Sovereign to Immortality

C58 pernicious

C58 pernicious

Yang Junshan's first reaction was that a demonic insect had appeared in this locust!    


Only the demonized giant locust could understand how to let adult worms rear their larvae, and since the countless giant locusts in the valley couldn't all be demonized, then there must be a demonized insect king among this group of giant locusts.    


This insect king controlled all the giant locusts in the valley, restraining them from rushing out of the valley. At the same time, it ordered the adults to gather some branches and food from the surrounding forest for the larvae to nibble on.    


Yang Junshan could imagine that once all the giant locusts in this valley had grown into adults, at the Bugs King's command, countless giant locusts would rush out of the valley and from Qu Wushan.    


At the same time, he paid close attention to the movements of the giant locusts in the valley, in an attempt to find the insect king hidden inside. However, the giant locusts in the valley were densely packed, even if the insect king was a bit larger than the rest of the giant locusts, perhaps it was because the demonification was clearly different from the other giant locusts, but to find it in the valley was as difficult as ascending to the sky.    


Yang Junshan moved stealthily along the edge of the valley. At the same time, he also quietly killed a few giant locusts that flew into the forest in search of food.    


However, when Yang Junshan walked towards the woods on the southern side of the valley, he found that the number of locusts flying towards the forest was getting fewer. At the same time, the pungent smell in the forest was getting stronger and stronger.    


At this moment, Yang Junshan discovered that the forest was covered in a layer of yellow-brown dust, regardless of whether it was the ground or the branches of the leaves.    


He carefully placed a dusty leaf on his nose and took a sniff. A pungent smell far more pungent than the one that permeated the forest rushed into his mind, causing Yang Junshan to sneeze uncontrollably.    


Yang Junshan also found that the yellow-brown dust had a strong adhesion to it. After it landed on the leaves, no matter how he swayed, it did not fall off. Even a fierce blow from his mouth could not completely blow away the yellow-brown dust.    


The pungent smell of the medicinal dust prevented the giant locust within the valley from foraging to the south. In the future, once the locust plague broke out, perhaps it would instinctively avoid the southern direction and completely engulf the north, which was also probably the reason why the locust disaster from Qu Wu Mountain in his previous life had quickly engulfed half of Yu County while the Zhang County had suffered an extremely limited number of disasters.    


The disaster of the giant locust was not only a natural disaster, but also a man-made disaster!    


Yang Junshan was almost certain that these people who planted the powder were the same group as the ones who bought the Spirit Valley from Desolate Mountain Town. Just the giant locust swarm engulfed half of the entire county, and the number of insects in the valley in front of them was far from enough. In other words, there were countless of similar insects in the entire Qu Wu Mountain.    


However, the Zhang County power Yang Junshan knew that used wolf heads as an indicator probably didn't have the power to control so many bugs. In other words, if they wanted to control the giant locusts in Qu Wu Mountain, they would need at least several forces in Zhang County to take action.    


Yang Junshan, who was moving stealthily, suddenly stopped in his tracks. He hid behind a huge tree, and on the road that he was walking on, there was an ingenious warning trap set up there. If it wasn't for Yang Junshan being an experienced forest-hunting beast, he wouldn't have noticed this trap at all.    


The appearance of the warning trap meant that this group of monitoring cultivators should be nearby as well. He just didn't know if they had been lured to the north to chase them or if there were still people left to guard them.    


Yang Junshan carefully bypassed the warning trap and moved on. During this time, he found two more warning arrangements. A small plot of open land appeared in front of his eyes, and in the middle of the open ground was a half-buried house made of logs.    


The surroundings were completely silent, making it impossible to see who was there, but Yang Junshan did not dare to be careless. He took out the two magical talismans he obtained from Junior Brother Cheng, and at the same time, he placed the rune short sword where he could casually pull it out, slowly approaching the wooden house.    


From Yang Junshan's experience, there should be at least six to seven cultivators temporarily guarding this camp. Moreover, these people had just left, and judging from the things left behind by the camp, these people had left in a hurry. And from Brother Ma's dead body, he had learned that this camp should be led by that Brother Zhao, and this person should be a Martial Disciple without a doubt.    


He gently opened the door of the wooden house, and finally confirmed that there was no one in the camp and that there were no traps. Yang Junshan finally relaxed and started to search the camp carefully.    


Other than the 500 jin Spirit Valley, there was also some leftover cured meat and roasted meat. Among them, Yang Junshan could even tell that there were two or three types of fierce beasts' meat, and they should have all been hunted from the Crooked Martial Mountain. However, he didn't know if they had obtained any immortal spirits.    


Yang Junshan also found a foot high spirit sealing barrel and a foot wide and half a foot thick box in a corner.    


After opening the Spirit Sealing Bucket, a thick stench of blood emanated from it. Inside was half a bucket of blood that would not congeal after being treated by the Spirit Sealing Method. This blood was the blood of a vicious beast; a Mortal Realm cultivator could use it to write talismans that could save a lot of spirit energy.    


As for the Spirit Sealing Box, it was filled with tanned fierce beast leather, neatly divided into twenty pieces. These fierce beast leather were used as talisman paper to maintain the spirit energy within the talisman for a long time without weakening its power.    


The Spirit Sealing Bucket was truly too big and too inconvenient for him to carry. However, Yang Junshan didn't hold back at all with the more than twenty pieces of Fierce Beast Leather and the Spirit Sealing Box.    


In addition, there were a lot of herbs drying in the open air around the camp, which should have been gathered by the cultivators stationed at the place during their free time. Although the majority of them were ordinary herbs, it was fortunate that they had sufficient medicinal strength, as most of them would be used as supplementary ingredients in refining pills.    


Of course, Yang Junshan was not a courteous person. If the cultivators in the camp were only proficient in herbal medicine, then Yang Junshan was a pill refiner in his previous life. Although he was not as talented as a pill refiner, but he had memorized more than ten pill recipes in his mind.    


After searching the whole camp, Yang Junshan found a hidden earthen kiln behind the wooden house. After opening it, a strong pungent smell wafted over, and Yang Junshan asked the same question in the woods, but it was even more pungent.    


Yang Junshan covered his mouth and nose with water and walked into the kiln. Inside, there was a stone table with many bottles placed on it, and there were also many different types of powders placed in different bowls. In addition, there was also an open porcelain pot about a foot tall, filled with a lot of powders from the bowls, and a clay stick placed inside that seemed to be stirring.    


Under the stone platform, there were two bags, each weighing around 20-30 jin. Yang Junshan opened the bags and saw that the brown powder inside was exactly the same as the ones scattered in the forest.    


Yang Junshan immediately understood that the powder used to stop the giant locust swarm in the south of Zhang County was not only made on the spot, but the raw material used to make these powder should be the herbs taken from Qu Wushan. No wonder this small camp was filled with dried herbs, it seemed that the method to make the powder was those herbs taken, but Yang Junshan still didn't know the specific process.    


Looking at the powder in the dozens of bottles, Yang Junshan couldn't figure out the exact formula from these things. He had no choice but to carry the bag of powder on his back, preparing to take it back to Wasteland Town.    


Before he left, Yang Junshan ignited this wooden house, and then he quickly went around the northwest side of the valley to the north. Before he left, Yang Junshan lit up this wooden house, and then quickly went around the west side of the valley to the north side.    


A biting cold wind blew through the woods from the valley, but when it hit Yang Junshan's body, it felt like a knife was slicing through his body, as if a murderous beast was eyeing him covetously.    


A baleful aura. This was baleful qi. There was actually a source of baleful qi in this valley!    


Yang Junshan suddenly scuttled towards a big tree and looked into the valley. He saw a dense swarm of bugs circling around the valley from left to right, gradually forming a vertical pillar that rose dozens of feet into the air.    


The Bug King must be there! The source of the infernal energy must be there!    


The giant locust swarm had actually formed into this giant pillar because it was fighting for the killing aura that had gushed out from the source. Yang Junshan was able to instantly make a definite guess!    


However, when Yang Junshan was preparing to return to the north end of the valley, the hundreds of feet tall worm pillars suddenly collapsed. The swarming insects all fell into the valley, and the huge scene in the valley instantly calmed down.    


Yang Junshan was still unable to discover the Bug King hidden within the bug swarm, but he could no longer feel the devouring aura of the baleful aura anymore.    


The source of this infernal energy was intermittent?    


However, he didn't know if the cultivators in the six or seven campsites that had been monitoring the valley had discovered this situation. Moreover, after discovering it, did they recognize that the terrifying aura that leaked out was the source of a rarely seen baleful aura?    


However, this time, Yang Junshan needed to hurry back to the Wasteland Town as soon as possible. A thick smoke rose from the campsite in the distance, while Yang Junshan dove into the miasma after traveling for several miles in the forest.    


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