Abandoned Youth

C1030 Zero and Yan Ning

C1030 Zero and Yan Ning

Lin Han spent an entire day in this remote residential area, almost turning the entire area upside down.    


His rescue speed was simply incomparable to ordinary people.    


The rescue team was following behind him, just carrying people was already half dead tired.    


When Lin Han was ready to leave, the sky had already darkened. The road beside the community was already filled with tents.    


He saw a car drive in from outside and stop at the entrance of the community.    


Then, a leader of the rescue team walked up and talked to the people inside the car window.    


"Mayor Chen, our rescue progress is very good. You can come and see without worry."    


With Lin Han's help, it would be strange if the progress in this place was not good.    


Mayor Chen's driver rolled down the window slowly. He looked at the rescue team outside and said.    


"What you need to do now is to start the rescue and give the mayor a place to take photos of, understand?"    


The captain was stunned. "Well, our rescue operation has ended. How do we start?"    


The window behind them was also opened, revealing an old man inside.    


"It's normal for young people to not understand. Just explain it."    


After the old man finished speaking, the driver nodded and nodded in agreement. He turned around and started to explain.    


"Our inspection will be reported on TV. How can we not take photos?"    


The rescue team captain still did not understand. "Then, can't we take photos of the condolences?"    


The driver glared. "Concerns? There was no process of saving people, so why does it show that they were involved in the whole process?"    


The captain of the rescue team was unable to answer this question.    


Lin Han turned his head and took a look. He knew that the person inside was probably Mayor Chen.    


"Mayor Chen's fake attitude is quite good. He's very strict."    


Lin Han said in a neither light nor heavy tone. Mayor Chen's voice came from the car.    


"I was wondering who it was. It turns out to be Boss Lin Lin Han. No wonder people save people so quickly in this place. I'll thank you on behalf of the citizens first."    


Lin Han was too lazy to talk to such a liar who only ate corpses and pretended to love his people as if they were his children.    


Therefore, he turned around and floated away, not staying for even a minute longer.    


Mayor Chen watched Lin Han's back as he quickly left and gritted his teeth.    


He, Mayor Chen, was the leader in Su City. Since when did someone dare to throw his face at him?    


Not even a Martial Arts Master Stage!    


Mayor Chen's driver clearly thought the same.    


"Mayor, isn't this kid too arrogant?"    


The driver asked. He couldn't see the expression of the leader behind him, but he could guess what the leader was thinking.    


Mayor Chen said, "This kid's matter must be taken to heart. I want him to pay the price."    


Lin Han did not know that he had inexplicably carried the "price" on his back again. He was heading towards the manor.    


With the cultivation technique, he could completely comprehend it when he returned to the manor.    


At that time, he would go to the mine and extract all the Spirit Jade. His strength would rise by a huge level.    


Lin Han was very confident in his own strength, and was ready to launch a series of resistance against the Transcendental World.    


He was silently thinking about the cultivation technique he had comprehended today, while rushing to the manor.    


There must have been a problem with the manor due to the earthquake, but he didn't know how it had been repaired.    


Lin Han, who was in a hurry, was suddenly stopped by someone.    


"Lin Han, right? I'm so glad to see you here."    


It was a girl's voice, and it sounded familiar to Lin Han.    


He turned around and saw that it was Zero.    


Zero stood under a dim street light and stared at Lin Han.    


There were almost no buildings on this road, so even after the disaster, there were no major problems.    


The street lights were scattered all over the place, and only one or two of them were lit.    


"Why are you looking for me? You want to kill me?"    


Lin Han knew what organization Zero was from, so he teased him.    


Zero did not answer, but stared at Lin Han.    


Her gaze passed through the thick darkness of the night, as if she had seen everything about Lin Han.    


This gaze made Lin Han very uncomfortable. He was like a prey being looked at.    


"If you want to kill me, come and fight me."    


Lin Han said. The flying sword next to him emerged from the void.    


However, Zero said, "You're wrong. I'm not the person you think I am."    


Lin Han narrowed his eyes and looked at this person from head to toe. He was sure that she was almost the same as Zero.    


However, upon closer inspection, this woman was indeed more charismatic than Zero.    


When facing Lin Han, Martial Arts Master Stage Zero did not have such an imposing manner.    


"Zero is just a shoddy imitation of mine. I'm afraid I'll disappoint you."    


The woman said as she suddenly rushed towards Lin Han from under the street lamp.    


Lin Han circulated the Myriad Convergence and immediately felt the woman's intention to attack.    


He could differentiate the types of spiritual energy, which were the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and which were the cultivation techniques of women.    


The spiritual Qi condensed from her cultivation technique all pointed at his back ferociously.    


Therefore, what rushed towards him was a pretense. The real danger should have come from behind!    


Lin Han bent forward in the nick of time, dodging an almost invisible wind blade behind him.    


The wind blade scraped past Lin Han's head. The cold air made Lin Han shiver.    


"Emperor Realm."    


Lin Han slowly said the word. His tone was a little difficult to put into words.    


The woman smiled. She did not respond to Lin Han's words. She smiled proudly.    


After she made a fake attack, she retreated back to where the street light was.    


But this time, she was at the top of the street light.    


"I told you, Zero is a clumsy imitation. The power of a Grandmaster is just a beautiful decoration."    


She looked at Lin Han like a cat looking at a little mouse.    


The woman's second attack followed, and a small throwing knife went straight for Lin Han's throat.    


But this little trick still could not fool Lin Han.    


Her killing intent was under Lin Han's feet this time.    


Lin Han, by relying on the unification of all things, saw her intention clearly.    


The flying sword flashed under Lin Han's feet and lifted him up, bringing him flying for a long distance.    


"Your intuition is really sharp, or is this your combat experience?"    


The woman who had missed two strange attacks looked at Lin Han and finally started to take it seriously.    


"What? With your strength, can you only rely on tricks?"    


Lin Han stepped on his flying sword and flew a distance away, dodging the woman's attack.    


The woman smiled lightly, appearing very abrupt in the empty night sky.    


The surroundings were full of disasters, and her mockery was even more disgusting.    


"I'm just here to see if you're qualified to have a good fight with me, the rightful owner."    


After saying that, she turned around and prepared to leave. "I see that you're a bit interesting, you probably won't disappoint me."    


Lin Han was about to say something when he heard her voice coming from afar.    


"Remember, my name is Yan Ning!"    


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