Abandoned Youth

C899 Gentle Jade and White Mud

C899 Gentle Jade and White Mud

As Master Jiang walked into the house, he asked, "New customer? Have you passed the trial?"    


Little Zhao answered as he went out to welcome Master Jiang: "Yes, yes, both trials have been passed very well. The last name is Lin."    


Master Jiang nodded. He already had many customers. He had seen the surname "Lin" several times.    


"Guests are sitting inside?" He asked. His voice wasn't loud, but Lin Han could hear him clearly.    


Little Zhao answered every question he asked. He also poured a cup of tea for Master Jiang. "He's sitting inside, but he wants..."    


The apprentice was a little hesitant. He didn't know if he should directly say that the guest wanted to repair the weapon.    


Master Jiang was a straightforward person. He asked immediately, "What do you want? Speak quickly, don't swallow half a sentence!"    


The acolyte nodded his head repeatedly and said, "The guest wants to repair his weapon. He doesn't want to make a new one."    


Master Jiang immediately furrowed his brows. "Repair? Didn't I tell you not to repair it last year? Didn't you hear me?"    


Little Zhao immediately looked embarrassed.    


It wasn't that he didn't want to hear it, but Lin Han's attitude made him afraid to say it.    


Furthermore, Lin Han had said that he had come to find him. In fact, he only said that there wasn't such a person because he had gone through all of Master Jiang's customer records.    


He didn't know if it was a guest that came before his master made a record, so Little Zhao didn't dare to say anything.    


However, he couldn't tell his master these words. It was hard to say what he was going to say, so he could only smile bitterly.    


"This guest seems to know you, so..."    


Master Jiang became even more dissatisfied when he heard this. "Nonsense. I've written all the guests that came, but you didn't flip through them?"    


Little Zhao was even more speechless now, and could only smile bitterly and apologize.    


When Lin Han heard this, he knew that this apprentice Little Zhao had still given him some face, perhaps because of his skill.    


He also didn't want this Little Zhao to continue making things difficult for him, so he spoke up.    


"Long time no see, Master Jiang. Do you still remember me?"    


When he heard Lin Han's voice, Master Jiang finally recalled a distant memory.    


That was when he had yet to become such a skilled martial arts master.    


In fact, the bottlenecks of many martial art forging masters did not lie in their own comprehension, but their experience.    


Martial tools themselves were not cheap things. It was even more difficult to test them out.    


Therefore, most of the forgers could not forge more advanced weapons. The success rate and precision could not be guaranteed either.    


If they did not have anything to practice with, their skills would not be good enough. No one would look for them.    


Similarly, if no one looked for them to forge advanced weapons, then the experience would be even less, and it would be a dead cycle.    


And back then, Master Jiang had the luck that most of the blacksmiths didn't.    


Back then, Lin Han was lacking a suitable blacksmith. It would be a waste to find someone to forge weapons for him.    


It was also because he had met Master Jiang by chance. Since then, Lin Han had attached great importance to Master Jiang's craftsmanship.    


Almost all of the weapons would be given to Master Jiang to handle.    


Although he had made a lot of mistakes, Master Jiang's talent in this field was very high, and he was willing to give everything he had.    


Therefore, he quickly became an excellent blacksmith, and gradually became famous.    


It could be said that if it wasn't for Lin Han giving him weapons to practice, Master Jiang might not have had his current skills.    


Therefore, when Master Jiang heard Lin Han's voice, he immediately remembered the days in the past.    


"This... Could this really be...?"    


Master Jiang quickly walked to the small room and saw Lin Han's face through the yellow light.    


Before he could say anything, Lin Han spoke first, "Master Jiang, it's been a few years since we last met. Don't you remember me, Lin Han?"    


Master Jiang had been in this society for many years, and when he heard Lin Han's name, he immediately reacted.    


"I remember, I remember. Lin... Mr. Lin wants to make weapons, right?"    


Lin Han nodded and said, "A pair of gloves. I really like it. Unfortunately, I can't do it myself after it's broken."    


As he spoke, Lin Han took out the Fire Cloud Crystal he got from the Auction last time.    


"I want to add this Fire Cloud Crystal into it and upgrade its quality. Will it work?"    


Little Zhao was dumbfounded when he heard this. Initially, Master Jiang wouldn't even pay attention to such a high demand for the crystal to be repaired!    


This kind of restoration! It took a lot of time to fuse and repair the required material, and the required materials were also very troublesome.    


If one didn't know how to forge, it was very likely that they wouldn't be able to collect all the materials. The things sent over couldn't even be gathered together, which was very troublesome.    


But this time, even if it was such a troublesome repair, Master Jiang didn't feel the slightest bit of impatience.    


Instead, he opened the small door of the inner room and said, "Mr. Lin, come in. Little Zhao, you come in as well."    


Little Zhao replied and walked in with a belly full of doubts.    


Master Jiang asked Little Zhao to stand at the side and listen, but he brought a stool for Lin Han.    


This kind of treatment made Little Zhao even more confused. Ever since he became Master Jiang's apprentice, no one had ever been able to enter the workshop!    


Not only was Lin Han invited, Master Jiang even personally took a seat.    


Little Zhao was dumbfounded. He couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "Master, this person..."    


Master Jiang glared at him. "Don't ask what you shouldn't. I asked you to come in to listen to me. Shut up and listen!"    


After saying that, Master Jiang gestured to Lin Han, indicating that he should be a little more forgiving to this curious disciple of his.    


"Mr. Lin, let me have a look at the gloves and Fire Cloud Crystals."    


Master Jiang said, then took the Fire Cloud Crystal from Lin Han with both hands.    


The quality of the Fire Cloud Crystal was really high, so Master Jiang looked at it for a while before nodding and speaking.    


"Mr. Lin, the quality of this thing is really high, and it's really hard to fuse with it. I also need a material to neutralize it."    


Lin Han casually asked, "Don't you have any here?"    


This question made Little Zhao, who was at the back, turn pale with fright. "It needs to be the material itself..."    


Master Jiang stopped Little Zhao from continuing, "If I have any here, I won't look for you. These materials are really rare."    


Lin Han saw that Master Jiang had said they were rare, so he knew it would be hard to find them.    


"What material is it?"    


Master Jiang flipped through the information in his hand and took out a picture and an introduction. He showed it to Lin Han.    


"This is the most important material, the warm jade white mud."    


Lin Han took a look and found that the material was really precious. He had never seen it before.    


"Must I have this?"    


Master Jiang nodded his head and looked at Little Zhao. He wanted Little Zhao to listen carefully.    


"The warm jade white mud is the most gentle fusion material, and it won't conflict with other materials. It can maximize the explosive properties of the Fire Cloud Crystal."    


Lin Han nodded his head and asked, "If that's the case, where can we find this thing?"    


Master Jiang thought for a while and said, "It's not easy to find it. I only have a vague message."    


"It's also possible. I'll find it when I have time."    


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