Abandoned Youth

C1020 A Mysterious Pharmacist

C1020 A Mysterious Pharmacist

On the way there, Lin Han tried many times to find out what was going on, and finally, he was able to find out what was going on.    


As long as he kept an eye on him, this person would disappear.    


However, if he looked elsewhere, this person would appear again from the corner of his eye.    


"What's going on?"    


Lin Han felt strange. After thinking for a long time, he still could not figure out who this person was.    


But this kind of person appearing in the Auction must have some bad intentions.    


If he was honest and aboveboard, there was no need for him to use such a brilliant method to hide himself.    


Suddenly, Lin Han noticed that someone was talking to this strange guest.    


This person was a very ordinary person, and he had a very pleasant conversation with that strange guest.    


However, Lin Han could not hear the sound of the conversation, and he could not see anything even if he looked over.    


He could only use his peripheral vision to see a little bit of the conversation between the two.    


The conversation ended very quickly. When it was over, Lin Han could see the ordinary guest again.    


"What's going on?"    


Lin Han frowned, not knowing what it meant.    


It must be that this strange guest had put something on him that he did not notice.    


But this kind of concealment only targeted people of a certain level and above, so ordinary people could see him instead.    


Lin Han should have surpassed the highest level of cultivation that this trick could hide, which was why he could see through the flaw.    


"Such a brilliant thing, if it wasn't hiding from me, who else could it be hiding from?"    


Lin Han immediately knew that the number of King and Emperor Realm experts around Su City could be counted with one hand.    


No one would believe that it wasn't directed at him.    


He turned around and left the venue immediately. He could vaguely hear the scolding of the middle-aged man behind him.    


"Yeah, this kind of thing should go out. This isn't a place where he should be!"    


This fellow would definitely come to Auction tomorrow. Lin Han would not lower himself to his level for the time being.    


After leaving the venue, Lin Han found three hundred.    


Three hundred yuan was too busy right now, so he left the matter to Meng Yu.    


Meng Yu was not busy with the Ten Thousand Spirit Company, instead, he had been staying at the Auction this whole time.    


Three hundred's hands were recovering very slowly. When Lin Han saw him, he was still recuperating.    


"How many places did you inform the Auction this time?"    


Lin Han asked.    


Three hundred stopped circulating his energy to heal his wounds. He opened his eyes and said, "I will try my best to spread it out. I should be able to take care of the surroundings."    


Lin Han calculated that Yunli City should also be included.    


Yunli City was very close to Jinling, so it was hard to say whether it had affected a bigger place.    


If it really involved a further place, then it wouldn't be strange for someone from the ancient martial arts world to appear.    


"Did my actions attract attention?"    


Lin Han thought to himself.    


After all, when he was fighting with Yuan Nuo's master, he did not use any martial arts.    


Later on, the All Creation Spiritual Master appeared again. It was normal to alarm the ancient martial arts world.    


"Could it be the Transcendence Realm?"    


Lin Han thought about it and felt that it was possible.    


"Take a pill for your injury. Quickly heal it up and come with me to the Auction to take a look."    


Three hundred was stunned. "Pill? Such a precious thing..."    


Lin Han casually took out a medicinal pill. "It's only precious to them. I can easily take out a lot of it."    


"Eat it."    


With mixed feelings, 300 took the pill from Lin Han and ate it.    


That localization jade bead should have been soaked in some special medicine. It was extremely troublesome to heal the wound.    


But no matter what medicine it was, it was useless in front of Lin Han, a medicinal pill that specialized in treating injuries.    


Therefore, the three hundred injuries started to recover very quickly.    


"Wait for me at the Auction arena tomorrow. You don't need to supervise the Auction personally, right?"    


300 nodded and said, "I don't need to really be there. Naturally, there are people in charge of the matters of the Auction."    


At first, he thought that his wounds wouldn't heal, so he had already made preparations.    


Lin Han said," Remind me at all times how many people there are on the scene. We will check the number of people we see. "    


When the three hundred men heard Lin Han's order, they immediately thought of something.    


"Is something going to happen? Someone wants to hide from us?"    


Lin Han shook his head with a serious expression. "No, actually, someone wants to hide from me."    


The next day, Lin Han and 300 people arrived at Auction's home ground.    


This Auction started at 8 AM. Lin Han and 300 were half an hour late. There was not a single drop of water outside.    


"I hung up an electronic screen outside the venue, so I can watch the broadcast from outside."    


Lin Han smiled and said, "You are really good at making things difficult. The publicity effect has been maximized."    


But the two of them could not squeeze in anymore.    


300 said, "I reserved an employee passageway. We'll go from there."    


300 reserved a channel for Lin Han and a private room on the second floor. The treatment could be said to be very good.    


After Lin Han went in, he closed his eyes to rest.    


Most of the auction items here were from the inventory of Lie Yang Palace. They were picked out from three hundred.    


Lin Han didn't care about these things at all.    


It was almost noon, and just as it was about to end, a popular item finally appeared.    


This was the first small climax of the Auction, the Myriad Spirit Green Pill.    


"I'm sure everyone has heard that our Fiery Sun Prefecture has purchased a very mysterious pill."    


The female host introduced the pill with a clear voice, causing the entire scene to fall silent.    


On the stage behind her, there was an open box. A big red cloth covered the box and blocked the items below.    


"This pill was provided by a mysterious alchemist who was unwilling to reveal his identity."    


"Ten Thousand Spirit Green Pill, it is the divine medicine we were talking about that can prolong one's life, cure all illnesses!"    


After saying this, the crowd fell silent.    


After a while, someone spoke with doubt, "I came here precisely to see this divine medicine, but you have no proof, give me proof!"    


The young female host was not flustered by this type of doubt. The 300 people selected were indeed not bad.    


"Our medicinal pills are extremely rare, I'm afraid there is no way to prove it. But if it's true, you really won't regret missing it? "    


This saying was very effective, because no one could prove it was real, and no one could prove it was fake.    


Furthermore, the possibility of it being fake is very small since Lie Yang Residence publicized it so openly.    


"Alright, since everyone has no doubts about this Ten Thousand Spirit Green Pill, our auction is about to begin!"    


A huge virtual hammer was raised high as the young female host shouted out the price.    


"Starting price, 10 million!"    


This starting price was also out of many people's expectations.    


"Why is it so expensive? The Evergreen Water is only one million..."    


"The Evergreen Water can guarantee health, but it can't cure illnesses. This can cure all diseases!"    


The people below began to discuss animatedly, but no one made a bid.    


The hammer was still raised high, and the virtual timer beside it was one minute. The number was slowly reducing.    


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