ji Jiancai and Cai Yuewei knew their limits, they could not really grasp the indifference in the face of this Old Fourth. As he savored the seven-colored cup of liquor, Feng Yuanzhe touched his lips and looked at the two big men wearing silver masks who had suddenly appeared in the bar with an unusual kind of light. After a long while, he looked at Chen Yufan with some playfulness: "Old Fourth, are they your people?"    


All of a sudden, everyone's gaze concentrated on Chen Yufan, even the heavily injured Ji Jiancai could not help but feel a little puzzled. Ignoring the blood trail behind him, he slowly swayed his body and arrived in front of the counter. Looking at Chen Yufan, he then looked at the two big men wearing silver masks, and weakly said: "They, are very strong!"    


Chen Yufan did not care about this nonsense, with one hand, he held onto Ji Jiancai's bloodshot pulse, he squinted his eyes and pondered quietly: Lao Er, your body's foundation is not bad, but today's battle, has already caused injury to your bones, within half a year, you cannot make a move against others!    


While speaking, Chen Yufan swung his palm. Not caring about the astonishment in everyone's eyes, under the immense spinning force, Ji Jiancai's body was directly moved over, and the five bloody marks were already deeply embedded into his flesh. Faintly, a trace of eerie white could be seen, showing just how frightening the battle had been.    


With a tap of his finger, a golden light flashed and pressed against the two large drops of blood on Ji Jiancai's Heaven Gate's Du Meridian, causing the blood flow to stop slowly. Ji Jiancai felt his entire body go numb, his throat started to throb, but he could not make a sound. Chen Yufan took out a purple colored small box from nowhere.    


The box felt warm to the touch, and cool to the touch. Ba da, the spring mechanism had been activated, Feng Yuanzhe and Cai Yuewei were very curious about what kind of exquisite items were inside. However, they were very disappointed, the originally small square box had actually been separated into countless boxes. Each square had some powdery items in it. There was a red, a green, and also a purple; they were all in the same place.    


Chen Yufan's fingertips touched the cyan colored powder, and then, bit by bit, it uniformly spread onto Ji Jiancai's back. A cool feeling assaulted his back, and then, a wave of numbness and itchiness followed. kept shaking his back and shouting at the top of his lungs: "Old Fourth, what are you doing, what are you smearing behind me, it's so itchy!"    


"Stop screaming like ghosts!" Chen Yufan said coldly: "If you don't suffer a bit, how can you recover quickly!"    


Cai Yuewei gloated, "Lao Er, you just have to bear with it a little!" As he spoke, he smiled merrily at Chen Yufan and said, "Old Fourth, I didn't think that you would have such a trick up your sleeve!"    


Chen Yufan rolled his eyes at Cai Yuewei, and said: "Nonsense, I learned this just like you!"    


Indeed, it was not Chen Yufan who spoke. Everyone seemed to have forgotten that they were all students of medicine. After all, these fellows had different goals for coming to the school. had purely come here to hunt for beauties, as for Feng Yuanzhe, he had only wanted to avoid the public strife in the capital. For the past two years, he hadn't put much thought into medicine.    


Therefore, they only knew a little about the so-called Chinese medicine. Not only that, Chen Yufan had been studying in the Carefree Cave for a hundred years, and not only that, he had also reached the point of being as pure and innocent as fire with regards to the left Tao technique. "To be able to refine pills, Chen Yufan would be able to save a person who still had a breath of air, let alone an injury like Ji Jianzhi.    


"Look, look, the color of blood is starting to darken, it seems like there's a scar!" Feng Yuanzhe suddenly shouted, and once again, shifted everyone's attention to Ji Jiancai's injuries.    


It was true that the bright red color of the blood was slowly fading away. At a speed that could be seen with the naked eye, it was healing. This kind of miracle already exceeded everyone's understanding towards traditional Chinese medicine and medicine. They didn't know what Chen Yufan was using, to actually be able to cure Ji Jiancai's injuries so quickly.    


Heavily patting Chen Yufan's shoulder, Feng Yuanzhe laughed: "Old Fourth, not bad! I never thought that you would actually be able to pull off two tricks for TCM. You have a bright future, and a bright future! "    


Chen Yufan didn't pay attention to Feng Yuanzhe. He merely gave him a ruthless smack on the back of the head, causing Ji Jiancai to feel some pain. Then, he heard Chen Yufan's laughter: "Lao Er, let's see if you dare to make a move against others in the future. In this era, it was impossible to do without force. However, force could not solve all problems. If you can't do it, do it! "    


Ji Jiancai gritted his teeth: "Damn it, if I knew that I would have to suffer this pain, why wouldn't I do it?"    


The crowd burst into laughter once again.    


At this time, the heavy metal music in the bar had gradually died down, making everyone feel a sense of helplessness and strangeness. A series of soft footsteps came from outside the pub. Although it was small, it couldn't escape Chen Yufan's ears. A strange smile began to appear on his face.    


"Someone's coming?" Ji Jiancai's ears twitched as he whispered.    


Cai Yuewei was also starting to get nervous, and said: "Not the police!"    


Although Feng Yuanzhe wasn't as powerful as them, there were at least a few people from the ability alliance by his side. Without waiting for Feng Yuanzhe to speak, two figures emerged from within the darkness and appeared in front of Feng Yuanzhe, protecting him. There was a burst of coldness on their faces as they rolled their eyes at Feng Yuanzhe.    


"Green Dragon Pond!" Chen Yufan quietly laughed, he waved his hand and summoned two silver masked Heavenly Punisher, the two people said respectfully: "Young Master, what orders do you have!"    


"There might be a hundred or so people outside. Kill them all!" Don't let them set foot in the bar! You know what to do? " Chen Yufan's expression did not carry even the slightest of emotion, as if he was like an ice cube. Even the blade user beside Cai Yuewei, as well as the people from the ability alliance beside Feng Yuanzhe all felt endless pressure from this young man, cold sweat started to pour down their foreheads.    


A simple command, these Heavenly Punisher s naturally knew what to do. The requirement of Heavenly Stone Castle was very simple, and one's strength, as well as absolute loyalty. Strength came from training, but loyalty came from the worship of their young master. In their eyes, this refined young master was a bit cynical, but he was like a god.    


Heavenly Punisher was a team that Chen Yufan had personally trained in Europe, the last lesson he had taught these people was to kill people. At that time, the Sicily had sent tens of thousands of people, along with Bloody Asura and Adam, to surround Chen Yufan.    


But in the final battle, Chen Yufan personally made his move, using all his strength to put up a fight against all these people. Chen Yufan was like a god that appeared in the sky. Dragon language magic was like a wind and rain, defeating tens of thousands of the Sicily and mafias. It was only because of this that the Silver Goddess had allowed him to lower his noble head.    


This was the Silver Godfather's greatest defeat in his life. However, he didn't feel dejected at losing to this devilish man.    


Heavenly Punisher's figure quickly rushed out of the bar, so fast that not even its afterimage could be seen. This couldn't help but cause the two people from the Special Abilities Alliance to be astonished and flabbergasted. They used a complex expression that they had never seen before to size up the mysterious young man who was addressed as Young Master.    


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