Starts With Fusing Devil Crystal

C598 Star Iron(2)

C598 Star Iron(2)

Vadorir shook his head and said with a smile, "I won't explain it now. You will know why I did it in the future. I have said that when you are stronger, you will understand everything."    


Reg looked at Vadorir's smiling face. His heart was stirred. What was this guy trying to do? What kind of secret was he hiding?    


"But my teacher Mrs. Qiangwei is a Third Grade Devil King..."    


Vadorir shook his head and said, "Your teacher is your teacher. They are them. They will follow you. They are your servants. You can ask them to do anything you want."    


Reg smiled bitterly and said, "Although I have some talent, I don't think I need to be protected like this."    


Vadorir laughed and said, "You are a Forging Master that can forge Level Nine Devil Crystal Weapon. Although I strictly ordered them not to say anything. But today's scene was so shocking that it was inevitable that others would know about it. With two expert of King Levels by your side, you don't need to be disturbed. Since you are the one who created the Devil Crystal Weapon for me, I naturally can't just leave it at that. "    


Reg thought about it and agreed. He had been living here for a few months now. Most people would have known about this long ago. Now, combined with the amazing scene of the Heaven Connecting Wheel Blade, he was afraid that they would guess that he was wearing the mask. It was too eye-catching.    


Reg could not help but feel some regret. If he had known earlier, he would not have worn the mask. He would have used the Devil Fruit to change his appearance into an ordinary one.    


Since Vadorir had said so, Reg didn't hesitate any longer. In any case, the stronger the subordinate was, the better. With the addition of two expert of King Levels and Mrs. Qiangwei, the Azure Bamboo Mountain Manor would have three expert of King Levels. En, there was also Badar, who was temporarily staying in the Azure Bamboo Mountain Manor as a foreign delegate. Including him, there would be four expert of King Level, as well as the Heavenly Road Sword Sect and Flying Eagle Sword Sect. With such strength, perhaps not even many hermit families could match up to him.    


In the next few days, Reg completed the last step of the Heaven Connecting Wheel Blade. This wasn't complicated, so it was very easy for Reg to complete it.    


When he handed the Heaven Connecting Wheel Blade over to Vadorir, Reg recalled the special metal that could break the devil in the forging workshop. Immediately, he thought of the special metal that could break the devil in the forging workshop. When he mentioned it to Vadorir, Vadorir was very surprised. Because he had never thought that the forging workshop would be able to produce such a thing.    


Vadorir went back to the palace and got a royal decree from the king's younger brother. It stated that the forging workshop didn't need to be kept a secret from Vadorir and Reg, and that they needed to help the two of them as much as possible.    


With this royal decree, everything would be easy to handle.    


Vadorir and Reg listened to the detailed explanation of the research from the person in charge. Reg frowned and thought for a while. He looked up and asked, "You said that the metal that can break magic is called Star Iron?"    


The in-charge nodded and said, "Yes. That kind of Star Iron fell from the sky. Everyone said that it was a divine metal formed from falling stars in the sky. The melting point of this Star Iron is very high. We have thought of all ways to dissolve it. The burning red Star Iron was repeatedly soaked in the liquid of the elemental grass for about ten days. Then, it was forged into an arrow. That arrow will have the ability to break through the Battle Qi Armor or Magic Barrier..."    


Vadorir knew nothing about forging. Anyway, with Reg, the blacksmith master here, he only listened and did not say anything.    


Reg thought for a while. The Elemental Grass was a special herb. The concentration of all kinds of elements around it was much higher. This Star Iron was actually repeatedly soaked in elemental grass juice. Was there some other secret?    


"Do you have more Star Iron?"    


The person in charge nodded and said, "There's only a small Star Iron. The Star Iron is incomparably heavy and cannot be damaged by fire. The sword and the sword are not damaged. It is said that this Star Iron was brought out by an adventurer from the Skal Jungle. It is said that there is a very, very large piece of Star Iron there. This is just a fragment that fell from the sky and fell to the side... "    


Vadorir did not hesitate to wave his hand and said, "En, go and bring the Star Iron over."    


The Star Iron was quickly brought over. It was about the size of a fist, but when the Star Iron was placed on the table, it made a very dull sound. Clearly, it was not light.    


The Star Iron's entire body was pitch black. At first glance, it looked like a rock. Reg casually took out his Nameless Devil Sword and accurately struck the Star Iron with his sword.    


Sparks flew in all directions, and Nameless bounced up heavily.    


Reg was secretly shocked. He carefully checked the position where his Devil Sword had struck, and found that the Star Iron was completely unharmed. There wasn't even a scratch on it!    


What a tough Star Iron!    


Reg took back Nameless and picked up this piece that was only the size of a fist. However, it was quite heavy. He carefully observed it for a while. He looked up at Vadorir and said, "Can you give this Star Iron to me? I want to try using it to make a few special arrows that can only break the Magic Barrier and the Battle Qi Armor."    


Vadorir nodded without hesitation and said, "En, you take it. But do you have a way to melt it?"    


Reg thought for a moment and said, "I will try."    


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