Abandoned Youth

C1022 The Real Price

C1022 The Real Price

Lin Han didn't say anything else. He looked at the bottle of thick Evergreen Water and finally sold it at an extremely ridiculous price.    


"Only these people can buy something worth ten million with fifty million."    


Lin Han sneered. These rich people thought that they had taken advantage of it, but in fact, they would always be at a loss.    


Three hundred did not respond. They just stood behind Lin Han.    


Lin Han looked at the people outside and didn't continue to comment.    


Next were some boring auction items. After that concentrated spirit water, there was no longer such a great climax.    


"There is still another spirit pill, when are you going to bid?"    


Lin Han asked the three hundred behind him.    


The three hundred said, "I don't know. This is random."    


Lin Han raised his eyebrows. "Random? What is your design idea?"    


Three hundred thought for a while, but still couldn't express his idea very well.    


"You'd better take a look. You'll know after looking at it."    


Three hundred said in the end.    


Lin Han continued to watch the auction.    


After several auction items, the girl on the stage seemed to have noticed something and her expression started to become unnatural.    


"What's going on? Can this person still manage it properly?"    


"This woman is really outrageous!"    


Everyone originally did not manage to snatch the only concentrated spirit water, and the pill was destroyed by her, this young lady, thus they were filled with resentment.    


Her host stuttered a little more, and her attitude towards her immediately began to decline.    


"What's the situation with you little girl? Why don't you know how to be professional!"    


The host girl could not hide it any longer and said very embarrassingly, "Well, actually someone came in from outside."    


Lin Han turned his head and saw a person standing at the entrance of the venue.    


Lin Han knew this person. It was Wang Jiu, and he was accompanied by Li Yue.    


Wang Jiu and Li Yue kept walking towards the center of the venue. Someone started to shout, "What are you doing? Who is this person?"    


"Didn't you say that the square would be closed in the afternoon? How did these two people get in!?"    


Before the lady could say anything, Wang Jiu had already stood on the stage.    


The host of this venue was not holding a microphone, but a big microphone hanging from the ceiling.    


As long as one stood on the stage, their voice would be amplified.    


Wang Jiu stood on the stage, dressed in formal attire, looking very serious.    


He said, "I don't know what your auction house means. Every single one of our pills is worth thousands of gold coins, but you actually sold them out!"    


The young girl's expression immediately became flustered, because after she sold them out, she handled them completely according to the instructions of 300 gold coins.    


"I, I'm not the person in charge of the Auction this time. I'm..."    


But Wang Jiu didn't allow her to explain and continued.    


"You promised me that you will sell this pill at the right price!"    


Li Yue, who was at the back, held a folder in her hand. She pushed her eyes and said.    


"According to our company's estimate of the cost and practical value of a pill, this pill should be worth at least 30 million."    


The young girl bit her lips and said, "Fluttering the auction is something that I didn't expect. Furthermore, our person-in-charge..."    


"Our person-in-charge said that it's fine if this pill is auctioned off, because we can't prove its value."    


Wang Jiu was slightly satisfied with this explanation.    


"Indeed, once the value of the pill was proven, it lost its effectiveness. However, our company's losses must be compensated. "    


Li Yue slightly bowed towards the noisy audience.    


"I'm sorry to disturb your Auction. However, the cost of one pill is as high as 20 million."    


"If we can't solve this problem immediately, the company's funds will be cut off. This pill will never be produced in the future."    


The others were fine, but the fact that this pill "cannot be produced" really made these people afraid.    


"Such a good thing, how can it not be produced?"    


"Then I'll be missing a good thing to buy. This won't do."    


"Don't say anymore. Isn't this because we didn't bid for medicinal pills? That's why it's like this. Sigh, I regret it!"    


At this moment, someone from the audience shouted, "Then why don't you sell it now? Let's buy it!"    


This shout woke up the people who were sighing endlessly.    


"Yeah, why not sell it?"    


The young girl immediately grabbed the information point. It wasn't easy for her to bear the burden of the Auction all day long.    


"That's right. If your company can give you another pill, I think everyone will buy it."    


Wang Jiu was silent and looked at Li Yue.    


Li Yue lowered her head and started calculating. The sound of her pen drawing across the paper was amplified by the microphone.    


Everyone on the scene held their breaths as they waited for the pill company's future.    


If this company did not produce a second pill, then they would wait for the first pill to be sold back.    


Then this matter would be a huge blunder.    


Lin Han clapped his hands and laughed as he watched on the second floor. "It's really you. You didn't tell that little girl about this show, did you?"    


300 nodded and said, "If she knew, then it would be boring."    


After a few dozen seconds, everyone in the venue felt that they had lived a lifetime.    


"We do have one last one. After my calculations, the starting price of this one must be higher than the first one."    


When Li Yue's voice came out, there were even people who clapped lightly.    


Even if the starting bid was high, so what? As long as there was one more, everyone was willing to buy it.    


Wang Jiu whispered a few words into her ear before announcing the starting price.    


The young girl was relieved: "Alright, then we will continue to auction off our Ten Thousand Spirit Green Pill!"    


She raised her hand high and raised the hammer along with her hand.    


"This one, the starting bid is 23 million!"    


Before this, these people wouldn't even look at this price. But now, they were simply cheering for this price.    


"I bid 30 million!"    


"50 million!"    


The speed at which these people bid was practically noisy. They didn't even think about it and increased the bid.    


This price quickly increased by 100 million, and then the bidding sounds began to decrease in bits and pieces.    


300 said, "I really don't understand. Why would I need to spend money to buy things that I don't need?"    


For 300, there were too many substitutes for this pill. It could even be used to heal himself.    


Lin Han said, "This is the common problem for people. Everyone wanted to prepare for the rain, but they forgot that it does not rain most of the time."    


These people robbed this pill, but in the end, it might not be used by them. They might even sell it.    


In the end, this pill was sold for 240 million.    


"This is a sky-high price. Half a year's worth of running water in the Lie Yang Palace is only 500 million."    


Lin Han smiled, "That's because Lie Yang Palace doesn't have a lot of resources. In the future, you will have to deal with this Ten Thousand Spirit company."    


After selling the sky high price pills, Wang Jiu took a few steps forward and said, "Thank you for your support."    


"This 230 million is also part of our market research and development. Thank you for your participation."    


Li Yue continued, "After a comprehensive analysis, our Ten Thousand Spirit Corporation has decided to set the price of the Ten Thousand Spirit Green Pill at 100 million."    


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