Abandoned Youth

C963 Cruise

C963 Cruise

This measure was a bit too much. Wu Laosan immediately pulled his face down, as if he was going to cry from deep bitterness and hatred.    


"This, when can I finish giving it to you!"    


Lin Han did not care about that much. He sneered and finally stood up from his chair.    


"You don't have to worry about this. If you can't finish this in three months, you owe me two hundred thousand."    


Lin Han walked up and patted Wang Laicai on the shoulder. "Wang Laicai, you go and check the herbs. If you don't send them out, you will lose them..."    


Lin Han did not finish his words, but who was Wang Laicai? He immediately understood.    


"Leave it to me. This kid can't act recklessly under my watch."    


Lin Han gave Wang Laicai a meaningful look. "Then I'll leave it to you. You keep looking at this place. I'm leaving."    


When Wang Laicai saw that Lin Han was leaving, he hurriedly said, "You can't leave like this! Wait a minute, there's still something else."    


Lin Han looked at him and asked, "What is it?"    


Wang Laicai took a deep breath and said, "It's like this. The young lady is looking for you, but she has not found you."    


Lin Han almost forgot that he was still Chou Luoxue's bodyguard.    


"Miss is looking for me for something?" He asked.    


Wang Laicai shook his head. The matter of Chou Luoxue was not something he, Wang Laicai, could know.    


"I only know that Miss said that your phone number was not connected. I thought that you had an accident and found a few people looking for you everywhere."    


Lin Han narrowed his eyes. He also did not know what this Miss's purpose was.    


"Where can I find her?"    


Wang Laicai pulled a piece of paper from the side and randomly drew the address. He said, "Right here. She is drinking coffee here."    


Lin Han heard that he was drinking coffee and had an idea. He took it over and saw that it was exactly what he thought.    


"She is quite leisurely. I'll go look for him. You do your job well."    


Wang Laicai immediately nodded. "Take care, I'll definitely do my job impartially!"    


Lin Han did not have any expectations of whether Wang Laicai was impartial or not. He only hoped that Wang Laicai would not give up so easily.    


When he walked out of the house, Aunt Wang, who had been silent all this while, walked over.    


"Young man, thank you for helping us teach that scoundrel, Wu Laosan, a lesson! We all thank you."    


Lin Han smiled. "It was nothing. I can't bear to see this guy like this."    


Initially, Lin Han still needed to boil the medicine in his hand, but Wang Laicai's arrival made Lin Han give up on the idea.    


Wang Laicai was not the kind of person who would honestly help. He was just a petty person who took advantage of the situation.    


If he knew that Lin Han still had injuries on his body, he would definitely think of a way to cause trouble.    


Lin Han would definitely not let such a person know about his injuries, so he did not say anything and left with the medicine.    


It took Lin Han three hours to get a taxi to Chou Luoxue's coffee shop.    


After the experience of being stabbed in the car for no reason, Lin Han was now much more vigilant and didn't continue sleeping.    


Fortunately, his luck had not reached a certain level. This time, Lin Han's car was a normal car.    


He got out of the car at the entrance of the coffee shop. Coincidentally, the person at the door was the waiter from last time.    


When the waiter saw that Lin Han had arrived, a smile immediately appeared on his face.    


"Are you looking for Miss Chou?" The waiter came up and asked. He did not ask Lin Han for any membership.    


Lin Han nodded and said, "Is Miss Chou still here?"    


The last time Lin Han and Chou Luoxue appeared together, many people were present. The waiter remembered him.    


"Miss is still here. She is on the second floor, the original room."    


The waiter said to Lin Han and was about to bring him up to the second floor.    


"Miss has been saying that she is waiting for someone, but we don't know who she is waiting for." The waiter said.    


"It should be because the person she is waiting for hasn't arrived yet, so Miss hasn't left yet."    


Hearing the waiter say this, it was as if Chou Luoxue was a person who treated his feelings very seriously.    


If Lin Han didn't know what kind of person Chou Luoxue was, he would probably think that she was quite good.    


But Lin Han, who knew Chou Luoxue very well, only sneered in his heart.    


"I may not be the one waiting for me, but at least I can go up and talk to her."    


Lin Han did not say that Chou Luoxue was waiting for him. He found a reason and gave the waiter an excuse.    


The waiter was still very busy, so he only sent Lin Han to the second floor and immediately turned around to leave.    


Lin Han looked around on the second floor and saw Chou Luoxue on the balcony.    


"Miss, I heard you have been looking for me?" Lin Han walked over and greeted her politely.    


Chou Luoxue was thinking about something when she heard Lin Han's voice. She was stunned.    


Then she realized what was going on.    


"Where did you go? I couldn't find you anywhere."    


Lin Han had already thought of a reason for his nominal master's question.    


"I ran into Old Ma on the roadside. I wanted to ask him where he went, but he turned around and ran without saying a word. He ran deep into the mountains."    


As expected, Chou Luoxue frowned. "Old Ma? I haven't seen him for a long time. Why did he come back?"    


Lin Han just made up an excuse. Of course, he could not give an answer.    


"I don't know either, but I don't think he came back to reminisce with the young lady."    


"So you chased him?" Chou Luoxue asked.    


Lin Han nodded and continued, "Yes, but I didn't manage to catch up to him, so I came back late."    


Regarding Lin Han's reason, Chou Luoxue did not pursue it further, and she did not want to pursue it.    


"Alright, I don't want to talk about those things that happened to you before. Now you have to hurry up and go to a banquet with me."    


Lin Han asked, "What does Miss mean by a banquet?"    


Because he had a huge conflict with Chou Qing before.    


So he was still very worried that this stingy boss would tell his daughter about this matter.    


If the two of them really communicated with each other, Lin Han would have to think about whether this banquet was Hong Men Banquet.    


"It's a very special banquet. If I hadn't promised that Wen guy that I would bring you along, I wouldn't have waited for you."    


Chou Luoxue rolled her eyes. With that look, Lin Han could tell that she was definitely not carrying some kind of ulterior motive.    


This young lady was a little bit better. No matter what thoughts she had, it was all on her face.    


If Chou Luoxue had any ulterior motives and wanted to use this matter to get rid of Lin Han, she would definitely show it on her face.    


"The banquet is held on a cruise ship. He should hurry up and leave. The ship will be sailing tonight at ten o'clock."    


"10 o'clock? So early?"    


"It's not very early. There's still some time to pack from now on."    


Lin Han had never attended such a banquet before. He wondered what kind of tricks these young ladies would play.    


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