Almighty Conceited Sovereign

C1226 What luck!

C1226 What luck!

Yong Xing Ye and Ji Hua Tian laughed bitterly, they realized that Fang Shaobai had asked them "Are you ready?" and a layer of cold sweat had already appeared on their backs.    


Just like this, Fang Shaobai not being able to strike out with her palm, was actually already not important. This was because they already knew that they had already lost even before Fang Shaobai had struck out.    


However, since it was already decided, they couldn't possibly admit defeat before Fang Shaobai's palm strike landed. They could only grit their teeth and endure as much as they could as they focused all of their attention on the battle.    


Fang Shaobai made her move.    


"Heaven and Earth Divine Kingdom's Eternal Palm!"    


His hand speed was not fast.    


However, when the God Nation in his palm displayed its divine might, the world seemed to be filled with the will of the Heaven and Earth Divine Kingdom.    


Yong Xingye, Halberd Hua Tian and the other Chief Sovereigns among the twenty also exploded with their respective wills, consciously gathering into a large wills as they smashed towards Fang Shaobai.    


Unexpectedly, the strong will broke the moment it collided with Fang Shaobai's palm, and without any suspense, it broke apart, just like an egg smashing into a huge boulder. Whether it was an egg or a basket of eggs, there was no difference apart from breaking and shattering.    


The shattered will was immediately absorbed by the Heaven and Earth Divine Kingdom, turning into a will of all beings below the Heaven and Earth Divine Kingdom in an instant.    


It was only at this moment that the two great emperors, Yong Xing Ye and Ji Hua Tian, finally understood just how terrifying Fang Shaobai was. All the essence of the heaven and earth was contained in this palm strike. If this palm strike was ineffective, then there would be no point in sending out the second and third palm strikes.    


However, could there really be someone who could withstand this palm strike?    


Yong Xingye, Ji Hua Tian and the others questioned themselves, but their answers were surprisingly the same. Other than the Master of the Great Thousand, there was no one else in Xuanhuang Continent who could match Fang Shaobai.    


However, what truly shocked Yong Xingye and Ji Hua Tian was yet to come.    


Just as the thousand overlords of the twenty were about to transform into the Heaven and Earth Divine Kingdom s, the will of the Heaven and Earth Divine Kingdom had also turned into a monstrous wave that entered their world.    


In an instant, they felt like their world was being controlled by the Heaven and Earth Divine Kingdom, and everything became a part of the Heaven and Earth Divine Kingdom.    


Just then, Fang Shaobai's cultivation increased at an astonishing rate. The momentum was extremely terrifying.    


After the five nations became one, Fang Shaobai's cultivation had already reached over three hundred intermediate thousand, and once she had subdued Yong Xingye and the other two thousand overlords, everything would return to the Heaven and Earth Divine Kingdom. Fang Shaobai's cultivation began to soar, and in just a short while, she had already broken through the boundary of one thousand and one thousand, and easily broke through, as though there was no shackles at all.    


"The world has evolved, civilization has returned to one."    


Fang Shaobai suddenly bellowed, the aura of her cultivation suddenly changed, and directly converted more than one thousand of the thousand civilizations into a thousand different civilizations in an even more terrifying and grandiose manner. This meant that Fang Shaobai had already been promoted to Master of the Great Thousand.    


The thousand Chief Sovereigns were all stunned.    


Why did so many people rush into the door? What was their goal, wasn't it to raise their strength and level up to Master of the Great Thousand?    


But how could it be so easy to become a Master of the Great Thousand? In this world, the only person who could directly annex another world's civilization was Fang Shaobai. The other people all needed to rely on a large amount of time to slowly comprehend it.    


Otherwise, he would have to obtain a special skill, which would be bestowed by the Mystical Yellow Will. The Mystical Yellow Will would be able to grant him something called the Mystical Yellow Merit, which would be able to increase his cultivation speed as long as he integrated it with his inner world.    


How many people would be able to achieve such a miraculous feat?    


But for Fang Shaobai, she only needed to make them, the almighty masters, submit, and effortlessly created a civilization for the Heaven and Earth Divine Kingdom, then easily promoted it to Master of the Great Thousand.    


If one were to ask, with how powerful the Heaven and Earth Divine Kingdom was, who in the world could resist it?    


If Fang Shaobai was given enough time, the entire Xuanhuang Continent would probably belong to the Heaven and Earth Divine Kingdom, and even if it was the Mystical Yellow Will or Divine State Will, she would still be a will of all beings. At that time, how strong would Fang Shaobai be?    


And after that?    


What would happen when Fang Shaobai descended upon the Great Chaotic Divine Continent with the aura of a ruler descending from the heavens?    


The legendary Eternal Ruler was nothing more than this …    


At this moment, Yong Xingye and Halberd Hua Tian were convinced from the bottom of their hearts, and they did not feel that it was funny that they did not try to borrow Great Void Emperor from the beginning to deal with Fang Shaobai. The Great Void Emperor and the Lord of the Heaven and Earth were on completely different levels.    


After being promoted to Master of the Great Thousand, Fang Shaobai heaved a sigh of relief. With Master of the Great Thousand's cultivation and the will of the Heaven and Earth Divine Kingdom, he finally had some confidence in facing danger.    


However, this was not enough.    


The more he got to the realm of Master of the Great Thousand, the more he realized how huge the gap in cultivation was between Master of the Great Thousand and him, even if there was a huge gap of one thousand cultivation points. Although the will of the Heaven and Earth Divine Kingdom was strong and could make up for some of the deficiencies in cultivation, it was still impossible to make up for the differences in cultivation levels that were tens, or even hundreds, of thousands.    


According to Fang Shaobai's judgement, with a thousand years of cultivation combined with the will of the Heaven and Earth Divine Kingdom, unleashing the "Heaven and Earth Divine Kingdom's Eternal Palm" to fight against the top ten thousand rankers would already be her limit. Even if he were slightly stronger, he would still be suppressed, and even her Heaven and Earth Divine Kingdom would be smashed to pieces.    


Therefore, now was not the time to lower his guard against others. On the contrary, he needed to be more low-key.    


With his level of cultivation, it was more likely for him to cause huge waves, and with just the slightest bit of carelessness, he would attract the incomparably tyrannical Master of the Great Thousand s, bringing about a destructive attack on him.    


Therefore, Fang Shaobai pondered for a moment, and decided not to channel the will of the Heaven and Earth Divine Kingdom into the Star Night Empire and the Hua Tian Empire for the time being. She still allowed Yong Xingye and Ji Hua Tian, as emperors of the two empires, to appear to strike at the Heaven and Earth dynasties. The Heaven and Earth dynasties could also show their weakness in order to confuse the enemies.    


He took this opportunity to secretly subdue more empires and use all sorts of s to build up a huge civilization, doing his best to raise his cultivation level.    


At this moment, Yong Xingye and Ji Hua Tian were completely subdued, and wouldn't rebel in the slightest. Knowing Fang Shaobai's plan, they naturally cooperated fully. After Fang Shaobai quietly left, he quickly went all out to deal with the Heaven and Earth Empire. In secret, they contacted the surrounding emperors, using the excuse of joining forces to fight against the enemy to gather those emperors.    


From their point of view, these emperors and their experts were all fertilizer from the Heaven and Earth Divine Kingdom. If they could gather as much as possible and notify Fang Shaobai to come and suppress them, they would be able to take down many empires and raise their cultivation.    


In the southwest region not far from the river boundary, a dynasty called the Great Void was seated there. The Great Void Emperor's Great Void Master was known for suppressing the will of the dynasty with his nine hundred and sixty-eight thousand cultivation bases.    


With the Great Void Empire as the center, many other empires in all directions were struggling under the pressure of the Great Void Empire.    


On this day.    


The Great Void Emperor had just led a group of officials to kill a group of experts from the God Realm who were secretly crossing the river.    


In front of the palace, a banquet was specially arranged to reward the major leaders and generals. If there is merit, there must be rewards. If there is punishment, the Great Void Emperor has her own methods of emperors.    


The fragrance of fine wine and delicious food wafted through the air, accompanied by the beautiful woman.    


A middle-aged man who was holding two women and chatting with a muscular man dressed in gold suddenly said, "Brother Kuang Ying, I just heard from one of my subordinates that in this region near the Black Yellow Holy Mountain, a new one called the Heaven and Earth Empire has appeared. The situation is very good."    


As he spoke, the middle-aged man's mouth revealed a trace of disdain and ridicule. In his opinion, whatever it was that had a strong limelight and an imposing manner that could pierce the sky, it was all fake. The truly powerful dynasties were all near the Boundary River.    


If it wasn't for the fact that the empires with true strength couldn't take over the territories near the river, it would be difficult for them to fight directly with the empires in the west side of the Divine State camp. There was no chance for them to earn merits.    


The golden-robed man was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "I didn't expect you to hear that too. Hmm, not bad. I've also heard of this Heaven and Earth Empire. I heard that the previous dynasty was the Great Wei Empire, and the pitifully weak one was supported by a thousand year old ruler who only had a cultivation of twenty thousand. It was this Great Mighty Emperor who wanted to capture some experts to serve as his subordinates. In the end, he kicked an iron wall and even lost to the Great Wei Empire. That area could be considered to have created quite a big commotion …    


"Haha, what big trouble." Didn't the four empires hear that the Emperor of the Sky and Earth Empire couldn't stand it any longer? They surrounded and attacked him, but in the end, he lost as well? I think the Sky Empire is about to be done for. I heard that Xing Ye and the Sky Empire have teamed up and formed a group of people to deal with the Sky and Earth Empire.    


"Hahaha, that's true. It would be strange if there were experts in that place!"    


Just as the two were chatting happily, an authoritative voice suddenly interjected: "Hmm? Mad Shadow, Mo Hai, you two don't have to be joking. Tell me the information about the Sky and Earth dynasty. "    


Hearing that, the two of them turned to look at Great Void Emperor. The two did not dare to be negligent and hurriedly reported the news that they had heard.    


After the Great Void Emperor heard this, he was silent for a moment, "So that's how it is. Since the Heaven and Earth Empire swallows the heavens with their words, then it doesn't mean they don't have the strength to do so. To be able to subvert five empires in one go and unify five empires without any problems, the will of the Emperor of the Heavens and Earth was not weak either. Just like this, Kuang Ying, Mo Hai, and the others made a trip and passed down an imperial edict to that Heaven and Earth Emperor, telling him to come and meet this emperor. This Emperor wants to see who he is. If that's not bad, then this Emperor might as well support him. "    


Kuang Ying and Mo Hai's expressions immediately turned solemn as they agreed. They looked at each other, and there was a strange look in their eyes. Damn, that Heaven and Earth Emperor really had some dog shit luck. They were just chatting, but they actually got him interested in the Great Void Emperor.    


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