Sovereign to Immortality

C198 big money

C198 big money

The unexpected snow on the night of the 19th of March shocked the entire Xishan Village much more than the other villages in Wasteland Town and Mengyu County. Although this kind of rarely seen cold spring was still harmful to the crops of the spirit farmland, it was not enough to greatly reduce their yield. However, Xishan Village was still in a state of panic due to the matter of Yang Junshan urging them to plant spirit plants in the later stages.    


However, just when everyone thought that after this snowstorm, the temperature would rise again very quickly. On the 20th of March, the entire day was filled with the wails of the cold wind.    


While everyone was still hoping for the weather to clear up on March 21st, another blizzard on the night of March 20th had completely extinguished everyone's hopes. Today's massive production reduction in the spirit farmland had become an indisputable fact.    


Breaking through the ice in the water tank at home and finding it half a foot thick, even in the middle of winter, it was not possible to reach such a level in just one or two days of extreme cold.    


A lot of people from Xishan Village came to the spirit farmland to check, and found that the soil layer had already been frozen, and the seed plants that had just begun to sprout were mostly covered in a layer of ice crystals. Even if they had a tenacious life force, after they were melted by the snow, it was inevitable that their production would be greatly reduced.    


On the 22nd of March, the weather finally cleared up. The temperature was rising rapidly, and the snow on the ground was slowly melting. However, most of the Spirit Cultivators in Yuzhou were already on the verge of tears.    


After two days and three nights, this year's spring cold was unexpectedly three heavy snowfall, which was an almost devastating blow to half of the spiritual crops in Yuzhou's already sown spiritual farmlands. The survival rate of the affected spiritual farmlands was only a pitiful fifty percent, but after the attack of this spring cold, even this fifty percent of the survival rate of the spiritual crops themselves had been greatly damaged.    


At this time, there were two methods that were placed in front of the vast amount of Spirit Cultivators. The first method was to replenish the plants and plant them in the spirit field where the frozen crops were. This way, although they would miss out on the best time to cultivate, because the growth cycle of the Spirit Plants was not enough and thus they could reduce their production by 30%, if they were lucky, and with the help of the surviving seedlings, they would be able to ensure around 60% harvest in the past year.    


The second method was to resow the later spirit seed crops. This way, although the growth cycle of these later spirit seeds was short, the original yield would only be 80% of that of the normal crop.    


Logically speaking, these two methods should be the best method. Although replanting the late stage Spirit Seed would waste all the Spirit Seed that he had previously planted, but he could still guarantee at least eighty percent of the harvest. Even if he didn't choose to cultivate the late stage Spirit Seed, he should still be able to slightly reduce the loss of those Spirit Seed.    


The truth was that even when the year was bad, not many people were willing to prepare late-stage spiritual seeds. The reason was that the innate production of these spiritual seeds was low, so no matter what happened, these seeds would always be in short supply. Unless someone was like Yang Junshan, who could predict that there would be such a disaster in Yuzhou.    


Thus, when the Spirit Cultivators of Mengyu County rushed into the town, they had already prepared to raise the prices of the grain merchants that sold Spirit Seeds. As long as they could buy a few before the Spirit Seeds were sold out.    


Although many grain merchants took the opportunity to raise the price by three times, they were still unable to hold on for more than two days. The entire late stage seed of Mengyu County was already exhausted, and only a small portion of the lucky ones were able to purchase late stage Spirit Seeds. Many people had no choice but to buy normal Spirit Seeds to replenish their seed.    


While everyone in Mengyu County, and even the cultivation world of Yuzhou, were panicking, the Yang Clan members who had received the spirit seeds for the evening rice in Xishan Village were methodically planting the seedlings under the envious gazes of the entire Xishan Village.    


The batch of Late Rice Spirit Seeds received by the Yang Clan members was the very high quality spirit seed found in the Changsun clan's treasury. Compared to the ordinary late stage spirit seed, this batch of spirit seeds produced more spirit energy and also had a higher yield, almost reaching 90% of the normal yield of cultivation spirit plants.    


Moreover, after the village protection array had been set up this year, Yang Junshan was able to adjust the climate around the area, and could even guarantee the yield of this year's late rice was equal to that of the previous spiritual valleys. Even if it was any other normal late stage spirit seeds, he was confident that he would be able to guarantee a yield of eighty to ninety percent.    


Other than the Yang family, there was also a group of Western Mountain Spirit Farmers who insisted on following the Yang family. They also received their Late Spirit Seed at the first moment, although it couldn't compare to the late rice Spirit Seed in the hands of the Yang family members, it avoided the loss of early sowing.    


After the cold weather had turned into a snowstorm, almost everyone understood the reason why Yang Junshan had purchased so many spirit seeds. These villagers did not go to the town hall or even the county to buy one because they knew that Yang Junshan was waiting for them, and even if they wanted to buy one, it would be impossible. At the very least, all of the spirit seeds in the wasteland town had already been bought up by the village.    


"What are you going to do next?" Yang Zhenbiao asked while puffing out smoke.    


Yang Junshan muttered to himself, "Originally, I planned to sell them at a 20% discount to the spirit farmers in the village, but after that incident, the villagers that followed the family all the time will be sold at a 10% discount. But the other villagers, just treat it as teaching them a lesson, just sell it to them at the original price."    


Yang Zhenbiao smoked without saying anything. Yang Junshan noticed that he didn't seem to agree, so he asked, "Grandpa Biao, what do you think?"    


Yang Zhenbiao did not directly answer him and instead asked, "I heard that the price of the spiritual seeds in the county has been raised by three times today, and some people even offered a higher price to buy them. However, there is still no market price, and the spiritual seeds you bought before, even if the size of the spiritual field in Xishan Village expands five times, you still might not be able to use them all?"    


Yang Junshan chuckled and revealed an expression of satisfaction. As long as he spread the news that Xishan Village had an extra late seed, he only needed to sell it at three times the normal price. This time, it would be enough for him to make a huge profit.    


However, Yang Junshan soon heard that Yang Zhenbiao was implying something, so he said, "Grandpa Biao's meaning is that those who didn't listen to his advice and even had the intention to incite trouble, should all sell the seeds at a 20% discount?"    


Yang Zhenbiao advised, "It's just a small gain. With the wealth you're going to get this time, there's no need to care about all this. Taking this opportunity to tidy up the people's hearts and display the magnanimity of the Old Yang family, it will instead make your father's prestige in Xishan Village even higher!"    


Yang Junshan laughed and said, "I still feel a little suffocated."    


Yang Zhenbiao knew that Yang Junshan had already agreed. As for saying that he couldn't swallow this anger, he actually felt that it was normal. Which young man didn't have hot-bloodedness?    


"That's right, this time we will be selling the Spirit Seed at three times the price. What kind of price do you intend to pay?" Yang Zhenbiao asked again.    


Yang Junshan looked depressed, "Grandpa Biao, are you telling me to sell it at a lower price again?"    


Yang Zhenbiao chuckled and said, "I am worried. You bought too many spiritual seeds previously, almost half of the late stage spiritual seeds in Mengyu County have already been purchased by you. You are really afraid of getting yourself into trouble with this treasure!"    


Yang Junshan smiled, "Ever since you advised me not to buy more spiritual seeds, I've already thought that you would advise me today. Yang Junshan smiled," Ever since you advised me not to buy more spiritual seeds, I've thought that you would.    


Yang Zhenbiao was stunned. "Only selling a small part won't arouse public anger. But what's the point of saving those seeds?"    


Yang Junshan smiled, "Grandpa Biao, you forgot that my uncle and Chu Chuang of Green Tree Village opened a grain store in the Green Stone Town. It would be perfect to sell seeds there!"    


Yang Zhenbiao's eyes lit up. "There is such a move?" "Then I can sell it for a high price without any qualms, but can your uncle hold it in? Do you want your seventh uncle to go over there?"    


Yang Junshan laughed: "Don't worry Grandpa Biao, my uncle has already entered the Martial Disciple realm. Besides, that Chu Chuang from Green Tree Village is also a Martial Disciple. He has a bit of prestige in the Green Stone Town with two Martial Disciples."    


Although Han Xiusheng was in charge of the grain store in the Green Stone Town, it was actually a place where Yang Tian and Chu Chuang were in contact with each other secretly. Originally, after the secret passage in Qu Wushan had been discovered, the main focus of the West Hill Village's caravan had shifted to Ling Zhang County's side of Zhang County.    


Therefore, the line from Chenyu County had become an important channel for the caravan in Xishan Village. After the supplies were transported to the Green Stone Town, the rest of the matters were taken care of by Chu Chuang, but Chu Chuang's abilities were limited, so in the eyes of the current Xishan Village, his underlings were just a small matter.    


This time, Yang Junshan bought a large amount of spiritual seeds in the later stages of the game, so he naturally didn't forget to do the same in Chenyu County. Since Han Xiusheng's place was originally a grain store, the large amount of later seeds sold was not as eye-catching as a village like Xishan Village where spiritual seeds were stored. Thus, after hearing Yang Zhenbiao's warning, Yang Junshan simply sold most of the spiritual seeds to Han Xiusheng for a high price.    


Three months quickly passed, and half of Yuzhou was now in a miserable state. The snowstorm in the late spring had reduced the output of half of Yuzhou's Spirit Valley, and the entire Xishan Village was able to settle down to enjoy the bottleneck that was hard to come by, while Yang Junshan had made a huge profit.    


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