Abandoned Youth

C194 Do You Think I Lin Han Don't Know How to Kill People?

C194 Do You Think I Lin Han Don't Know How to Kill People?

"Didn't you want to know how many guards I brought this time?"    


"Let me tell you, right now, fifty thousand Southern Realm Guards have already gathered at the foot of the mountain. There are still another fifty thousand that are stationed outside the city."    


"What? You want to try?"    


Ding Renfeng laughed with a cold expression on his face.    




These words caused everyone present to suck in a breath of cold air.    


Fifty thousand plus fifty thousand was a hundred thousand guards.    


A small Tianhai City.    


There were actually a hundred thousand guards stationed here. This was too terrifying.    


"What's going on, didn't we investigate it before? This time, only fifty thousand Southern Realm Guards have come?"    


Lin Han said.    


Lei Ming immediately replied in embarrassment: "This... It might be a temporary increase in power! "    


"What, Lehman, you dare to investigate the movements of my Southern Realm Guards!"    


Ding Renfeng cursed.    


The movements of the high level guards of the four realms.    


Only a handful of people, including Realm Master and Deputy Realm Master, had ever known it.    


However, Lin Han's words made it clear.    


Lehman had investigated his whereabouts.    


"Good, good, good. For a secret matter like the whereabouts of my Southern Realm, you even dare to step in."    


"In terms of Forbidden Court, you should prepare to bear one more crime!"    


Ding Renfeng's patience had reached its limit.    


If it wasn't because of Commander of the Northern Realm's position behind Lei Ming.    


He had already ordered his guards to deal with Lehman on the spot.    


"This is my intention. I sent Lehman to investigate."    


"You or Ye Qingtian can come to me if you have any objections."    


Lin Han's voice sounded.    


A pin drop silence.    


"Catch him!"    


This time, Ding Renfeng didn't even feel like scolding anymore.    


Such a lunatic.    


Ding Renfeng was ready to attack directly.    


Towards Lin Han's arrogance.    


The guards of Southern Realm were also unable to watch on.    


One by one, they rubbed their hands together.    


He was prepared to capture Lin Han.    


"Zhao Dao, allow the hundred thousand guards stationed outside the city to enter Tianhai City City and await orders under the Mist Shadow Mountain."    


Thunder rang out.    


"Commander, Zhao Dao, obey!"    


Zhao Dao, who was standing outside the mansion like a javelin, gave a military salute.    


After that, they began to communicate through the radio.    


"Lehman, how dare you, station a hundred thousand Royal Guard of the North Realm at the Tianhai City."    


"Do you know how serious the consequences are?"    


The Southern Realm Guards that were originally prepared to take action.    


Hearing this news.    


He immediately stopped.    


The Northern Realm of a hundred thousand guards were stationed outside the city?    


This was the most combat-able of the four level guards!    


"What? Is Commander Ding afraid?"    


Lehman laughed.    


"Afraid! I'm afraid of you? This Southern Realm, is not your Northern Realm! "    


"What's more, so what if your Northern Realm is a hundred thousand guards? The number of guards my Southern Realm has transferred over is also one hundred thousand. "    


"Don't tell me you really dare to attack? Can you bear this responsibility? "    


Ding Renfeng said stubbornly.    


Even if his Royal Guard of the North Realm was good at fighting.    


But, this was in Southern Realm's territory.    


They, the Southern Realm Guards, have an advantage in geography.    


Moreover, the Southern Realm Headquarters could summon the guards to assist them at any time.    


"Not just a hundred thousand, but two hundred thousand guards of my Northern Realm."    


Lin Han finished his sentence.    


"Shut up, who do you think you are? You don't have the right to speak right now."    


Ding Renfeng cursed.    


He never would have thought that this matter would become so serious.    


Moreover, a hundred thousand Royal Guard of the North Realm were stationed outside the city.    


None of the higher ups of their Southern Realm received any news at all.    


How terrifying was this?    


"Ta, ta, ta!"    


At this moment, strong winds swirled and drizzling rain fell.    


In the sky above the Mist Shadow Mountain.    


A series of explosions could be heard.    


"What's going on?"    


This movement made Ding Renfeng frown.    


"Report!" There are more than 30 military helicopters circling the mountain! "    


The Southern Realm Guard entered the villa to report.    


"It's a military helicopter."    


Xu Xiao, who was standing outside the door, took a look after taking a few quick steps.    


He quickly returned to the villa.    


"Commander, it's a military helicopter, and that symbol is from Northern Realm."    


Xu Xiao swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva.    


Hurry up and report.    


"Impossible, Northern Realm Military Helicopter, entering the Southern Realm, how could our Southern Realm Guard Headquarters not have received this news?"    


"That's impossible, how did Lehman hide from our Southern Realm?"    


Ding Renfeng couldn't help but mumble.    


With such a large commotion, how could the Northern Realm not know?    


"Because, I have received the transfer order and have been allowed to move." Lehman laughed.    


"We, the Southern Realm, are still unaware of the actions that have been allowed."    


"Unless... Unless Prince Lin..."    


Ding Renfeng's forehead was suddenly covered in cold sweat.    


He had thought of a possibility.    


Unless it was the person from Northern Realm, and the person from the peak of Central State.    


Otherwise, with Lehman causing such a commotion in the Southern Realm, it would have been impossible for him to win.    


The Southern Realm Guard Headquarters had to know.    


"You're right, it's my family's Realm Master's intention!"    


Lehman nodded.    


This indicated that Ding Renfeng's guess was correct.    


"Chi chi chi!"    


Just as Lehman finished speaking …    


The military helicopters coiled around the peak of Mist Shadow Mountain directly landed on the helipad.    


Everyone in the villa could clearly see the incomparably domineering military helicopter.    


Compared with civilian helicopters, military helicopters are stable and efficient in addition to their performance.    


A machine gun was also installed.    


This force caused everyone present to shrink their necks.    


What rich and powerful people, what rich and powerful people.    


He could only choose to bow his head and be a human.    


"Lehman, even if you have a transfer order and a document, you have to give me an explanation for the mission your Northern Realm is carrying out this time."    


"Otherwise, these hundred thousand Southern Realm Guards would not agree."    


Ding Renfeng spoke first.    


He stared fixedly at Lei Ming.    


"It's not a mission. It's just that my family has been bullied."    


"I just can't take it anymore."    


Lin Han laughed.    


"Nonsense, Lehman, you are too indulgent."    


"Even if he's a heaven warding genius, he's still the focus of your Northern Realm."    


"But, transfer two hundred thousand Royal Guard of the North Realm, military helicopters, armoured vehicles, all up."    


"This... Have you thought about the consequences? "    


Ding Renfeng roared.    


Right now, the only explanation Ding Renfeng could think of was …    


The young man in front of him had risen to Commander at such a young age. His future was limitless.    


That was why Lehman cherished geniuses.    


That's why I did it.    


However, the only thing that Ding Renfeng couldn't figure out.    


This was too reckless.    


What sort of concept was two hundred thousand guards?    


Was he really not afraid of provoking the Southern Realm to fight?    


"Five years ago, someone also asked me if I had thought clearly about the consequences of liking Royal Daughter of the Qin Family."    


"Five years later, I just want to protect my family. There are people who ask me if I want to know the consequences."    


Lin Han shook his head with a smile.    


"My little sister who feels guilty and heartbroken, your Tang Family actually forced him to marry."    


"Do you think I, Lin Han, don't know how to kill people?"    


Lin Han raised his voice as he placed his palm on Tang Ling's head.    


A rumbling sound was heard.    


Tang Ling's head fell onto the ground.    


Miserable screams rang out.    


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