Sovereign to Immortality

C1 cactus

C1 cactus

Yang Junshan was shocked. He suddenly sat up and realized that he was on a wooden bed. He shook it violently, and the bed also let out a protest.    


Familiar wooden beds, familiar house beams, familiar rafters, familiar walls, familiar furnishings of the house, all of it exuded a warm and natural feeling that he hadn't felt in a long time. He slowly dug out everything that had frozen in Yang Junshan's memory.    


The only thing he was unfamiliar with was its body, which had shrunk in half, but it was still wearing the same warm and familiar clothes.    


How did I become a half-grown child?    


Before this thought had even appeared in Yang Junshan's mind, an even more tyrannical thought had already exploded in his mind, leaving him dumbstruck, "This is what I was like hundreds of years ago, I have been reborn!"    


The current memories and the experiences a hundred years later began to repel each other in his mind. Memories from different locations of different periods came into his mind in a chaotic fashion, and the disorder of time and space made Yang Junshan completely absent-minded. It was only when his delicate little hand moved more and more clearly in front of his eyes that Yang Junshan finally came back to his senses.    


A smiling, delicate face suddenly appeared in his line of sight. She giggled and said, "Big brother, big brother, you recovered your soul! You recovered your soul!"    


Yang Junshan's eyes lit up again. Looking at the cute little girl in front of him, he asked with disbelief, "Little sister?"    


The little girl giggled and then retracted her little hand from Yang Junshan's eyes. She said in a baby voice, "Brother, you don't even know this little sister in such a daze? You've been lying beside your bed in a daze for two hours.    


The little girl's words caused the memories in Yang Junshan's mind to go back to a hundred years later, until the scene from a hundred years ago appeared in Yang Junshan's mind, and then completely merged with the scene in front of his eyes. The prodigal son who had experienced hundreds of years of vicissitudes in his previous life had finally completely fused with Yang Junshan.    


The little girl had already hopped to Yang Junshan's side, turned her back and supported herself on the bed with her hands, then sat beside Yang Junshan by the side of the bed. She continued with her sweet voice, "According to father and Uncle Hundred Karma, I picked up all the immortal items in the Hundred Sparrow Mountain enclosure, and it's very dangerous inside as there are always vicious beasts coming and eating people. Can Big brother not go there?"    


Yang Junshan fondled his sister's head lovingly, which made Yang Junxin look extremely reluctant. "Oh, don't rub your head. Mom had to braid it up so early in the morning!"    


Scenes from his previous life kept flashing back and forth in his mind. Yang Junshan smiled and said, "Little sister, don't worry. Although the Hundred Sparrow Mountain is dangerous and has been chosen by the Hanshan Sect and other great clans for two rounds, there might be some high quality immortal treasures that they have not found. Perhaps big brother's luck is good, and I just happened to find them."    


"How could it be that easy!"    


Hearing Yang Junshan's words, Yang Junshan's eyes twitched and he said, "Big brother, dad finally managed to get a piece of yellowish rock from grandma. Although it isn't a good piece, it's still barely a mid-grade immortal spirit, and it's not like you don't know how difficult it has been for us ever since grandpa passed away. For this immortal spirit, dad received much mockery from Fifth Uncle and the rest of them."    


The two of them had been fighting since they were young, and because they were close in age, they had a dispute a few days ago over the ownership of a bow. Yang Junshan had seized that wooden bow from his second brother because of his age, which made his second brother cry for a while at his parents' place, until his father promised him that he would buy him another wooden bow when he was twelve years old.    


Yang Junshan looked at his second brother, who still had a trace of worry on his face. Recalling the hundred years of experience in his sleep, he felt his heart warm, and said warmly, "Don't worry, second brother, I will just go to the Hundred Sparrow Mountain, and if you don't find anything, then come back and use that yellowstone to summon your spirit. If you are lucky and I find some other immortal spirits, then that earthen it will belong to you, second brother!"    


Yang Junping's eyes lit up, then he thought of something and muttered, "If you had spoken to me like that the day before yesterday, then that Sang Mu Bow would not have been able to compete with you. I know that my father bought that bow for your sake."    


Yang Junshan noticed his second brother muttering on the side and asked, "Second brother, what did you say?"    


Yang Junping snorted, "I don't want your topaz. You make it sound so light, as if you are certain that you can get immortal spirits. Don't you know how dangerous that place is? "I think you should hurry up and use the yellow stone to summon your spirit. Our village's east side's blacksmith Zhang's family's Hu Zi is younger than you by a year, he has third-grade talent, and is about to succeed in summoning his spirit by practicing with you. Zhang Hu Zi has already flaunted himself many times in front of us, if you don't wake up soon, I think we won't be able to beat him next time."    


Yang Junshan jumped down from the bed, walked up to his second brother and patted his shoulder with a smile, "Don't worry, it will be fine."    


Then, he pushed open the door and left his room, leaving Yang Junping to shrug his shoulders in bewilderment. Yang Junping turned around to look at Yang Junshan's back and then followed him out. At the same time, he murmured something that nobody knew what he was talking about.    


Outside the house, Yang Tian had just finished smoking a pot of dry smoke. He was sitting on the millstone, knocking on the pipe with a "dang dang" sound. The ashes inside were rustling and falling.    


For this high-grade magic tool, almost half of Yang Tiangang's family's wealth was spent on it. For this reason, Yang Junshan's family also lived a tough life, until three years ago, when Yang Tianzhang's family, who had just been separated from the family, came to the village of Tushu Town in Mengyu County to take over the village. Only then did the days slowly improve.    


There were two small bags hanging from Yangtian's pipe holder. One was made of ordinary black cloth and contained a bulging bag of tobacco, which he used to smoke; the other, a smaller one, was much drier.    


However, Yang Junshan knew that the tobacco in this silk bag was a low-grade magic herb called Frigid Jade Smoke Leaf. A mouthful of cold and faint spiritual energy was emitted from the mouth, which made people feel relaxed and happy. This was something that Yang Tian usually smoked when he was happy or had guests coming to visit.    


Yang Junshan also knew that his father's silk bag wasn't just for holding cold jade. This bag was also a small storage bag, and it could hold a lot of things much bigger than this bag.    


Seeing Yang Junshan come out, Yang Tian dug out the smoke pot and slowly dug out a pot of tobacco. Then, he pinched the tobacco and rubbed his thumb and forefinger together, making sparks sparkle. The smoke pot was immediately lit up, and after two puffs, he blew out a cloud of white smoke, looked at Yang Junshan and said, "Have you thought about it?"    


Yang Junshan looked young, but he looked determined, and nodded: "Yes, I have. Let's go to the Peacock Mountain!"    


"Where are you going!?" "Where to?"    


Han Xiumei looked anxious as she walked out of the kitchen quickly. She threw her hands, which were covered in water droplets, then pointed at Yang Junshan's forehead and cursed, "Little bastard, do you know where the Hundred Sparrow Mountain is? Those sects' families were all uneasy and kind. They said they would give everyone a nice chance, but if they only allowed children to enter and didn't let adults follow, then what was the difference between that and courting death? "You're not allowed to go, just not allowed. If you go, I'll break your legs!"    


Yang Junshan avoided the old lady's finger, but no matter how he shook his head, Han Xiumei's finger would accurately hit his forehead. Yang Junshan had no choice but to cover his forehead with his hand and cry out, "Aiya, it hurts, it hurts. Mother, don't worry, it will be fine."    


Han Xiumei became even angrier. Before Yang Junshan could rejoice, Han Xiumei had already slapped him on the back of his head, causing him to stagger. "What do you know, you little bastard? How can you be so young, Mother?" Your father has spent so much time and effort to find you some mud-yellow stones to use, but he insisted on going to the Hundred Sparrow Mountain! Even if you had the ability to return from the Hundred Sparrow Mountain, would you be able to find an immortal spirit even better than the mud-yellow stone? Countless people have already plundered that place, and there are no good things left! "    


How could Han Xiumei not know that it was her son who had made up his mind to fight him to the end. Feeling worried, she turned to Yang Tian Gang and asked, "Head, what do you say?"    


Yang Tian sucked in a mouthful of smoke, the smoke shrouding his face. Then, he slowly asked Yang Junshan: "You have always had less respect for one thing. Have you practiced that archery for a year just to go to the Hundred Sparrows Mountain?"    


Yang Junshan scratched his head and laughed, "Yes!"    


Yang Tian was smoking without saying a word. Yang Junping and Yang Junxin didn't dare to speak. The family stood in the middle of the yard, waiting for Yang Tian to make a decision.    


Another pot of dry smoke was finished. Yang Tian had just knocked the ash off the cigarette. He glanced at Yang Junshan and said, "Then let's go!"    


Han Xiumei panicked and shouted, "Head, you ?"    


Yang Tian waved his hand and interrupted Han Xiumei, "Well, boss rarely spends so much time on one thing. Since he's been preparing to go to the Hundred Sparrow Mountain since a year ago, and has also learnt archery, I'll take him there three days later."    


Seeing that Han Xiumei was still worried, Yang Tian continued, "When the time comes, we'll just let him wander around the periphery of the Hundred Sparrow Mountain. There won't be much danger. At worst, she'll just get nothing!"    


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