Abandoned Youth

C950 The First Killer

C950 The First Killer

Lin Han did not know that there was a cellar in the temple. "What cellar is it used for?"    


The small monk stood up and was about to walk out when Lin Han followed him out.    


"It's the cellar. There are some cabbage and radishes inside, as well as rice and noodles. They are very big!"    


As the small monk spoke, he led Lin Han back to the courtyard. The entrance to the cellar was in the backyard.    


There was a well in the backyard of the temple. It was behind the meditation room and the kitchen. People would only pass by when they went to the back of the mountain.    


The small monk walked to a corner and pointed at the bricks on the ground. "Move this away. It's the cellar."    


Lin Han took a look. It was a moving brick, but it looked very heavy.    


He reached out his hand to lift the ring on the stone. This stone should weigh about a hundred kilograms. It was a very thick stone brick.    


There was also more than one pull-ring. It should be several people together to pull it out from the ground.    


Lin Han's strength was naturally not comparable to an ordinary person's, but the small monk beside him did not know.    


"Big brother, if you can't pull it out, do you want to call for help? I have little strength, and I can't pull it either."    


Lin Han turned his head and smiled at him, saying, "It's fine, be careful not to be touched. Just stand a little further away."    


After that, under the incredulous gaze of the small monk, Lin Han lifted the hundred-pound rock.    


Sure enough, there was a cellar below the stairs. The smell of vegetables hit his face. Lin Han lowered his head and looked down.    


The cellar was gloomy, and there was no sound. Lin Han was not sure if there were people inside or not.    


"Is there anyone inside? Is there anyone inside?"    


Lin Han still decided to use the simplest method to shout a few words.    


He did not dare to go down casually. If someone blocked the stone from the outside, the ground would not be able to be pushed open no matter what.    


There was only a weak wooden ladder below. If he pushed the stone up forcefully, the wooden ladder would break.    


If the young monk's thoughts were correct and there were indeed monks below, then this might be the reason why they couldn't get out.    


Lin Han's voice was heard. Other than echoes, there was nothing else. Lin Han couldn't hear anything.    


He furrowed his brows, not knowing if he should continue probing.    


If Zero regained her ability to move, then 300 might not be able to suppress her.    


In order to make the small monk not afraid, Lin Han casually placed the saber on the bed in the meditation room.    


Lin Han thought for a while and tested it out one last time. "Is there anyone down there? Is there anyone down there? "    


This time, there was finally an echo. The sound of people moving slowly came from below.    


"Is there someone talking outside?"    


An extremely weak voice came from the depths of the cellar.    


Lin Han heard the voice of the abbot.    


He replied, "It's me, Lin Han! I'm outside! If all of you are inside, hurry up and come out!"    


The voices inside suddenly became noisy, even Lin Han could hear them.    


It seemed like there was indeed a monk inside, and Lin Han and the young monk didn't find the wrong place.    


He pulled the little monk and said, "I have something to do. Can you wait here for senior brother and abbot?"    


The small monk nodded and said, "Benefactor, where are you going?"    


Lin Han patted his head and said, "I have something to do. When senior brothers and abbot come out, tell them that I'm in the temple hall."    


The small monk nodded seriously. "I understand! I will bring the abbot to the temple hall!"    


Lin Han patted the bald head of the small monk once again, stood up, and rushed back to the kitchen.    


In the kitchen, Zero's hands were already tied up. She was sitting on the shelf where the ingredients were placed in the kitchen.    


The unconscious fake abbot had been washed of the paint on his face, thrown to the corner, tied up, and stuffed with something in his mouth.    


Lin Han walked to Three hundred and said, "My business is done. Where are the others?"    


300 answered, "I didn't deal with them, but they won't have any problems for a short period of time."    


Lin Han gave 300 a meaningful look. "Then I will trust you this time. If someone runs away, you will be responsible."    


300 nodded and said very straightforwardly, "I guarantee with my life that I have confidence in my own means."    


Lin Han looked at Zero, who was expressionless, and said, "Okay. I will trust you this time. Go to the temple hall."    


Zero's face did not change at all. He stood up and walked out with Lin Han and 300.    


Lin Han led them to the temple hall and entered through the small door. He stood in the corner and started to ask questions.    


"Everything is settled now. There might be a monk coming to find me in a while. Make it short."    


Lin Han said this to three hundred. Three hundred said that he had something to tell Lin Han.    


Seeing Lin Han's serious expression, 300's expression also became serious.    


"Master, I told you that I am a member of our organization with over three hundred numbers."    


Lin Han nodded, indicating that he remembered. As for the specific number, it was no longer important.    


300 continued, "Our 300 plus serial numbers start from Zero."    


Lin Han suddenly realized why 300 had a strange attitude towards Zero.    


"This woman is the first killer your organization focuses on?"    


300 shook his head. "You are my master. I will tell you the truth. Not the first one, but the first one. "    


Lin Han was not very clear about this difference. Just as he was about to continue asking, Three hundred took the initiative to continue explaining.    


"Our organization only has the intention of continuing to nurture other than Zero."    


Lin Han understood. What he meant was that there were more than 300 people behind them. Perhaps, in a few years' time, there would be even more people.    


These assassins and bodyguards, who had gone through training, were all copies of Zero.    


"Zero was raised by chance?"    


300 nodded. "I heard that Zero is the most suitable. I tried many times to train him, but the results were not satisfactory."    


Lin Han narrowed his eyes and looked at Zero, who was standing beside Three hundred, looking straight ahead.    


Zero did not say anything, nor would he stop 300 from saying anything.    


Lin Han did not wait for 300 to continue, and took the initiative to ask, "So, what is the so-called standard? What kind of person do you want?"    


300 didn't expect Lin Han's question to hit the nail on the head. He could only bite the bullet and answer.    


"The standard is that there is no emotion, focus on the target, kill without fear, and have to be cunning enough to constantly correct himself and perfect the plan to improve himself."    


Lin Han nodded slightly. "This standard is not low, and he is already a professional killer. Who do you want such a high-quality killer to kill? "    


300 said the name that Zero had mentioned once. "Lin Zhenjiang."    


Lin Han was already prepared. He did not react as strongly as the first time he heard it. "Is this the organization's target?"    


300 nodded heavily. "Yes, and we have left the organization. We have to cooperate with this target at all times."    


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