Abandoned Youth

C1082 The Power of Samsara

C1082 The Power of Samsara

The golden crescent sword energy slashed down from the sky, and the moment it touched the ground, its power exploded. Rocks exploded and dust flew everywhere. A hole quickly appeared in front of the two of them.    


Lin Han looked down. "I didn't expect that there would be a palace buried in the ground. Could this be a civilization left behind by some dynasty on purpose?"    


"I think it's similar to a higher level space like the Transcendental World. Something left behind from the secular world has existed for a longer time than the Shennong race."    


Lan Yu seemed to have thought of something that had happened many years ago. He had a somewhat emotional expression on his face. When the Shennong race was still developing and growing, they had once discovered a very mysterious place when they were out exploring.    


After the two of them entered, they easily arrived at the main hall.    


There was a round platform made of limestone slabs, and around it stood a few pillars with unknown totems engraved on them.    


When Lin Han approached, he could feel a strange energy fluctuation coming from it.    


He couldn't help but put up a defensive posture. If an attack appeared in front of him, he could immediately fight back or escape.    


Lan Yu stopped and took out all the purple jade he had on him, placing it in the middle of the stone platform.    


"Don't be so nervous. The Reincarnation Sacrificial Altar has existed for tens of thousands of years. This is already an abandoned area. No enemy will appear."    


As soon as he finished speaking, faint laughter appeared in the dark shadows around the hall.    






A creepy sound shocked Lin Han and Lan Yu. They could not even feel any living objects or combat waves around them, but why did the sound appear out of thin air?    


Lin Han condensed a fireball and slowly floated towards the shadows around him.    


At this moment, a dark shadow walked out of the darkness and caught the fireball with his hand as if nothing had happened.    


In the next second, all the energy was absorbed into his body.    


This guy's appearance was too strange. He had no clothes, no facial features, only a rough outline of a human, but his speech and actions were no different from a normal person.    


He was like a shadow on the ground that suddenly stood up and then came here.    


"You two little fellows are truly audacious. You actually dared to use the Reincarnation Sacrificial Altar without permission. It seems like you even understand the rules of operation. What kind of identity do you have?"    


The shadow man ignored him after sensing the power of Lin Han's fireball.    


Such a weak attack was not much different from an ant. It was not worth mentioning.    


The shadow man slowly walked to the front of Lan Yu and looked down at him.    


"The Transcendental World is about to invade us. I don't have time to explain too much to you right now. If it's convenient, let the two of us use the Reincarnation Sacrificial Altar's ability."    


"Hehehe, there's no hurry. If you want to use such profound strength, you have to show it to me."    


After the shadow man finished speaking, he was about to attack the two of them.    


The surrounding air condensed, and invisible ripples of power and water surrounded the two of them.    


Bluefeather nimbly started to dodge left and right, but Lin Han's strength was much weaker.    


Before he could understand what was going on, he felt as if his body had been crushed by a roller.    


Wherever the water ripples swept across, the subcutaneous tissue of the muscles immediately showed signs of blood clotting, and even the bones made creaking sounds.    


An unbearable pain rushed into Lin Han's mind, causing him to immediately condense even more powerful flame protective Gang Qis, filling the surroundings of his body.    


"Haha, this kind of trick doesn't have any effect. Hurry up and use an even sharper attack."    


Seeing Lin Han's protective flame, the shadow man didn't dodge, instead, he walked over.    


His speed was unimaginably fast. No matter what he did, it would not cause any resistance from the air flow. It was like a shadow shuttling through space.    


Before Lin Han could dodge, he felt a blur in his eyes as the shadow passed through his body.    


Every time the shadow passed by, it would bring along a large amount of fire energy, including the other attacks that Lin Han used. It didn't have any effect when it hit the shadow's body. It was directly absorbed into the dark interior of the shadow's body.    


The blue feather who was hiding in the distance seemed to have grasped the technique of the opponent and started to attack.    


His palms waved out countless fist-sized energy balls, but they did not directly attack. Instead, they continuously emitted a dazzling light.    


These artificial small suns instantly lit up the entire underground palace as bright as day. The light appeared on the shadow person's body as if it was going to pierce through his body, causing his opponent's movements to become sluggish.    


Living in a bottomless underground space all year round, the biggest weakness of the shadow person was that they were afraid of the strong light.    


He disappeared without a trace. No one knew where he was hiding, but his voice was still around Lin Han and Lan Yu.    


"You two really don't know what's good for you. Not everyone can use the Reincarnation Sacrificial Altar. You might even lose your life."    


"Senior, please do us a favor. We have a very important mission that we must complete. Otherwise, the entire mortal world will be doomed."    


Lin Han endured the exhaustion and walked to the sacrificial altar. Seeing that the mysterious shadow no longer interfered, Lan Yu immediately seized the time to start the conversion process.    


When the power was injected into the altar, the totem patterns on the stone pillars beside the sacrificial altar began to glow.    


Lin Han looked at the stone pillars under his feet. The purple jade began to melt slowly, and finally turned into firefly-like light spots that floated around.    


The scene in front of his eyes began to blur, as if the altar was spinning rapidly.    


The energy conversion process was incomparably magical. After an unknown period of time, these purple light spots revolved around Lin Han and condensed once again.    


Finally, it transformed into a bracelet and gently landed on the ground. There was nothing strange about it.    


The shadow man said with disdain, "It's just that the method of teleportation was reversed. I didn't get any particularly powerful weapons. Do you want to fight with me with this?"    


Lin Han looked at the bracelet in front of him. He did not feel any combat power on it, so he began to feel uncertain.    


Blue Feather walked over as if he had found a treasure and picked up the bracelet.    


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