Abandoned Youth

C785 The Cunning Meng Yunhe

C785 The Cunning Meng Yunhe

"This is so annoying. Lin Han's figure is always lingering in my mind. He is already a married man. I can't possibly poach him!"    


Yun Yao thought of what she had just said, and her two cheeks began to heat up.    


"Ya! What am I doing? Why am I thinking about so many things? I'm so embarrassed. " Yun Yao covered her face as she lay on the sofa and shouted.    


"It's normal for men from big families to have a few close female friends, let alone such an outstanding Lin Han. Logically speaking, this theory should work on him too. Men are all the same! Hehe. "    


Yun Yao kept tossing and turning, muttering to herself, sometimes laughing, sometimes frowning. . .    


" Dingdong! "    


A doorbell rang, breaking Yun Yao's fantasy.    


"Who is it!" Is it Lin Han who came looking for me? Is it really him? It can't be, right? Thinking of this, Yun Yao's heart began to surge. She held onto her fantasy and opened the door without hesitation.    


"You are?" A girl in a professional suit stood at the door. Yun Yao began to feel nervous, thinking that her address had never been revealed, so how could there be a stranger looking for her?    


"May I ask if you are Miss Yun Yao?    


" Yes, who are you? How do you know my address? " At this time, Yun Yao asked with some anger. Her beautiful dream had been broken by this stranger, and her heart was filled with anger.    


"It's like this, I'm from the Cold Power Group. This is something that our CEO Su gave you, and he wants me to personally hand it over to you. "    


"It can't be, right? Such a large company actually belongs to him? Why do I feel like I can't believe it? Did he use his connections to find an acquaintance to give me a new high-tech phone? "    


Now, even if he had money, he might not be able to buy the new product of Han Qi's phone. It was really too popular. He did not dare to think that if Lin Han really was Han Qi's boss, he would not be able to buy it. What kind of situation would that be? The main thing was that she saw that Lin Han was not going to do business with that material.    


Yun Yao impatiently opened her cell phone box and a milky white cell phone appeared in front of her eyes. This was what she had always wanted.    


"I just casually said it that day, but I didn't think that Lin Han would really send it over. I didn't think that you would really care about me. A cell phone can easily make me happy. " Yun Yao muttered. She suddenly realized something. It was as if she had always been annoyed with Lin Han, but Lin Han had always been cold and indifferent towards her.    


Feeling disheartened, she looked at her phone and suddenly saw the golden word "Earth" on the back of the phone.    


"Heavens! Why. . . Why is it an earth-class phone!" Yun Yao's eyes widened like a lantern, feeling that this was too inconceivable.    




Maggie Hotel, a business type hotel. Although it wasn't a very high-end hotel in Songhua City, it was still a first-rate existence. It was the best place to serve.    


Su Mi brought Lin Han into the hotel and saw Meng Yunhe's business car parked at the entrance of the hotel. It seemed that he still attached great importance to Su Mi Corporation.    


When Meng Yunhe saw Su Mi and the others enter, he smiled and said, "CEO Su, you're finally here. " But when he saw Lin Han behind Su Mi, he was stunned. This was a change of secretary? Or was it some rich young master or her boyfriend?    


Su Mi saw Mayor Meng in a daze and coughed.    


"Cough! Mayor Meng, let's get to the point!"    


"Alright! CEO Su, let's cut it short. I don't know what my conditions are after the last meeting. Can CEO Su agree to it? " Meng Yunhe smiled coldly and stared at Su Mi.    


"What conditions? Why don't I remember them? Did Mayor Meng say that?" Su Mi started to pretend to be confused.    


"CEO Su, as I said before, the government will be investing in the company, and the joint venture will be listed. Then, we will split the profits. Don't you remember? We are all smart people, we all understand. "    


The current Su Mi Corporation was unstoppable in the country. Moreover, there was no shortage of technology and funds, let alone technology. There was only one company in the country. Why would the government need to invest in it? Su Mi felt that Meng Yunhe was still awake.    


Su Mi pretended to be very interested and asked, "I wonder what kind of cooperation method Mayor Meng used?"    


"Haha! Su Mi Corporation can build any factory in the city. They can choose any land they want. The government can directly rent the land. The dividends will be split into half. " Meng Yunhe said proudly.    


Su Mi frowned. Rent land, technology, and capital had to come with them. . . Was it obvious that they were doing it for free? Do you think I'm a three-year-old who doesn't know how to read?    


Meng Yunhe saw Su Mi frowning and asked with ill intentions, "CEO Su, do you not know what else you are dissatisfied with? Just say it. I also know that the Han Power Group has the technology and funds. The government does not need to invest, but for the development of Songhua City, As a local enterprise, you can't do without the support of the government and the people. Do you want to repay the government and the people today? "    


Meng Yunhe was beaming with joy when he said that. He looked like he was serving the people.    


If Su Mi did not see that he was from the government, she would really want to slap him awake. At this time, she was still dreaming.    


Who didn't know how popular the phone of the Han Power Group was? Was there only one benefit to it? It was an astronomical figure. Meng Yunhe wanted to take away fifty percent of Su Mi's company's profits with a single sentence. It was a huge joke.    


"Mayor Meng, aren't you a little too much? You want to take away fifty percent of the profits without spending a single cent? Do you think our Su Mi Corporation is a money printing factory? Human resources, research and development cost is a huge sum of money when combined. Do you think we are just doing this for free?"    


"CEO Su, you are joking. With the support of the government and the people, we will be able to create Su Mi Corporation today. It is not that we are demanding an exorbitant price. The money we have is also to benefit the people and let them have a better home to live in. "    


Su Mi was a little angry at this time. She suppressed her emotions and did not want to lose control of herself. Wasn't it obvious that she was trying to gain something out of it? Did they think Su Mi Corporation was a soft persimmon?    


Su Mi said angrily, "Open your mouth and wave your hand. Su Mi Corporation's 50% profit is taken away by you like this. Do you think our company will agree?"    


Lin Han, who was standing at the side, was expressionless as he quietly listened to their conversation. At this time, Meng Yunhe did not take Lin Han seriously. He felt that Lin Han might be a little secretary or Su Mi's little lover. Meng Yunhe thought in his heart. He did not expect the CEO of the Su Mi Corporation to be so nice to such a fair and clean gigolo.    


Meng Yunhe said coldly, "CEO Su, don't push your luck. Our government has already made the biggest concession. You have earned enough these years. It's time for you to spit some out. "    


Su Mi, who was on the verge of exploding, snorted coldly, "Humph!" If Lin Han had not planned to meet Meng Yunhe, she would have rejected this shameless person's negotiation long ago. This was simply the behavior of a bandit.    


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