Urban Carefree Sovereign

C133 Prince lincoln

C133 Prince lincoln

Elizabeth's face immediately darkened as sshe said, "Shut up!" Then, he asked: "Can the owner of the Heavenly Stone Castle move as he pleases?"    


Hearing the name of Heavenly Stone Castle, Prince Lin Ken immediately broke out in a cold sweat and exclaimed: "So he actually had such a great background!"    


Elizabeth shook her head and sighed, "Why don't you say that it is the hardest decision the Imperial Family has to make? If there was no Heavenly Stone Castle behind him, how could I marry my own daughter to him? "    


Prince Lin Ken nodded at the side. Suddenly, he understood everything. It was, after all, a political marriage. This woman who had shared a bed with him for many years wanted to borrow the power of darkness from the Heavenly Stone Castle to expand the strength of the imperial family, to consolidate the rights of the Elizabeth bloodline.    


However, there was a problem. In this political marriage, the royal family was in a passive position. However, they had to fight for the initiative, hoping to be able to make the huge beast called Heavenly Stone Castle submit to them. Therefore, Empress Elizabeth was also in the middle of a difficult choice. But after the marriage, although she wouldn't be able to make Heavenly Stone Castle submit, he would still have her own benefits. At the very least, she wouldn't become an enemy and wouldn't need to be on guard against the huge beast's sudden, bloody mouth.    


After staring at her mother for a long time, Sophia finally said with determination, "Since he can't love me alone, I would rather live alone!"    


Being alone for the rest of their lives, that was naturally a scam. Even if Sophia agreed, the British royal family would not agree. In the end, he could only end up as a widower. Old and no companion is a mother, standing alone in the high places without relatives or friends without friends, is a widow. In the future, both Elizabeth and Prince Lin Ken would die. Old age, without a child under the knee, is independence.    


In this sort of situation, even if one was conferred the title of emperor, life would still be boring. Moreover, was not the empress with no ambition or ambition. She wanted to pursue something that would last for thousands of years. If you, Sophia, live and die alone, if you do not have a son, then wouldn't your bloodline of Elizabeth be severed?    


The empress immediately turned around and shouted angrily, "Bastard! Do you have a royal swing in your heart?!"    


Princess Sophia was baffled by the question. "Queen Mother, are you saying that you can't even go on lonely?"    


Elizabeth slapped Princess Sophia's shoulder heavily with her scepter, and said angrily: "Old man can only be lonely, do you think you're a three year old child? You are the royal family, and you have a mission and responsibility that you are born with. Do you think you can go on like this, alone and old, when the people need you to have a husband and the British need you to have an heir? "What a joke!"    


"But ?"    


Without waiting for Sophia to finish speaking, Elizabeth immediately interrupted: "How can I have such a foolish daughter like you? You only have two choices right now. Either give up on Chen and search for the person you like in the royal family. Otherwise, you have to accept reality. Although the royal family might be a little disgraced on the surface, but as your husband, he can always stabilize the royal family and your position, do you understand? "    


"I, I ?" Princess Sophia opened her mouth but no words came out.    


Prince Lin Ken, who was at the side, could not bear to watch any longer. He pitied his daughter and said, "Child, there is still some time before your Bar Mitzvah is up, so you can think about it carefully. I think you'll find a good answer. Okay, you can go down first. Your Queen Mother and I still have some things to say! "    


Sophia looked at his father in confusion, then helplessly bowed and said: "Your daughter will take her leave!"    


Very quickly, Sophia's figure had already left the main entrance of the palace. Empress Elizabeth seemed to be still enraged, "How did I give birth to such a daughter? Stupid, simply stupid! "    


Prince Lin Ken hugged Empress Elizabeth and laughed, "My dear, our child is still young. When she grows up, she will naturally understand."    


"Hopefully!" Empress Elizabeth sighed helplessly.    


Prince Lin Ken looked around and felt that there was no one around, so he carefully asked: "My dear, you said that Chen is the owner of Heavenly Stone Castle? Is that true? " Looking at her husband's nervous expression, Empress Elizabeth scoffed, "Yes, not only is it Heavenly Stone Castle, he is also very close to Your Majesty Catherine!"    


"Really?" Prince Lin Ken felt more and more that this young man from the east was not simple.    


"Naturally, why? Is something wrong? " Queen Elizabeth asked doubtfully. Prince Lin Ken rubbed his nose and then found a seat himself. Here, with only the two of them present, Prince Lin Ken was not very obedient. After all, this was his home.    


After fumbling around, Genius took out a cigar and lit it. Empress Elizabeth immediately smelt a scent of confusion, and said: "Can you stop smoking here?!"    


Prince Lin Ken sighed, stood up and said, "Since you know his background is so hard, then yesterday ?"    


Empress Elizabeth immediately understood Prince Lin Ken's worry and revealed a pleased smile on her face. She slowly returned to her dragon throne, raised the milk tea on the side of the dragon throne and took a sip. Those two Great Sword Masters are both people of Prince Wei Lian, it has nothing to do with me! "    


Prince Lin Ken's face was immediately filled with surprise: "They are ?? How come I didn't know? "    


Elizabeth said angrily: "You still have the nerve to say that you are the male owner of this Buckingham Palace. She actually didn't even know that a spy had appeared by her side. Which part of this palace I am not managing now? Say, how did I end up with a man like you! "    


Prince Lin Ken's face turned ugly, the green and purple color constantly changing. Finally he smiled and said, "Why else would you be an empress? Am I only a prince? There's a saying in the East: "There are many capable people!" Your Majesty is wise and wise, so it's only natural that you have to take extra care of these matters. I'll just wait for these small fry to run errands for you! "    


This was originally a joke, but between husband and wife, these jokes were still rather amorous. However, in the royal family, this was not just a joke. But it was the truth. How could the Her Majesty, on the other hand, tolerate his own husband doing anything? Someone like Zhou Wu, if it wasn't for considering the honor of the Imperial Family, would have already kicked this Prince Lin Ken.    


However, these few years had passed. Although they did not talk about relationships, at the very least, they still had a bit of attachment to the old. The two of them looked at each other in silence for a long time. Prince Lin Ken kept smoking while Empress Elizabeth drank her milk tea gracefully. After a long while, Prince Lin Ken said, "Those two Grand Swordmasters ?"    


Elizabeth coldly snorted, "They must be already dead!"    


"Are you sure?" After all, a warrior of the ninth rank wouldn't die that easily.    


But Her Majesty Elizabeth did not seem to be in the mood to discuss about this matter, and only indifferently said: "How about Your Majesty Catherine? So what if it is the two Your Holiness in my palace? In front of Chen, he was completely helpless. "And even if it's ?" With that, Empress Elizabeth suddenly paused, as her face tensed up.    


"Even what ??" Prince Lin Ken immediately asked.    


"It's nothing!" Empress Elizabeth shook her hands. She really did not want her husband to know about the dirty battles between the Church and Prince Charles. It would be better if he could just be a casual prince. He could handle these matters by himself! It was not like Empress Elizabeth didn't have any feelings for her, a prince's cousin.    


In between, it was difficult to notice. However, Prince Lin Ken was not a fool, so he could more or less tell what was going on from the eyes of his wife. While silently pinching the butt of his cigar, Prince Lin Ken faintly sighed. The corner of his eyes revealed a golden light that even Elizabeth had never seen before, and he thought to himself: Maybe this useless man should really do something.    


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