Sovereign to Immortality

C196 horror

C196 horror

After the first month, the border conflicts between Mengyu County, Ling Zhang County, and Hu Yao County were back in flames. Both sides fought back and forth over the border many times. Both sides were dead or injured, and neither side had an advantage over the other.    


When the news came, Yang Junshan couldn't help but feel suspicious. In Mengyu County, where there were three powerful families, fighting against the Heavenly Wolf Sect, the Spirit Opening Sect's Ling Zhang County, and Hu Yao County, they were not at a disadvantage.    


Although the three sides had limited the conflict to Martial Disciples, Mengyu County was far stronger than the other two counties. From this, it could be seen that the Heaven Shaking Sect still held an unshakable position in the cultivation world of the Jade Province.    


However, according to the trajectory of his previous life, how many years could the Heaven Shaking Sect last?    


Although Yang Junshan had noticed the various problems that had arisen within the Heaven Shaking Sect, the Heaven Shaking Sect still held an overwhelming advantage over the other sects. This was an indisputable fact, so how could the Heaven Shaking Sect in her previous life collapse in just a few years?    


Yang Junshan had always believed that the destruction of the Heaven Shaking Sect was due to the joint suppression of the other sects in Yuzhou. In his previous life, Yang Junshan didn't experience that chaos himself, he only found out about it through various channels.    


One of the most puzzling points that Yang Junshan found hard to explain was that if the Heaven Shaking Sect was truly destroyed by the combined forces of the other sects and clans of Yuzhou, how could they possibly tolerate the 'Heaven Shaking Three Heroes', led by Zhang Yuming, Ning Bin, and Ouyang Xulin, leading the remaining forces of the Heaven Shaking Sect to exist for so many years within the boundaries of Yu County?    


Even though the Heaven Shaking Sect was isolated from the cultivation world in the Jade Province and they were enemies with many of the sects there, they were still unable to receive any devastating attacks from the other powers.    


If at that time they were no longer a threat, then the various sects of Yuzhou no longer held them in any regard. If at that time they were just spouting lies with their eyes wide open, then forget about the fact that the "Heaven Shaking Three Heroes" at that time were already famous in the Yuzhou Cultivation World, even the remaining elders of the Heaven Shaking Sect had numbered two or three. This kind of power was at least not inferior to the Tan Xi Sect or the Spirit Opening Sect.    


Since the various sects in the Jade Region had joined hands to deal a devastating blow to the Heaven Shaking Sect, why didn't they join hands again and completely destroy the Heaven Shaking Sect, saving the remaining survivors from a comeback?    




At that time, the various sects in the Jade Province had only taken advantage of the chaos to rob the Sky Tremor Sect. Whether it was the remnants of the Sky Tremor Sect or the other sects in the Jade Province, they all knew the true reason for the Heaven Shaking Sect's destruction.    


Since the Heaven Shaking Sect was isolated from the rest of the sects, it was much easier to understand. Even the Heaven Shaking Sect, which sect in the Jade Province would dare to form good relations with them?    


Not to mention that after the Heaven Shaking Sect was destroyed, these local powers had more or less divided up the legacy of the Heaven Shaking Sect. Naturally, they did not wish for the Heaven Shaking Sect to grow stronger again.    


This way, although the remaining factions of the Heaven Shaking Sect and the Yuzhou Cultivation World were not mortal enemies, they still had great conflicts. This conflict could still bring about a devastating blow to the remaining factions of the Heaven Shaking Sect, but why was it that even after decades after the Heaven Shaking Sect was destroyed, the remaining factions of the Heaven Shaking Sect were still not destroyed?    


Could it be that after the Heaven Shaking Sect was easily destroyed by an enormous force that did not belong to the Jade Province, there was similarly a force that caused the entire Jade Province to tremble with fear, protecting the Heaven Shaking Sect from being destroyed?    


When this thought appeared in his mind, Yang Junshan felt a chill run down his spine. Although it was unbelievable, but after thinking about it, there seemed to be no other reason that could explain it.    


However, the problem was that the Heaven Shaking Sect's inheritance had only been retained. The faction that protected them in the dark had never appeared again. Otherwise, the Heaven Shaking Sect would not have continued to grow after being ostracized by the other powers in the Jade Region for decades.    


In this way, Yang Junshan's mind started to flicker again. These two huge forces clearly exceeded the existence of the Yuzhou Cultivation World, one of them was able to destroy the number one sect that had existed for thousands of years in the Yuzhou Cultivation World with a single strike of lightning, while the other protected it in secret. This way, the entire Yuzhou Cultivation World would not dare to cause any trouble for the remaining forces of the Heaven Shaking Sect.    


Since both sides were so powerful, why did the Heaven Shaking Sect still survive the destruction of the two sides? Why did they not kill them all? This seemed like a simple matter for them.    


He would not make a move if he was really afraid. Since he was going to make a move, he should eliminate the root of the problem. However, right now, he had to leave behind a tail. There was only one possibility: compromise!    


The Heaven Shaking Sect had no choice but to be destroyed in the eyes of these two great powers. Even the faction that was related to the Heaven Shaking Sect could only watch as he was destroyed.    


As for the reason why the Heaven Shaking Sect was annihilated, Yang Junshan didn't know. Or rather, it was not something that a person of his level could know.    


Yang Junshan had often analyzed the destruction of the Heaven Shaking Sect through various channels in his previous life. However, this time, the conflict at the border of Mengyu County reminded him of something. He was even surprised by this.    


Shaking his head, he tried to expel these thoughts from his mind. Yang Junshan was now in a lot of trouble, how could he have the leisure to think about such things?    


Ever since Yang Junshan had asked Yang Tiefeng to buy the seeds of the Late Rice Spirit Valley in Mengyu County and told the entire Xishan Village to push back the date of the Spirit Valley's planting, it had caused a huge uproar in the entire Xishan Village.    


Even though Yang Junshan was prepared for this, he was still surprised by the speed of the questioning. It was obvious that someone was behind all this.    


"The moisture is so good these days, it's a good time to sow it. The young master of the village wants us to push back the date of sowing and prepare to grow the rice. Isn't this nonsense?"    


"Hehe, I heard that Young Master Yang is a genius in cultivation, but is he also a genius in the Spirit Valley?" I am afraid that this young master is unable to even differentiate between the crops grown in the spirit farmland? "    


"It's true that the growing period of late rice is short, but the yield is also low. Why should we plant late rice?"    


"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Did a donkey kick your head?"    


Although Xishan Village also had a few mines and forest farms, their real foundation was still the cultivation of the spirit farmland. They believed that Yang Junshan's farce would destroy the hard-earned good situation in Xishan Village.    


In fact, these villagers who came to ask for an explanation were actually the people who were truly worried about the Western Mountain Village, and also the villagers who truly respected Yang Tian Gang. Those villagers did not have much attachment to the Western Mountain Village, and they did not have any hostility towards the Yang father and son.    


He saw carts after carts of Late Rice Spirit Seeds being pulled back to the village, and the villagers were in an uproar. Even if all the spiritual fields in the village were planted with Late Rice Seeds, one wouldn't need so many seeds.    


Yang Junshan had been staying on the west mountain all this time, and the village protection array had already begun to be set up. It was because the area was too big, and it only extended from the pomegranate forest to half of the west mountain. At this time, the west mountain had already restricted everyone from setting foot on the mountain, and other than a few people who had gone through the agreement, no one else was allowed to go up the mountain.    


However, this time, Yang Junshan had no choice but to stop working because Yang Zhenbiao had come up the mountain.    


"Grandpa Biao, even you came?"    


Yang Zhenbiao was smoking. He glanced at Yang Junshan and noticed that he looked calm, as if he was not affected by the village. He put down the cigarette in his mouth and asked, "Tell me, what are you going to do next?"    


Yang Junshan smiled and said, "Next, I plan to use my father's name to request the spirit farmers of Xishan Village to grow late rice or late stage spirit valleys, and to force all the Yang clansmen to plant late rice at the same time."    


Yang Zhenbiao choked on the smoke in his lungs, and immediately started coughing violently. Yang Junshan was about to go up and down, but then he saw that he had already calmed down, and angrily said, "Do you know what the result is? You're making a bet with the reputation that your father has built up over the years!"    


Yang Junshan smiled without saying anything. Yang Zhenbiao let out a sigh and continued, "Xiaozi, I am confident you are a mature young man, but what you did today was too outrageous. If you don't give me this old man an explanation, I will really get your dad out of seclusion!"    


Yang Junshan didn't want to explain. He was confident in his explanation, but it was always so shocking to others, and now that Yang Zhenbiao pressed him for more information, he decided to try explaining: "Grandpa Biao, do you know how to turn spring cold?"    


Yang Zhenbiao suddenly raised his head, stared with his eyes wide open, and said: "This year, there's a spring chill? How do you know? Even if there is a spring chill, can you freeze to death the seeds that are planted and the seedlings that are raised? "    


Yang Junshan forced a smile, this was more than 'turning into a spring chill', this was a snowstorm on a large scale. Although it came and went quickly, it caused a massive reduction of production in the whole spiritual valley of Yuzhou, but what could Yang Junshan say, it couldn't be that he was a prophet!    


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