Abandoned Youth

C962 Wang Laicai Who Do You Owe

C962 Wang Laicai Who Do You Owe

However, Lin Han's expression didn't change at all.    


"Young man, why don't you just hide? This person is very scary..."    


Aunt Wang said in a low voice and secretly looked outside.    


Separated by the crowd, these people inside could not see the expression of "Grandpa Wang" outside.    


And those who could see outside also had cautious expressions on their faces and did not dare to say what they saw.    


Only the person inside spoke to Lin Han, "Young man, quickly apologize, don't let anything happen to you!"    


Another person came over and pulled Aunt Wang over, saying, "Aunt Wang, why don't we leave? I think this person is crazy..."    


Aunt Wang originally stood inside and wanted to help Lin Han, but now she was a little flustered.    


"I, I..."    


The few of them hesitated and tried to persuade him. It was a mess.    


On the side. Wu Laosan wanted to run away, but Aunt Wang reached out to grab him again. She even came and went to make a mess.    


Lin Han was leisurely at the side, watching these guys play around like a drama.    


But this noise did not last long. Wang Laicai quickly arrived at the door.    


There were many people at the door, and Lin Han was sitting at the back. The lights were dimmer, so no one could see him.    


Lin Han could see Wang Laicai, but Wang Laicai did not immediately find out who was sitting inside.    


"Who dares to call me by my name?"    


Wang Laicai stood at the door and asked. The expression on his face was so gloomy that it seemed like water was going to drip out of it.    


Wu Laosan was so scared that he directly fell to his knees with a "putong" sound.    


He pointed at Lin Han and said, "It's him! It was him who shouted for him to pay, hit him, and take revenge on him! "    


Wu Laosan's anxious look of recognizing Lin Han, no matter who saw it, they would find it funny.    


Wang Laicai followed Wu Laosan's gaze and looked at Lin Han's position, but he couldn't see Lin Han's face clearly.    


Wu Laosan continued to shout, "Master Wang, it's him. He bought a shop and put on airs with you. He will be responsible for everything!"    


Wang Laicai's deep voice followed Wu Laosan's meaning and asked, "He said he will put you in charge, right?"    


Wu Laosan's "yes yes yes" voice was drowned behind. Aunt Wang kicked him, making him not dare to continue speaking loudly.    


Just as Wu Laosan became like a mosquito complaining in a low voice, in the dead silence, Lin Han spoke.    


"So what if it is counted on my head? Wang Laicai, you don't dare to ask me for a debt, do you?"    


Lin Han said unhurriedly. His voice was very calm, but in Wang Laicai's ears, it was like a clap of thunder.    


He finally recognized the owner of this voice. It was the owner that he, Wang Laicai, did not dare to provoke.    


"This, how could it be..."    


The Qi on Wang Laicai's body instantly disappeared. Lin Han's words also made Wu Laosan choke.    


Wu Laosan slowly raised his head and looked at Lin Han. The fear in his heart had suddenly reached its peak.    


He didn't dare to speak anymore. He even wished he could swallow what he had just said.    


Aunt Wang heard that something was wrong. She grabbed Wu Laosan's collar and the strength in her hands increased.    


"Don't think of leaving. Stay well!"    


Aunt Wang's voice could only be considered a little bit of adjustment. The people outside were in a better mood. At least they knew that their neighbors were fine.    


"Don't tell me this young man really has some ability?"    


"Is he Wang Laicai's trusted aide?"    


The people outside could start to guess in a relaxed mood, but the people inside could not.    


Wang Laicai, who had just performed an extremely vivid performance of "taking advantage of power to bully others and taking advantage of private interests," was shocked.    


"This, I..."    


Lin Han was still lying on the reclining chair. He just knocked on his leg and smiled at Wang Laicai.    


"What's wrong with you? I will leave this one hundred thousand here. If you have the guts, then take it away."    


Lin Han gently placed a cheque on the table. It was the one he had just signed when he was free.    


But how could Wang Laicai dare? The person who was sweating just now was Wu Laosan, and now it was him.    


"This, I... I don't dare to accept it. You can go back then. This one hundred thousand yuan, just treat it as my fart!"    


Wang Laicai caught the cheque that almost floated to the ground and put it back on the table with both hands.    


He also found a small thing to place the cheque on. Only then did he dare to take it back.    


"It's good that you understand. I thought you didn't understand."    


Lin Han casually looked at the cheque, kneaded it into a ball, and threw it out.    


The hundred thousand yuan was almost thrown onto the street, and the number of people watching suddenly decreased by more than half.    


"I'm in a good mood, so it's not impossible to give you one million yuan. But if you want it from me, I won't give it to you even if I throw it out. "    


Lin Han stared at Wang Laicai and broke out in cold sweat.    


"Yes, yes."    


Although Aunt Wang did not know what was going on, she knew that the one who had the right to speak was still Lin Han.    


She immediately grabbed Wu Laosan and said, "This guy wanted to harm others just now, so he should be beaten!"    


Lin Han glanced at Wu Laosan. His eyes had just arrived, and before he could say anything, Wu Laosan was already lying on the ground in fear.    


"Don't, don't kill me! I will give you the money, I will give you one hundred thousand! I'll pay! "    


Wu Laosan was so scared that he quickly said and took out the cheque in his hand while trembling.    


"I, I'll give you all the money. You guys can take this shop away. I, I don't want money anymore."    


Wang Laicai was just about to go back to get the cheque when Lin Han stopped him.    


"There's no rush. I am not here to seize the shop. There is no need to refund the money."    


Old Wu and the other two hated themselves for being rude just now. If they hadn't said those words, why would they be in such a difficult situation now?    


However, Lin Han would not ask him what he was conflicted about.    


"Listen up. My request to you is very simple."    


Wu Laosan was not as cunning as before. His face was full of respect, and he kept apologizing to Lin Han.    


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. How much can I pay you? I shouldn't have said those words. Spare me!"    


Lin Han was immune to begging for mercy. He started to speak calmly.    


"It's very simple. Previously, you cut down the ingredients and neglected the medicinal ingredients. Now I want you to send them out."    


Wu Laosan, who was working hard on the ground and wanted to make himself cry more sincerely, suddenly looked up. "Send them out?"    


Lin Han continued, "Send out all the herbs in your medicine cabinet."    


Wu Laosan immediately nodded when he heard that. He did not even ask for a few hundred thousand. He would not even blink when he gave out these herbs.    


Lin Han glanced at him and added, "Don't worry. I'm talking about sending them out according to the prescription. Every prescription must be recorded for me to check."    


Wu Laosan's eyes immediately dimmed. He had also lost a large part of his strength.    


"This, there are so many medicinal herbs. How can we gather all the medicinal formulas and send them out?"    


Lin Han glanced at him. "If there is not enough medicinal ingredients, you can buy the medicinal ingredients yourself to make up for it. Until all of them are sent out."    


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