Abandoned Youth

C1008 Master of the Tomb

C1008 Master of the Tomb

Lin Han and Huang Ling Er walked into the tomb with a small torch in their hands.    


Lin Han carefully listened to his surroundings and observed everything in the tomb.    


The tomb chamber that was stopped wasn't particularly big. It was square and there was a coffin placed in front of them.    


On the right side was a list of shelves, and on the left side were some people made of mud.    


Huang Ling'er said in a low voice, "The people inside are really thrifty. The tomb chamber is empty, and there are no decorations."    


Lin Han said, "The fewer things in this tomb, the more precious the words left behind. Let's go to the storage rack and take a look."    


As he spoke, Lin Han took the lead to walk to the right side of the storage racks.    


This was a very ancient and crude storage rack, but the things on it made Lin Han's eyes widen in an instant.    


Every space on the shelf was covered with a transparent round frame, so it looked ordinary and inconspicuous.    


But the round frame was too old, and there were some cracks on it, so the things inside were no longer hidden very well.    


When Lin Han got closer, he could feel the slightly overflowing, oppressive spirit energy.    


He fixed his eyes on it. This storage rack was clearly filled with top grade heavenly materials and earthly treasures. They had been underground for a long time and had not seen the sun for a long time, so they were all somewhat dispirited.    


However, this degree of decline did not affect the nature of their treasures.    


Lin Han's hand slowly lifted one of the glass covers.    


Just as the glass cover left the storage rack, the medicine inside suddenly shrunk rapidly until only a little remained.    


Lin Han slightly narrowed his eyes, feeling that this phenomenon was not quite right.    


"Why did it shrink so quickly?"    


Huang Ling'er came closer and saw a small lump of dead wood.    


This thing turned into ashes as soon as it was blown. The spiritual energy inside disappeared in an instant, leaving nothing behind.    


"So evil... Is it because of this glaze cover?"    


Huang Ling'er asked, her expression a bit fearful.    


No matter what, she was still a young girl in the prime of her youth. It was normal for her to be afraid of these things.    


Lin Han said, "I'm not sure about that either. Perhaps it's the means of the tomb owner..."    


Lin Han had only spoken half of his sentence when a third person's voice came out of nowhere.    


"Ah... Is this the feeling of the spiritual Qi being filled up again?"    


Huang Ling'er screamed in fear. The hand that was grabbing Lin Han also turned into an arm that was hugging him.    


"Help! His corpse has turned into a fake!"    


Lin Han had seen a lot of things, so he was calmer than Huang Ling'er.    


" May I ask who is talking? "    


Lin Han asked loudly.    


The tomb was silent for a while. The voice just now answered, "I am the owner of this place. Shouldn't I ask you this question?"    


Lin Han's guess was confirmed. It was really the master of this tomb.    


Huang Ling'er was so scared that she couldn't even speak. "This, how, how is this possible?"    


One should know that this tomb had been in existence for hundreds of thousands of years. How could there be a living person in it?    


Lin Han pointed at the small torch in Huang Ling'er's hand and sighed.    


"We should have predicted that there would be a problem here. How can the torch keep burning in the tomb?"    


As soon as Lin Han finished speaking, the voice replied, "That's right. There is a passageway between this place and the outside world. Furthermore, it is actually moving. "    


Lin Han looked in the direction of the voice and saw a blurry shadow.    


The blurry shadow said in a low voice, "It's a kind of ability for you to come in."    


Lin Han walked towards the shadow without any hesitation.    


"You'd better explain who you are and what those glass covers are about."    


Lin Han's words were not friendly, but this guy who claimed to be the owner of the tomb did not feel offended.    


"You have too many questions. It's very difficult for me to explain it to you in one go."    


Lin Han stood in front of this shadow and saw the appearance of this shadow.    


This was an extremely skinny person. He looked like a dried corpse.    


He was wearing a long robe, but it had been too long, and the color had faded away. It was so rotten that it was hard to tell what it looked like.    


He said in a low voice, "Young man, do you believe now that I am the tomb's owner?"    


Lin Han lowered his head and looked at the huge coffin.    


Inside the sarcophagus were flowers that had withered into ashes, and there were simple reliefs carved on them.    


But the clumsy engravings on the sarcophagus revealed a sharp aura that went straight for Lin Han.    


The one who carved these engravings should be an expert.    


He might not be good at carving, but he was definitely an expert at killing people.    


Lin Han asked, "Did you make this coffin yourself?"    


The dried shadow who claimed to be the owner of the tomb smiled quietly.    


"I am a lonely old man. Who can help me make a tomb?"    


Lin Han thought for a while and roughly understood what had just happened.    


This tomb probably relied on some kind of long-term functional material to move slowly underground.    


Recently, it happened to be at the place where Huang Ling'er and Zhang Yong lived, so Zhang Yong accidentally opened it.    


What was even more horrifying was that the corpse in the tomb chamber was not dead.    


Because he did not have the supply of spiritual energy, he could only exhaust his own spiritual energy over the years, hanging on to his life.    


Lin Han had just opened the glass cover and provided him with a portion of the spiritual energy. That was why he suddenly woke up from his long sleep.    


"What was your identity when you were alive? Why didn't anyone help you bury you?"    


Lin Han asked. He was a little curious about this guy's background.    


The tomb owner let out a long sigh and shook his head bitterly.    


"Aiya, aiya! I was a general when I was alive, and my name shook the entire country. Unfortunately, they definitely wanted to harm me, because the Emperor hated me. "    


How similar was life to Lin Han's?    


Lin Han couldn't help but think of himself, so he said a few more words.    


"Then how did you die? You still have time to prepare your own tomb?"    


The tomb owner chuckled. It sounded very horrifying.    


"Young man, what do you know? We have been in the government for a long time, and we all know our death date."    


"Rather than letting them kill me, why don't I fake my own death, perhaps I still have a chance"    


At this point, the tomb owner suddenly turned his head and stared at Lin Han.    


"The clothes you're wearing are really strange. What era is it now?"    


Lin Han shrugged and said, "I'm afraid I will disappoint you. It has been more than a thousand years since you 'died'."    


This shadow who pretended to die and tried to find an opportunity to make a comeback did not feel pain because he would never be able to take revenge.    


He just lowered his head and thought for a while and said, "It has actually been so long! Then can I still integrate into this society?"    


Lin Han said, "Maybe, as long as you want. After all, you should be quite strong."    


"Hey!" The tomb owner said, "Quite strong? I am the strongest powerhouse. Other than me, no one else can kill me!"    


After saying that, he pointed to the storage cabinets on the right that were covered with a glass cover.    


"Go, remove a few more glass barriers. I want to see the world with sunlight."    


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