Abandoned Youth

C124 The Prestige of the Prince of the Royal Family

C124 The Prestige of the Prince of the Royal Family

The outcome of Jinling Royal Family, especially Tianhai City, had never happened before. There had never been a company that dared to resist, or had the ability to do so.    


In this kind of situation, the Royal Yan Family had already contacted the various main channels of the medicine industry and began the pre-sale of the Evergreen Water.    


In other words, not only the Royal Yan Family but all the large medicine companies felt that the boss of Evergreen Company would sign the transfer contract.    


This was completely taking Lin Han for air.    


Direct neglect.    


The domineering attitude of the royal family was evident.    


"The Royal Yan Family is tyrannical indeed. Since I didn't even sign the contract, the Evergreen Water began to sell in advance. Even the money has entered their pockets."    


Lin Han got off the car and looked at the Hundred Spirit Hall. He couldn't help but laugh.    


"Mighty and domineering."    


Lei Ming nodded and also smiled.    


In the Hundred Spirit Hall building, there were about 200 black clothed bodyguards that could be seen everywhere.    


There was probably more hidden.    


"If I don't sign the contract, will I get sunk by the river?" Lin Han asked with a hint of ridicule.    


Who knew that Lin Han was joking like this? Lei Ming didn't even have time to speak.    


A man in a suit with a walkie-talkie in his hand downstairs couldn't help but laugh. "Kid, you're quite smart. You know what the Wang clan's heir is capable of."    


"Picking me up?"    


Lin Han looked at the man in front of him.    


I'm called Wu Jia, you can just call me Brother Jia. I didn't expect the boss of Evergreen to be a young man.    


Wu Jia looked Lin Han up and down.    


He seemed to be praising Lin Han for being sensible.    


It was like a teacher praising a student.    


"Brother Jia?" Lei Ming laughed.    


A watchdog of the Royal Yan Family was indeed arrogant.    


Asking Realm Master to call him brother?    


Lei Ming really wanted to see what expression this Brother Jia would have when he knows Realm Master's identity.    


"What, I'm older than him, what's the problem in him calling me brother?"    


Wu Jia raised his head and looked at Lin Han and Lei Ming condescendingly.    


Although he was only a watchman for the Royal Yan Family.    


However, under the name of Jinling Royal Family, in front of these so-called Tianhai City Entrepreneurs and Owners, he was a big shot.    


Who wouldn't give face?    




Lin Han smiled.    


He stretched out his hand to stop Lehman, who was about to make a move.    


"You're really young. If it wasn't for Young Master Yan waiting for you to sign the contract, I would have made you fall right now."    


Wu Jia looked at Lei Ming with disdain.    


"Young Master Yan, that owner of Evergreen Company has a good attitude. He's preparing to sign the contract."    


Wu Jia held the walkie-talkie and spoke. His attitude made it seem like he was being too lousy.    


"When you see Young Master Yan, you must be respectful. You can do whatever I tell you to. Do you understand?"    


Wu Jia reminded him again.    


Jinling Royal Family had a lot of etiquette.    


Now, he needed to beat him up in order to not let this young lad have no discernment and offend Young Master Yan.    


Wu Jia had this thought in his mind.    


Lin Han kept silent and didn't say anything.    


"It's alright if you're nervous. Jinling Royal Family is not something that ordinary people can casually see. Young Master Yan should feel honored to be able to personally see you."    


Wu Jia looked at the silent Lin Han. He thought he was frightened by the royal family's power and became nervous.    


"I thought that only the eunuchs of the ancient times were so talkative, but who knew that the royal servants were the same."    


Lei Ming said in embarrassment.    


These words enraged Wu Jia.    


In the past few days that he had come to Tianhai City, he had followed many important figures that had rarely appeared.    


This fellow had actually called him a eunuch.    




However, at this moment, the elevator reached the top floor.    


The door to the meeting room was opened.    


Wu Jia had to restrain himself.    


At the same time, he led Lin Han and Lei Ming into the meeting room.    


"Young Master, Evergreen Company Chairman Lin Han has arrived."    


Wu Jia respectfully bowed to the man at the head of the meeting room.    


The man who sat at the head of the Hundred Spirit Hall was the son of the Royal Yan Family, Yan Jue.    


"Didn't I teach you before? Hurry and kneel before my young master. "    


Wu Jia reminded Lin Han.    


"Ai!" "This is not Jinling, why would we need those complicated formalities …"    


Yan Jue waved his hand with a magnanimous look.    


It wasn't that he wanted to give Lin Han face, but that there were a lot of merchants and alligators present, and Yan Jue was the representative of Yan Family after all.    


This royal demeanor was also revealing the background of the Royal Family.    


"Young Master Yan has the demeanor of a king."    


"A brat that doesn't understand etiquette, compared to Yan Shao, is like the difference between heaven and earth. I wonder what kind of luck is this, to actually have obtained the Evergreen Water's medicine formula."    


"Perception, qualifications, magnanimity, just that, is it enough to manage Evergreen Company?"    


Yan Jue's words made all the pharmaceutical industry elites present start to praise him.    


At the same time, he criticized Lin Han's ignorance.    


"Student Lin Han, we meet again …"    


The one who spoke was Jian Hao.    


Last time at Evergreen Company, Lin Han cut off all kinds of business cooperation with Yuan Feng Pharmacy.    


Not only did Shen Qi break up with him, the family's elders also severely punished him.    


Fortunately, he was close to the Hundred Spirit Hall's thigh.    


"You know him?"    


Yan Jue asked.    


"Young Master Yan, this dog relied on its own company to monopolize the Evergreen Water and cut off all kinds of business cooperation between our Yuan Feng Corporation."    


Jian Hao respectfully bowed towards Yan Jue. However, his gaze when he looked at Lin Han was extremely resentful.    


"Brother Lin, you are too petty, if you want to do business you have to be friendly. Do you want to be friends?"    


Yan Jue stood up and walked towards Lin Han.    


"Friends are friends, business is business, if you care too much about people, you can't do business well. Young Master Yan should understand this better!"    


Lin Han smiled.    


"No wonder Brother Lin has such a young age and is able to control Evergreen Company. You have a deep understanding of the shopping mall!"    


Jian Hao laughed loudly.    


However, Jian Hao was annoyed: "Who do you think you are? It's already good enough that you didn't get to kneel down and reply, and you're still talking nonsense in front of Young Master Yan."    


"No problem, Brother Lin can do whatever you want. We can discuss the details of the contract and you can just sign it."    


Yan Jue waved his hand and returned to the main seat at the same time.    


These words were very polite, but the seats at the main table were all full.    


Only against the wall.    


In other words, what Yan Jue meant was that Lin Han didn't even give him the chance to understand the contract and was only a spectator.    


Once Yan Jue and the other major pharmaceutical companies had reached an agreement, he could just sign it.    


"This is pretty bullying."    


Lei Ming couldn't help but twitch his mouth.    


"Speaking of bullying, Mr. Lin is probably the one who bullies the most!" Relying on his power as the chairman of Evergreen Company, he caused a ruckus in the Tianhai University and expelled all of Lili. "    


The one who spoke was a white-skinned woman wearing a black silk uniform. She was tall and had a large wave coming from her body.    


His looks and Tianhai University were both around the same level as the four school beauties, and they had even become more mature.    


"We know each other?"    


Lin Han frowned.    


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