Abandoned Youth

C1048 Return to Su City

C1048 Return to Su City

The blood-red mask looked deeply at Lin Han for a few moments, then scattered in the air and could no longer be found.    


A few hours later, the surface of the sea was calm and peaceful. The lightning storm disappeared without a trace, and the vortex calmed down again.    


Three figures jumped out of the water and landed steadily on the luxury cruise ship. The old captain was shocked.    


"Boss Lin... Congratulations to the three of you for coming back safe and sound..."    


"Okay, return to the port immediately!"    


Lin Han didn't know how long he had stayed in the underground ancient city. He looked at the clock hanging on the cockpit of the cruise and realized that three days and three nights had passed.    


The old captain asked the chef to prepare a sumptuous meal and arranged a seat on the deck for Lin Han and the two beauties to replenish their strength.    


The gentle sunlight shone down without restraint. Lin Han looked up and found that this was what the real world should be like. He didn't know how the blue sky and clear water were created in the underground city of Shennong.    


He then turned on his laptop and the news that had happened in the past few days came into the browser.    


There were many interview reports about the Alchemist Association's chairman Ye Tianhe. The upcoming Divine Cauldron Conference also attracted many experts from various places to gather in Su City!    


"I didn't expect that such a big effort would cause the entire city to become lively. However, those rebels seem to be hiding in the dark and didn't take any action!"    


Lin Han did not discover any negative news about the security situation and was slightly relieved.    


The two beauties' appetite was still very small. They took a few bites and put down their bowls and chopsticks. They began to drink iced fruit juice to cool down the heat.    


"Young Master Lin, since we have gathered all the forces of the Alchemist Association, we might as well initiate a war and weaken the strength of the enemies!"    


"Although the idea isn't bad, I can't order everyone to die in the Transcendental World!"    


It was very difficult to communicate information between the two worlds, and Lin Han did not have any other information about the Transcendental World.    


It was unknown if the Transcendental World had suffered a serious blow after the explosion caused by Old Man Gu.    


"We can capture those enemies who seem to be provoking us alive and torture them for interrogation, such as Yan Ning."    


"Alright. When we return to clean up the two companies, we'll formulate a countermeasure first!"    


The company building of the Green Spirit Hall was magnificent. After inviting the management of the Alchemist Association over, it became even livelier.    


There was an endless stream of people who came to visit, and it seemed like they wanted to find out more information about the Divine Cauldron Gathering.    


Yan Ning had already stayed in the luxury hotel opposite the company building of the Green Spirit Hall for a few days, while Ghost Mountain and Ghost Lie disguised themselves and snuck inside to observe the situation.    


When the upgrade slowly descended and Lin Han's figure appeared in front of everyone again, these enemies with ulterior motives also received the news.    


Yan Ning stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, staring at the Green Spirit Hall building like a torch.    


"I thought you were hiding like a mouse. Don't think that you can keep your life just because you attracted so many experts to your own company!"    


Yan Ning's killing intent was aroused. At this time, Ghost Mountain and Ghost Lie had also arrived in the bedroom.    


"I didn't expect that the Green Spirit Hall would suddenly become generous. They actually announced the secret recipe of the Green Spirit Water as the prize of the Divine Cauldron Meeting!"    


"Lin Han must have some unspeakable secret that he wants to use. Unfortunately, we didn't find anything during the time he left!"    


Yan Ning lazily sat on the sofa. She already had a very good plan in her heart.    


With the strength of the three of them, it was still somewhat difficult to achieve big things, but they could use someone else to kill.    


"The Azure Spirit Water's formula has already been handed over to Chairman Ye Tianhe. I reckon that many people have already started to scheme, wanting to make a move in advance to snatch the good stuff over!"    


"Are we going to join hands with these motley crew? This is really an insult to the dignity of the Lin Family!"    


"No, no, no. We just need to spend some money to hire those criminals, or spread out more detailed information. When the chaos starts, it will be the best time for the three of us to make a move!"    


Money was not a problem for the Lin Family in the supernatural world. The plan would be decided first.    


Lin Han returned to his office and found that the various documents on his desk had piled up like a mountain. The secretary was also standing beside him with a conflicted expression.    


"Boss Lin, all the expenses of the Godly Cauldron Conference are waiting for your approval. The funds are more than 100 million!"    


"Is it that exaggerated? It's just that we have arranged for these alchemists to be in charge of food, clothing, and accommodation!"    


"Boss, there's something you don't know. Those alchemists think highly of themselves. All kinds of arrangements require the highest standards. And the arrangement of the venue was also decided by Ye Tianhe. The expenses in all aspects are quite high..."    


Lin Han really did not know how expensive firewood and rice were. Looking at the bill of expenditure, he could only sign it honestly and no longer argue.    


He thought that he had hired a group of powerful bodyguards for free, but he didn't expect that the expenses in all aspects were still quite high.    


Just at this time, 300 people walked in with a solemn expression.    


He waved his hand and asked his secretary to leave first. He wanted to report to Boss Lin about important matters.    


"Various employment unions and bounty organizations have come up with orders to look at each other. All of them are aiming for the formula of the Green Spirit Water. Any commission can be as high as 10 million."    


"What the hell is this? Even though this place is heavily guarded, there are still people who dare to barge in?"    


Lin Han felt that it was very funny. If they wanted money, they didn't want to anger the Green Spirit Hall and Alchemist Association. They didn't want to offend the Green Spirit Hall and Alchemist Association.    


"Sigh, as the saying goes, if you aren't afraid of thieves, then you are afraid of thieves. What should we do? If something unexpected happened during the Divine Cauldron Gathering, we would lose all our face. "    


The worry of three hundred was completely understandable.    


Lin Han thought about it and felt that this matter still needs to be said to the chairman, Ye Tianhe.    


Letting these experts from the association get rid of these hidden dangers would also be able to establish the prestige of the association.    


"You continue to keep an eye on them. I will go and find helpers."    


After saying that, Lin Han put on his suit jacket and walked out.    


President Ye Tianhe and a few powerful elders of the association were arranged to be in the big office next to Lin Han. They usually did not have proper things to do, so they just drank tea and chatted.    


When Lin Han walked in, Ye Tianhe's smile was even more brilliant than fresh flowers.    


"Hahaha, Boss Lin finally showed up. Where did he make a fortune during this period of time?"    


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